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Thread: Attn: GeneChing

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Samuel was very helpful to us

    I don't really spend much time on other forums (this one keeps me busy enough) so I can't really comment on Bullshido. But Samuel's assistence in helping us clear the air about the Bannon situation has been extremely helpful. Obviously, it's a very embarassing situation for us. We are seeking restitution from Bannon and Samuel was very gracious to provide us with the legal contacts to pursue action. I can't thank Samuel enough for his work here.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #32

    Talking To Clarify

    Dear Rudy:

    It was a team effort. We had approximately a dozen volunteers working on the Bannon project at one time or another. This would include people like Lazy Tiger, Kickcatcher, Wounded Ronin, Samarai Steve, Gringo Grande, and Asia.

    Bannon was arrested because the Colorado Bureau of Investigation heeded an Interpol notice and then executed a "sting". Previously on Bullshido I've said that we did not provide the information that went into his arrest warrant.

    We did play a role in forcing Bannon to pled out to criminal impersonation.

    1) I provided a lot of information to Charlie Brennan of the Rocky Mountain News who then used some of my leads to uncover information that further damaged Bannon's case. This information was incorporated into two articles that were published in late February.

    2) I, and my French Investigator were disclosed as witnesses to the defense which was also provided with a copy of my Bannon article as part of discovery. Did this cause them to cave? I can't say for sure but it meant that Bannon's attorney could not simply take this case to trial and blame everything on Interpol.

    3) If it had not been for the Bullshido article and Mr. Brennan's articles Bannon would be able to control the information concerning what happened in court. This means that within a year or so, he would have been making up new stories about what happened in his court case in Colorado. Bullshido has helped put enough information into the public eye (including reprinting copies of Bannon's arrest warrant) that whenever Bannon reappears again, a simple name search will reveal the truth about this individual.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    Great, now go find Osama.

    I would reply to you on BLSDO, but I've been ghosted so no one sees my posts.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Samuel Browning
    Bullshido has helped put enough information into the public eye (including reprinting copies of Bannon's arrest warrant) that whenever Bannon reappears again, a simple name search will reveal the truth about this individual.

    We'll see.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by SifuAbel
    We'll see.
    When you generate your own investigations I'll take your complaints about mine seriously.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    Pft, So what amounts to the National Inquirer got one. Wow, throw a parade.

    Sorry to poo on the fanfair . But you guys were no more than the picadores. You didn't kill the bull.

    You are an actual lawyer? What a waste............

  7. #37

    Aw Rudy

    We drew blood but yes we don't have arrest powers, unlike the CBI.

    And Rudy, you are working on which investigations again?

    And if my Bannon article is like the articles in the National Enquirer, I'm sure you will do us the favor of pointing out where my factual errors are. Can't specify any? Then you're being a blowhard and a windbag.

    You can insult my product but until you actually generate such content over at your site you're just flinging poo, to use your own word.
    Last edited by Samuel Browning; 05-02-2006 at 10:16 AM.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    ROFLMAO!! Besides this one moment. Bullshido has no "content". On the whole , its credibility is in the toilet. With a few exceptions, Its a bunch of lame brains having a back patting party. Your site is tainted with yellow Journalism, witchhunts, ignorance, and wallowing in teen juice. You really want to be this "investigative force in MA"? Drop those losers and make your own site.

    You wouldn't even have had the luck to poke him with your stick at all if not for his arrest. Otherwise, it would be just more interblab. Just more stuff that won't be read by 11 out of 12 thousand members that have left in disgust.

    But hey, as to your personal efforts. Not a bad job , really. Bravo. Good job. Pat on the back. Have a cigar. Savor it.

    I'm not going waste my time "investigating" anyone. What for?!?!? They just creep back in with a new angle, like roaches. Ninja, please. I'll leave the tabloid mucking around in the filth to you and yours.

    And the "until you do it" logic won't wash now. The reverse is true over there for many things. Many over there barely "do" anything and still talk trash.

