Hello all !
First off let me state i dont want this to be a theological post. I am seeking guidance/opinions on a specific matter.
My very good friend is orthodox muslim. He is also interested in learning taiji and perhaps qigong. I however dont know enough about taiji/qigong or islam to answer questions to if it is permissable for him to train with me.
For example: Music isnt permissable, not that is is necessary but is is the norm. "Meditaion" is not permissible either, ( the kind with visualizations, asking for guidance from the great beyond).
Here is my view:
Taiji is moving qigong, it quiets the mind, relaxes the body and lets it just be (allowing for it to do what is has always been capable of).
The qigong i am learning is standing... there is no visualizations at all, we are just told " relax, breath naturally/ deeply in the lungs, be happy, and occasionally look at the tip of the nose" while we are going through the qigong movements
I have heard of "muslim hsing i", and as that is an internal art as well there must be some way for these things to coexist the nejia arts and islam.
Any and all help/opinions in any of these areas is greatly appreciated even if it just your opinion....
Thankyou in advance.

"If you show yourself, you will not be seen.
If you affirm yourself, you will not shine.
If you boast, you will have no merit.
If you promote yourself, you will have no success."