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Thread: You be the teacher, please.

  1. #1
    charles Guest

    You be the teacher, please.

    Please help me. I am a Blackbelt in Taekwondo without a VingTsun Instructor in the Beaumont, TX area. I have 15 books on
    VT and a Randy Williams video. I know the first form and have made a dummy from PVC.
    I try to incorporate VT principles into my TKD sparring. I would appreciate any ideas
    or opinions about what I should be studying
    until I can find a teacher.
    Your humble student.

  2. #2
    For an example of what to study, here is
    Augustine FongÂ’s Wing Chun Curriculum

    Frist Year

    (Siu Lim Tau)

    1 Yee Gee Kim Yeung Ma

    2 Chair Kuen - (pulling punch)

    3 Iron Palm and Wall Bag

    4 Siu Lim Tau Form in 3 Parts

    1 Part 1 of Siu Lim Tau

    2 Part 2 of Siu Lim Tau

    3 Part 3 of Siu Lim Tau

    5 Wing Chun Chi Gung Exercises

    6 Single Man Techniques in the Air (3 repeated moves from Jeong Sau, and back to Jeong Sau)

    1 Tan Da Gaan da (4 gate punching)

    2 Da'm Jong (5 elbows)

    3 Bue Sau (shooting fingers)

    4 Fak Sau (cutting up hand)

    5 Bong Sau (wing block)

    6 Hoi Kwan Sau (outside rolling hands)

    7 Ngoi Kwan Sau (inside rolling hands)

    8 Tan Pak Sau (both hands side block)

    9 Jut Wu Sau ( double snapping)

    10 Ding Haan Sau (up and down long bridge hand)

    11 Lop Da Sau (grabbing punch)

    12 Jut Da Sau ( snapping punch)

    13 Pak da (pushing punch)

    14 Gaan Jaam Sau (protection of upper gate block)

    7 Moving single man techniques from first level with 5 basic stances

    8 Chi Sau

    1 Chi Dan Sau (basic single sticky hands)

    2 Chi Seung Sau ( double sticky hands motion)

    a. Ngoi Moon (inside gate)

    b. Hoi Moon (outside gate)

    c. Chi Sau or Poon Sau (regular motion)

    d. Bong an Chi Sau (blindfold motion)

    9 Lop Sau ( grabbing hand motion)

    10 5 Basic Stances

    1 Chor ma (turning stance)

    2 Seung Ma or Bue Ma (forwarding stance)

    3 Toi Ma or Sayi ma (deflecting stance)

    4 Tor Ma , Bik ma or bik bo (chasing stance)

    5 Sip ma (3 angle stance)

    5 Combination Stances

    1 Seung Gok ma (forward bracing)

    2 Toi Gok ma (backward bracing)

    3 Ngoi Chiu Ying ma ( inside facing)

    4 Hoi Chiu Ying ma (outside facing)

    5 Juen ma (180 degree turn)

    11 Double Man Techniques

    (one is doing the technique while the other is doing the punch)

    1 Pak

    2 Tan

    3 Bue

    4 Jut

    5 Bong

    6 Lop

    7 Wu

    8 Kau

    9 Huen

    10 Pau

    11 Ding

    12 Haan

    13 Jaam

    14 Fak

    15 Tan/Pak/Lop

    16 Bong/Lop/Pak

    17 Bue/Jut/Wu

    18 Ding/Haan/Outside Jut

    19 Kau/Gaan/Jaam

    20 Huen/Pak/Lop

    21 Fak/Jaam/ Wu

    22 Jaam/Wu/Pak

    23 Tan/Bong/Fok

    24 Jut/Bue/Jaam

    25 Lop-Da/Jip/Bong-Lop

    (Both Partners Are Doing the Same Technique from the Single Man Techniques)

    1 Gaan Sau (8 Blocks)

    2 5 Block with Palms

    3 Seung Jing Bok and Wang Bok ( front and side shoulders)

    4 Tan Da Gaan da (4 gate punching)

    5 Bue Sau (shooting fingers)

    6 Kuen Siu Kuen ( punch to punch )

    7 Bong Sau (wing block)

    8 Hoi Kwan Sau (outside rolling hands)

    9 Ngoi Kwan Sau (inside rolling hands)

    10 Tan Pak Sau (both hands side block)

    11 Lop Da Sau (grabbing punch)

    12 Jut Da Sau ( snapping punch)

    13 Pak da (pushing punch)

    14 Gaan Jaam Sau (protection of upper gate block)

    12 Reacting San Sau ( One partner initiates the Pak Da or Lop Da into the other Jong Sau ,the other partner uses the San Sau techniques to counter back. )

