I was gonna ttt my old blog from the main forum, which I think had over 30 pages, but since we had the forum move, it's been archived and I can't get to it. I figure since everyone else is blogging now, I will too.

I'll start with last night:


I had some meetings during lunch, so I skipped out on the gym. In thai boxing, we covered traditional stuff, as opposed to the sport aspect, which we normally cover. Afterward, I put on the gloves with a training buddy there and did the following:

2 rounds straight shadowboxing

2 rounds pad drills

2 rouns of kicks on the heavybag

1 round of interval punching - 15 seconds slowly, followed by 15 seconds of punching as fast as I could

1 round of power shots - no jabs - each strike was donw as powerfully as I could

1 round of jabs only

1 round of jab/cross combos

I have alot of bag and shadowboxing routines that I do, each to work different aspects of my game. I'll post them and go into more detail as the days go by. All in all, last night was a pretty light night.