I know a lot of you guys will say the energy isn't right with the horizontal fist. However, when executing a punch directly from fook sau, jut sau, bong sau, etc. isn't the horizontal fist even more efficeint than the vertical fist punch? Giving the fist the extra quarter turn from these postions to punch with a vertical fist is almost like the full karate punch rotation, which has been called less efficeint by more than a few. I'm not trying to troll here, I'm trying to get some honest opinions about this. i personally like to mix up horizontal and vertiacal fists(and other punches), and sometimes keep my chin tucked, other times keep the head back. I don't think any style should be confined to such geometric limitations as always keeping the fist vertical. Maybe that's only the way wing chun is taught to beginers, but I prtetty much was only trained through chum kui, and have just worked on SLT and my own experiences since then. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have these thoughts, so probably nothing new, just thought I'd bring it up.