i know there have been quite a few of these posted in the last five years, and i even posted one myself as i tried to quit 2 years back and failed 4 days into the attempt, but i did have a couple questions about quitting in the long term. plus its always great to read about other people who have done it.

i didnt want to waste anyone's time again, so this time around i waited a bit before making a thread like this. april 4th will make 6 months since i quit (5 without a single drag ... screwed up here and there during my first month). about 3 months into it i finally thought i had it beat completely. then out of no where there are cravings again. not intense nicotine carvings like when you first quit, but a fond remembrance of blissfully killing myself drag by drag. very fond. i even dreamed about smoking the past 3 nights. i also catch myself occasionally thinking, "meh ... its been so long now you could have a cigarette without becoming a full on smoker again." i know that's retarded, and that i eventually would be smoking on the regular again, but it doesn't stop me from thinking it sometimes. keep in mind i haven't had a beer or anything in 3 months either. plus i didn't quit drinking during the first 3 months i quit smoking and still managed.

so i was wondering ... is this normal .... just another phase of becoming a non smoker? the phase where you start to think you got it beat so well that you could be a casual smoker? if it is does it eventually go away?

it sucks .... i was finally at the point where i'd see someone smoking and i'd feel sorry for them instead of myself. now i'm looking at them with envy again. don't get me wrong .... i got a list about a mile long of reasons not to smoke ... but you only need one to quit quitting.