  9. #39

    There you go again :)

    In regards to content you're ignoring a number of our current threads such as the Fang Shen Do thread, the Christopher Geary thread, and the Bryce Dallas thread just for starters.

    Incidently I have posted very little on the FSD thread and the BD thread so there are obviously people other then myself generating content on Bullshido. See Stringfellow for example.

    The Bannon article was helped by the arrest warrant, but it was not dependant upon it.

    The problem you face is that TMA does not want to do investigations,* yet it is not generating much if any other content. (Video Clips, articles, product reviews, etc) When you do create content you will be able to put aside your dislike of Bullshido and actually may have an impact in the martial arts community. But until then you're just talking among yourselves.

    *based on your comments here.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    This makes me laugh most of all. "Talking amongst yourselves." This is hilarious since a good portion of those people are bullshido members seeking content. BLDO is an episode of *******. A lot of the people that are talking amognst themselves are high ranking MA people unlike what you have as the majority over there. We got Ronin , you got...........Osirus. bwahahahahaha

    As for the "investigation" they will come to nothing, as usual.

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by SifuAbel
    This makes me laugh most of all. "Talking amongst yourselves." This is hilarious since a good portion of those people are bullshido members seeking content. BLDO is an episode of *******. A lot of the people that are talking amognst themselves are high ranking MA people unlike what you have as the majority over there. We got Ronin , you got...........Osirus. bwahahahahaha

    As for the "investigation" they will come to nothing, as usual.
    You referred to a single investigation and we have multiple ones going forward as you pontificate. You should really read the Stringfellow article sometime its a wonderful contribution on FSD and we're getting feedback from some people who are in the process of leaving these schools. That's an accomplishment.

    Or go to the Bryce Dallas thread and see the text of the court decision denying his request to reopen his guitly plea on his last criminal conviction. This is the first time such information has been reproduced on a public venue.

    The last time I visited TMA I was struck by the fact that the lively section of your board seemed to be JFS flirting with someone called PITD. That's their perogative but its not exactly Martial Arts related content.

    I like Ronin, CT and Peter H a lot, but in the content production department you guys seem at a standstill. Why not do something about it instead about *****ing about Bullshido? Oh, thats right, that seems to be your [Rudy's] purpose in internet life. Its hard to generate a distinct identity when you spend your time defining how your not like us, rather then who you are on your own.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    Yes, yes, you got a couple good threads that make the other 99% of the hogwash on that site credible. Yes, please, do go on.

    These investigations have little to do with you. You are trying to make yourslves out to be this force when in reality you are nothing more than a sounding board. You've heard from FSD students who were leaving anyways. You reprinted a court document concerning a persons criminal conviction. hardly news , really.

    BTW, why do you keep referring to TMA? Its not my site. I don't have much to do with them, In the past I have caught many of your cronies surfing it. Ask them about it. It obvious, you've only read it when it started.

    Speaking of JFS, how do you justify that yellow journalistic witch hunt? You(the staff, collectively) turned a misunderstanding into the spanish inquisition. Taking posts out of context, spinning facts to fit a convenient mold. And, ticking off members in the process that viewed this as such, a witch hunt. Also, It pretty cowardly to put me on global ignore instead of just banning me.

    Or, on another note, how do you justify anti semetic and racist humor as being "O.K."?

    Plenty of stuff to point out. But i need not continue since most here already know.
    Last edited by SifuAbel; 05-04-2006 at 12:06 PM.

  13. #43

    What a wonderful discussion. :)

    Quote Originally Posted by SifuAbel
    Yes, yes, you got a couple good threads that make the other 99% of the hogwash on that site credible. Yes, please, do go on.

    These investigations have little to do with you. You are trying to make yourslves out to be this force when in reality you are nothing more than a sounding board. You've heard from FSD students who were leaving anyways. You reprinted a court document concerning a persons criminal conviction. hardly news , really.

    BTW, why do you keep referring to TMA? Its not my site. I don't have much to do with them, In the past I have caught many of your cronies surfing it. Ask them about it. It obvious, you've only read it when it started.

