Quote Originally Posted by SiuHung
No. I completely disagree with you on this.
These people are not like us. They are taught from a very young age that anyone who is not like them(thier sect of thier religion) is an infidel and less than an animal. That means killing somone who doesn't belong to thier group is a good thing, and encouraged if not rewarded. This includes members of other sects of the same faith, other cultures, other religions, women, and other races.

In Western countries, while there are extremist groups, they are for the most part allowed to practice thier beliefs freely. In the West, only when one group's actions cause harm to others, do we have conflict, and never in the proportions or extent of what comes from the Middle East.

So, to answer the original question of what do these people want...
They want to kill everyone who isn't like them, and then live in a world of thier design.
This is an interesting viewpoint.

But I think it is misguided and tainted with a little more than a bit of the propoganda in regards to the islamic faith of late.

There is a segment who indeed are filled with hate, but there is a segment of western populations that is like this as well. Would you blanket the west with a statement like this because of the views and agenda of say David Duke and the KKK? Or would you be apologetic about that segment? BTW, that segment at one time numbered in more than a million.

Or how about the right wing christians? Or radical jewish extremists? How are they different?

Point being, extremism is extremism and not everyone gives it buy in however, the elements of it must be dealt with.

If we continue to fight fire with fire, all of us are gonna get burnt.