    1 Tan

    2 Pak

    3 Wu

    4 Bong

    13 Leg Development

    1 Jing Dok Lop ma (front single leg)

    2 Wang Dok Lop ma (side single leg)

    3 Jing/Wang Dang Gurk (slow nailing front and side kick)

    4 Jing/Wang Tai Gurk (slow front and side raising kick)

    5 Gaan Gurk (5 Leg Blocks) Soo, Bong, Gaan, Pak Sut, Wu Sut

    6 Yin/Yang Rotation of Kicking (Front Kick up/ Down, Side Kick up/Down)

    7 Jing Gurk Jut Gurk

    8 Pak Gurk in Air

    9 Wu Gurk in Air

    10 Bong Gurk Chai Gurk

    11 Huen Jing Gurk

    12 Huen Wang Gurk

    13 Tiu Chai Gurk

    14 Tiu Dang Gurk

    14 Theories:

    1 The Tao of a Gung Fu man

    2 The qualifications of a Gung Fu man

    3 The rules of the Fong's Wing Chun Gung Fu Federation

    4 Know why and how to do yee gee kim yeung ma & pyramid stance

    5 Know history of Wing Chun

    6 Know greeting system of titles

    7 Know the principle behind the motions- how to do and why you do it

    8 Know internal/external structure of Wing Chun system

    9 Principles of Siu Lim Tau mental training

    10 Principles of Siu Lim Tau motions

    11 Know principle of flowing motion

    12 Know principle of combining techniques

    13 Know the 3 mother families tan/bong/fok and how to categorizetechniques into them

    14 Know principle of technique and development

    15 Know principle of power and development

    16 Basic principle of street survival


    Second Year

    (Chum Kiu)

    1 Demonstrate Wing Chun Second Form Chum Kiu

    1 Part 1 of Chum Kiu

    2 Part 2 of Chum Kiu

    3 Part 3 of Chum Kiu

    2 Apply each technique in the Chum Kiu form at least one way

    3 Dan Chi Sau

    1 basic 4 attacks

    a. Regular

    b. Inside Whip

    c. Outside Whip

    d. Outside Jut da

    2 Gor Dan Chi Sau (attacks in single sticky hands)

    4 Chi Sau

    1 Leg Dim Ji Gok Chi Sau (light sticky hands)

    2 Look Sau (heavy sticky hands )

    3 Ngor Sau (moving sticky hands)

    4 Chi Sau Lop Sau

    5 Sin Wai Chi Sau (regaining the line)

    6 Gor Sau with flowing attacks

    7 Changing in Poon Sau ( outside and inside gate)

    8 Gor Sau 4 attacks

    a. Jing Jung Kuen ( Straight Punch )

    b. Jing Jeong ( Straight Palm )

    c. Pak Da ( Push Punch )

    d. Lop Da ( Grabbing punch )

    9 Tan, Bong Fok - 3 family blocks for each of 4 basic attacks in Chi Sau
    Â* Tan Bong Fok
    Jing Jung Kuen Tan Bong Por Jung
    Jing Jeong Jut Jaam/Wu Kau
    Pak Da Kwan Bong Por Jung
    Lop Da Kwan Bong Lop/Pak


    5 Lop Sau

    1. 4 Basic Attacks

    a. Bue

    b. Pak

    c. Soo ( Dai Jeong)

    d. Gum

    2 Gor Lop Sau with 4 basic attacks

    3 Ma Bou Lop San

    4 Chasing Faan Sau

    6 Two hand block with 8 basic blocks

    7 San Sau with kicks

    8 Flowing single man techniques with stances

    9 Man Sau (asking hands)

    1 Pak Da

    2 Double Pak Da

    3 Pak Lop Da

    4 Tan Fok Da

    10 Double men exercises

    1 using the 4 San Sau drills to form the exercises

    2 using the 4 Lop Sau drills to form the exercises

    3 using the 4 Man Sau drills to form the exercises

    11 Slow sparring with Man Sau, Lop Sau and San Sau

    12 Ma Bo Jou Wai - Combining Stances

    13 Wing Chun 8 Kicks :

    1 Jing Gurk ( Front Kick )

    2 Wang Gurk ( Side Kick )

    3 Tiu Gurk ( Instep Kick )

    4 Soo Gurk ( Sweep Kick )

    5 Jut Gurk ( Snapping Kick )

    6 Chai Gurk ( Scrapping Kick )

    7 Dang Gurk ( Nailing Kick )

    8 Deng Sut ( Raising Knee )

    14 Wing Chun 8 Kicks Principle :

    1 Deng ( Raising )

    2 Dang ( Nailing )

    3 Soo ( Sweeping )

    4 Tui ( Jumping )

    5 Chai ( Scrapping )

    6 Huen ( Circling )

    7 Jut ( Snapping Down )

    8 Tiu ( Snapping up )

    15 Combination of Kicks :

    1 Bue Sau Jing Gurk

    2 Fak Sau Wang Gurk

    3 Lop Sau Dai Jing Gurk

    4 Outside Kwan, Dai Wang Gurk

    16 Theories :

    1 Principle of Chum Kiu

    2 Principle and Theory of Line

    3 Principle and Theory of Timing

    4 Principle of Structure

    5 Principle of Emptiness / Quietness / Sinking / Softness


    Third Year

    (Mok Yang Jong)


