There is obviously quite a bit of misinformation about San Soo here......propogated by those supposedly "in the know". Now I don't want a ****ing match here, but let's pretend for a moment that the above info could be wrong.

During this time it is true that Ed Parker had association with Jimmy Woo - BUT it was Jimmy W. Woo not Jimmy H. Woo. Jimmy Wing Woo was friends with Ed Parker. Jimmy H. Woo is not the same person.

San Soo has the same characters as San Shou. Jimmy H. Woo abbreviated what he taught for Americans, knowing the disinterest in hours of diligent drills and forms. So, he focused on the combat aspect of the art - the San Soo. While alive Jimmy never laid claim to a relationship to Choy li Fut. He said it was at best a cousin Art.

Jimmy H. Woo had a propensity for generating disinterest in the esoteric aspects of the Arts. He insisted on being called 'Jimmy' not Lau Sifu or any other title. His focus was on delivering information specific to fighting.....period. I would be glad to answer any other questions regarding San Soo if posed respectfully.