Wing Chun Seminar with Tony Frighetti

I, Patrick Gordon, am proud to announce the fifth annual Wing Chun seminar with my
Si-hing, Tony Frighetti. Si-hing Frighetti is a senior student and instructor at Master Augustine Fong’s Wing Chun Academy in Tucson, Arizona. Sifu Frighetti has done several previous seminars for my school, which were all highly received. The 2002 seminar was detailed in the January 2004 issue of Kung Fu / Tai Chi magazine, which was entitled “The Zero Points of Wing Chun”.

Si-hing Frighetti will be going over many topics which will have been covered at Sifu Augustine Fong’s reunion seminar in May 2005, as well as his own material. Si-hing Frighetti's skill level and understanding of the Wing Chun style is very high. The seminar will be a very good workout both physically and mentally. If you are serious about your training, basic or advanced level, I highly recommend attending this seminar. This seminar is open to all styles.

Date: Saturday, August 20th & Sunday, August 21th

Times: Sat 12:30-5:00, half hour lunch (may go past finish time)
Sun 12:00-4:30, half hour lunch (may go past finish time)

Location: Ottawa Wing Chun Academy, 858 Bank St, in Glebe Fitness.

Price: one day $40.00, two days $70.00. Prices will be an extra $10.00 after August 15th to discourage last minute payment. Please reserve yourself a spot as soon as possible, as space will be limited.
Regarding payment, you may see me in class or phone: 613-232-7146 or email:

I hope you will be able to attend, sincerely, Patrick Gordon.