Hello, my name is Troy (Choy Tung Mo) Dunwood from age 6, I have been engaged in Chinese Martial Arts. My journey thus far has allowed me to experience the skills of various Northern and Southern systems as well as some specialty techniques. I have been privy to learn under such great teachers as: Yuan Chan, George Fong, Eugene Holt, Dennis Salvatera, Choy Siu Ming, Trinidad Mok, Wei Fong, and Lau Yee Chan. I have also benefited greatly from the valuable insights of Bill Owens, Chiu Chi Ling, Chu Sil Kay, William Siu and the Late Brendan Lai and others. Through the years I’ve come to notice that each discipline is uniquely designed with an abundance of knowledge for a novice to excel and ultimately reach mastery, however like most things in life perseverance is the key. When one embarks on the road of self expression through Chinese martial arts, ultimately it becomes a mastery of ones self and to truly reach this point in one’s training a student must realize that he or she must be true to one’s self. Every martial arts system is good, perhaps even great, yet no one system has all the answers, for if one did there wouldn’t be a need for others and I doubt very seriously in the days of China's revolution period it really didn't matter what style a person was as long as they could contribute to the cause. In the beginning most students seek out martial arts to attain fighting skill and after a considerable amount of time spent with one’s training a student will realize there is truly more to Chinese Kung Fu than just fighting. Every system contains it own concepts, theories, practices and philosophies. As students of martial arts it is our duty to seek, research and define what truly coincides with each individual so that the student may absorb these aspects in the most effective manner. With these ideas in mind I have chosen to unite my martial arts knowledge. If it were possible I would refrain from giving this work a title, however because of the world we live that would be pretty hard to do. This work I have chosen the name “Tung Mo”, when translated means “Rise to great heights in martial learning”. This title in all actuality is not bound by any of the disciplines I’ve experienced yet it encompasses all the disciplines as one. Tung Mo was established after the careful observation of the most useful and practical fighting skills. Although Tung Mo is structured as most traditional kung fu systems, housing within it’s curriculum: hand and weapon forms, sparring sets, wooden dummy, joint locks, submission as well as internal cultivation, Tung Mo was chiefly designed with the intent of practicality and no wasted or empty movements. In essence Tung Mo Kung Fu is not a new method of combat however it is a re-grouping and re-structuring of time tested and proven skills, uniquely extracting the very best fighting skills for success in any combat situation. Currently we are working on a new web that will have more information about this work with some video footage, when the new site (www.yinghungkungfu.com) is up I look forward to your constructive criticism.