Hello I am Joseph Saladino owner of the world renown LawEnforcement.com I am a fellow martial artist on Long Island, New York and a representative of the Martial Arts History Museum.

This will be the first brick and mortar Museum located in Los Angeles California with a grand opening scheduled for 2006. I have visited your website and I am asking for you to please kindly assist us all in making this Museum a reality for our future generations to come.

1) Are you interested in signing up as a Museum member for $50. The Museum is a not for profit organization and your donation and membership is tax deductible. You will receive a variety of benefits to include a lovely t-shirt with the Museum logo on it and Museum Identification. We will also list your name or martial arts school on the Museum website at: http://www.martialartsmuseum.com/Mem...eummembers.htm for the entire world to see. I personally donated to the Museum not for the benefits in return but to support the mission. If you don't wish to donate at this time can you please

2) If possible can you add the museum banner logo above to your website and please link it to: http://www.martialartsmuseum.com ?

If you can kindly reply to this email with your interests it would be greatly appreciated. I would love to see that you support the perspective Museum and that you are included in the Museum so that our future generations remember all of the hard work and dedication that you and others as well as I have put forth.

Can I please have your support for the Museum?

Very Truly Yours,

Joseph Saladino


Martial Arts History Museum plans For 2006 Grand Opening
In 1999, the Martial Arts History Museum project began. First, an official Martial Arts Hall of Fame was created to launch the museum. The museum was a brainchild of kung fu pioneer Michael Matsuda.
"I felt that we were losing our history, our traditions. I felt that the martial arts, which in some cases are thousands of years old, should have a museum to keep our history alive," notes Matsuda. "In the last 50 years, the martial arts has made a dramatic impact on America and the world. Many of these pioneers are still alive, but all will be forgotten if we don't do something to preserve our history."
Our goal is to create and launch the museum in 2006. We are working closely with the City of Los Angeles to secure a location on Wilshire Blvd., on Museum Row and this looks like its going to happen.
The Martial Arts History Museum is not a "who's who of the martial arts" but it is an accurate accounting of the history of the martial arts and those pioneers who have contributed to the spread of the arts. It will have tons of artifacts including uniforms, weapons, shields, championship belts, trophies, hitting pads, Chinese dragons, drums, utensils, mats, all that is involved in the martial arts. It will also have a variety of section on martial arts in the media, films, cartoons, etc. In addition, the museum will have a variety of exhibit every few months focusing on kickboxing, Ed Parker's system, the UFC, the tournament champions, etc.
"The goal of the museum is to focus on the history, but have enough exhibits to include everything about the martial arts so nearly everyone has their artifacts in the museum at one time or another," adds Matsuda.
One of the main areas is the official Martial Arts Hall of Fame. This will be a huge wall to will be updated each year. The nominees and inductees are selected by the Hall of Famers themselves in a huge voting process.
Each year, the museum holds the Hall of Fame Ceremony in Los Angeles as 10 new individuals are inducted into the official Hall of Fame.
The Martial Arts History Museum is a non-profit organization and all donations and Museum Memberships are tax-deductible.
We ask for your support in creating the museum by making a donation.

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