    1 Demonstrate first half of Mok Jong

    2 Application of each motion of first half, at least one motion

    3 Chi Sau

    1 8 ways of flowing power in sticky hand

    2 Lut Sau Chi Sau- closing the gap

    3 Lay Wai Chi Sau - leaving the gap in sticky hands

    4 Hung Jai Chi Sau - controlling hands

    5 Joi Ying Chi Sau -chasing the shadow in gor sau

    4 Breaking timing in lop sau in 4 basic attacks

    1 Bue

    2 Pak

    3 Soo

    4 Gum

    5 Breaking timing in san sau in 4 basic attacks

    1 Tan

    2 Pak

    3 Bong

    4 Wu

    6 Breaking timing in man sau in 4 basic attacks

    1 Pak Da

    2 Double Pak Da

    3 Tan Fok Da

    4 Pak Lop Da

    7 Chi Sau

    1 Sitting Chi Sau

    2 Ground Chi Sau

    8 Creation of flowing techniques

    1 Combination of all single and double men techniques

    2 Knowing the principles of creating a flowing technique

    9. 3 kicks on ground-

    1 Day har jing gurk

    2 Day har wang gurk

    3 Day har tiu gurk

    10 Chi dan gurk - single sticky legs

    11 Chi seung gurk - double sticky legs

    12 Sor gurk - leg trapping

    13 Bei gurk - leg ducking

    14 Blocking kicks in hand gate

    15 Slow hand sparring with flowing techniques

    16 Mui fa jong exercise - plum flower stances

    17 Joi ying - follow the shadow with stances

    18 Demonstrate 6 and half point pole

    19 Pole single man exercises-

    1 Bue gwan

    2 Tiu tan gwan

    3 Huen bue gwan

    4 Lan bue gwan

    5 Gan bue gwan

    6 Soo bue gwan

    7 Haan bue gwan

    8 Tan fok gwan

    9 Pak fok gwan

    20 Theories:

    1 Principle of the 8 ways

    2 Principle of the 8 kinds of power

    3 Principle of dummy and pole

    4 Principle of plum flower

    5 Principle of creating techniques flow


    Fourth Year

    ( Bue Gee )

    1 Bue Gee Form

    1 First half of Bue Gee Form

    2 Second half of Bue Gee Form

    2 Application of each motion of Bue Gee form in Chi Sau

    3 Demonstrate Second Part of Dummy

    4 Demonstrate the Bat Jaam Do and know the 8 Sections

    5 Chi Sau

    1 Sam Yan Chi Dan Sau (single 3 man sticky hands)

    2 Sam Yan Chi Seung Chi Sau ( double 3 man sticky hands)

    3 Sam Yan Lop Sau

    6 Toi Dit Chi Sau (take down chi sau)

    7 Kum La Chi Sau ( joint locking chi sau)

    8 Chi Sau Chi Gurk (sticky hands and legs)

    9 Man Sau Chi Sau

    10 Application of 8 kinds of Power in Chi Sau

    11 8 Families

    1 Punch

    2 Palms

    3 Kicks

    4 Elbows

    5 Stances

    6 Methods

    7 Shapes

    8 Fingers

    9 Knees

    10 Legs

    11 Blocks

    12 Power

    13 Timing

    14 Hands of each family -tan, bong, fok

    12 Ji Yau Bok Gek (free sparring with hands and legs)

    13 Day Har Bok Gek (ground fighting)

    14 Chi Gwan (sticky pole)

    15 Chi Do (sticky knives)

    16 Know 108 Motions on the Dummy and the 8 Sections

    17 Know 108 Motions on the Sui Lim Tau Form

    18 Know 108 Motions on the Chum Kiu Form

    19 Know 108 Motions on the Bue Gee Form

    20 8 Kicks on the Dummy

    21 Refine Whole System

    22 Theories:

    1 Principle of Dummy-- how and why to do each motion

    2 Know How to Make Your Own Dummy

    3 Principle of Bot Jaam Do

    4 Principle of Street Fighting

    5 36 Strategies of Wing Chun

    6 Principles of Bue Gee

    7 Principles of Circle Lines

    8 Principles of Take down and Trapping

    9 Principles of 8 Kicks Application

    10 Principles of Ground Fighting

    11 13 Principles of Wing Chun

    Optional Subject

    (continuing education )

    1 Learn Healing of Injuries ( dit dar healing )

    2 Learn School Operation

    3 Learn How to Organize and conduct Seminars

    4 Give Lectures on Wing Chun

    5 Practice spiritual development

  3. #3
    Begging Mantis Guest
    Hey Charles email me privately please at

    I might be able to help you a little.

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