
This is my first post on this forum, so please be gentle with me.

I've been reading up on the Chan Tai San-thread. Amazing stories by the way, and probably the best and most entertaining thread I've read on any MA-forum ever. A great read.

On "page" 20 you said something that chaught my interest, however, but was never adressed again. Since this is off-topic in regards to the Chan Tai San-stories, I thought I'd post this here instead.

Page 20:



"Chris, since we are discussing two man sets, want to share with them your Tekki Kata theory???"

Please, could you elaborate on this? I've been hoping this would be adressed, but it was never mentioned again.

(By the way, I'm a former shotokan practitioner turned CMA-addict, though no more than a fresh newbie)