    Speaking of JFS, how do you justify that yellow journalistic witch hunt? You(the staff, collectively) turned a misunderstanding into the spanish inquisition. Taking posts out of context, spinning facts to fit a convenient mold. And, ticking off members in the process that viewed this as such, a witch hunt. Also, It pretty cowardly to put me on global ignore instead of just banning me.

    Or, on another note, how do you justify anti semetic and racist humor as being "O.K."?

    Plenty of stuff to point out. But i need not continue since most here already know.
    Err Rudy, didn't I mention last page that I had little to do with the FSD thread or the Bryce Dallas thead to make the point that it wasn't just myself generating content? Now you "discover" that I had little to do with these threads as part of your argument. You're not to swift are you? And if you read that thread you would notice that the group of people there are posting content like former, contradictory FSD yellow page advertisements.

    As far as good quality posts go, I disagree with your 99% figure, go look at our armory section sometime. I'd say over 50% of the posts in this section are good, substantive posts.

    TMA came up because you advertise it in your signature, have about 700 posts there since January, and wrote some of their stickies. Were you a staff member there at one time? I remember reading correspondence between you and Dijimbe. I assume he wasn't writing you for no reason.

    As far as JFS goes this episode was concluded here the issue was whether he was teaching grappling at a seminar. Notice that this was a location specially set up for only he and Anthony to argue, he walked off the thread and hasn't returned. And my lively comment is current, I was over there this week any if anything they're generating a higher number of flirt posts and threads then a month ago.

    I don't justify racist or anti-semetic posting, if you look at our ban list we've banned for the former. However because we believe in lightly moderated conversation people have posted comments that have gone over the line from time to time, but we ban as a last resort its not an endorsement of such views. For example I don't agree with all the misoginistic things you say but you weren't banned even after you said these things to JKD Chick.

    Finally yes you are on general ignore over at Bullshido. I think it came from spending four or five straight months of going after the site founder whenever he posted. (You must have had about 300-400 posts on this theme) Of course when we did our April Fools prank, (Bull**** sold to Map) you tried to ruin our stunt. I was definately glad you were on ignore at the time.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Rudy, Sam was never a supporter of Boyd's conduct on Bullshido(regarding the "anti-semitic" comment).

    And Sam, The other site may not have your fine investigations, but it likewise has never run a botched investigation on anyone either and then totally pretended that there are no repercussions. If you like, I could list just the ones involving staff members or we could simply all agree that there is nothing ****ier than arguing which INTERNET FORUM is cooler.

    Regardless, your investigation was great work, but another staff member tried to do a hatchet job on Rudy and screwed it up by apparently claiming to have info he did not end up having, and you know this. Rudy's gripe, in this case, is not unfounded, though I disagree with him about the quality of your work, especially having seen the investigation in progress.

  15. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by KC Elbows
    Rudy, Sam was never a supporter of Boyd's conduct on Bullshido(regarding the "anti-semitic" comment).

    And Sam, The other site may not have your fine investigations, but it likewise has never run a botched investigation on anyone either and then totally pretended that there are no repercussions. If you like, I could list just the ones involving staff members or we could simply all agree that there is nothing ****ier than arguing which INTERNET FORUM is cooler.

    Regardless, your investigation was great work, but another staff member tried to do a hatchet job on Rudy and screwed it up by apparently claiming to have info he did not end up having, and you know this. Rudy's gripe, in this case, is not unfounded, though I disagree with him about the quality of your work, especially having seen the investigation in progress.
    Hi KC Elbows:

    Thank you, and yes I did have problems with Boyd over that episode. (Most of the arguing was in the BBC so I don't feel free to discuss it here) I would prefer not to argue which forum is "cooler" but Rudy opened the argument and we were back to arguing the way we did at the old place, throwing the kitchen sink at each other.

    My understanding is that Anthony obtained some quotes from one of Rudy's profiles and posted them in his sig but thats between the two of them, and I don't know what you think I do If they want to argue it out perhaps they can start a thread somewhere neutral like here.

    I hope everthing is going well, and take care.

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