Yes, I know, this is a bit off the topic. I have read about a lot of different methods for enlightenment. The differnet versions range from zen (and other Buddhist forms), daoism, yoga to advaita vedanta (and vedics), jainism, and shamanism. Each one says something different. For example, in daoism it talks about the jing, qi, and shen (San Bao). The former two are involved in kungfu. Some talk about the 7 chakras (i.e. Tibetan Buddhism, yoga, new age). Others mention the 72 levels of development (which may be just a more detailed look at the 7 chakras). Both Bodhidharma and Chang San Feng reached the 72nd level. Both were martial arts experts (among other things). Buddhism (or at least zen) doesn't mention the jing, chi, and shen method and says to meditate only. The Buddha supposedly went beyond the enlightenment stage of what was known at the time and reached full or complete enligthenement. Does anyone know any sources which explains the different enlightnment(s) and compares and contrasts them. Right now it is all very confusing and I'm in need of guidance. Maybe a philosophical phenomenological approach would be good. Or some reserach involving heightened states of conciousness may yield answers