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Thread: The History of Ear Coning

  1. #1

    Post The History of Ear Coning

    What are your thoughts on this subject?

    Ear coning, also known as Ear Candling and Ear Cleansing has been lost to us in modern civilization. Ear coning is a 5,000 year old method of ear cleansing and a healing modality that was (and still is) widely used by and originated in the ancient civilizations of Atlantis, China, Tibet, Egypt, and Native American Indian Cultures. It was sometimes used in initiation practices for spiritual leaders, believing that their positions as bearers of great truths would strengthen. The Egyptians believed that it would bring them closer to the Gods. Over the past ten years Ear Coning has made inroads as an alternative or complimentary therapy to traditional medicine. The Egyptians utilized hollow reeds to perform their ear coning. Today, cones/candles are much more civilized 100% unbleached cotton (muslin) fabric coated with purified* paraffins and/or bees' wax.

    What is an Ear Cone?
    Ear Cones resemble cotton candy cones; wide at one end and tapered at the other. Cones range in size from 8” to 14”. The longer the cone, the longer the burn, the longer the burn, the longer the draw is effective. Ear candles are usually made from strips of unbleached cotton that has been dipped in a mixture of beeswax and extracts; oils and or herbs, and then hand rolled into a tapered spiral. But an important note here is that not all ear candles are created equal. Some are made using Paraffin, which is essentially a carcinogen; a distilled petroleum based product filled with hydrocarbons. The negative results and risks involved in using this kind of cone don’t justify the means. The several chemical residues make these unhealthy especially after long-term use, both for the client and the coneologist.

    Why Ear Coning?
    It is important to first mention that ear coning is not a medical treatment and should never be used to treat more serious ear conditions that warrant the expertise of a medical doctor. Having said that, while ear coning is not a cure-all, it has been proven to be a very successful and an economic alternative to having Tympanotomy tubes inserted or having your ears flushed by a physician. Because of all the intricate crevices in the ear, unbelievable amounts of debris can accumulate. This buildup creates a breeding ground for problems, and can also interfere with correct hearing. Impacted wax can build up against ear ducts and can also block reception of incoming sound waves. This lifetime accumulation may explain some of the hearing problems we develop as we age. It is reported that 20% of adults between 65-74 have hearing problems.

    How Frequently Should Ear Coning be done?
    The frequency at which you cone your ears really depends on a variety of factors, which include environmental exposures, diet, and the use of medications, allergies, and general sinus irritations. Generally as a rule of thumb ear coning can be compared to regular visits to the dentist. Most people will not need more than 1 to 2 cleanings per year. If you are having a coning for the first time, it is recommended that three to four conings be done initially and then once or twice per year thereafter. However, if you are a person who suffers from chronic sinus/ear problems, allergies, and are producing a large amount of mucus, or are in an environment where exposure to airborne contaminates is high, a quarterly and even a monthly ear coning is advisable.

    How Ear Coning Works.
    Ear Candling applies simple laws of science and operates through the process of “osmosis”, where one chamber (the ear cone) is attached to another chamber (the ear canal). When properly seated in the ear, as the cone burns, the oxygen in the ear is absorbed by the flame of the ear cone. As this occurs the cone tries to equalize the pressure that is thus created. But because the body is a membrane of tissue and the ear contains many pores and vestibules, the cone will never equalize this pressure, but will continue to try, resulting in a continued draw. In turn a gentle vacuum is created and warm vapors of smoke infused with herbs and essential oils spirals down the inside of the cone into the ear canal, middle ear and Eustachian tube, warming the pores, softening the excess wax as well as loosening other accumulations and soothing irritations. The vacuum dislodges debris drawing it back up into the hollow core of the cone where it condenses on the inside wall of the unburned section.

    What Can The Subject Expect During a Coning?
    During the coning process the ear candle is removed every 2” of cone that has burned, leaving approximately 6” that is discarded. The ear cone is extinguished, trimmed, cleaned out with wooden skewers, re-lit and relocated to the ear 3 times. Each person has his or her own personal experience during this process. Most people are aware of some crackling and popping as the softened wax is drawn out of the ear. Some people have experienced a profound sense of peacefulness, and may even fall asleep. Others may experience a meditative journey filled with imaged and colors.

    Because everyone is unique not everyone will experience the same results, but here are some common differences that one might realize after a coning:

    -Improvement in sinus conditions

    -Sharpening of mental function, vision, hearing, smell, taste, and color perception

    -Hearing distinctions in sound and tone

    -Cleansing of the Human Energy Field (Aura)

    -Spiritual opening and emotional clearing

    -Realignment and cleansing of subtle energy flows

    -Upper respiratory system allergy and chronic cough relief

    -Relief from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

    -Opens and aligns vital energy flow

    - Enhances your senses of hearing, vision, taste & smell

    -Enhances color and spatial perception

    -Awakens the higher senses

    -Supports transformation on all levels

    -Assists the cleaning of the lymphatic system & sinuses

    -Removes accumulated materials that can often obstruct the ear's nerve endings, this restoring direct enervation to the ear & to all of the corresponding reflex areas to the entire body

    What Will Come Out of My Ears?
    In addition to excess ear wax, yeast (Candida) is withdrawn from the ear during the coning process. Candida and other parasites can cause itching inside the ears, as well as a plethora of symptoms including arthritis in the neck, shoulders, elbows, hands and feelings of numbness in these areas. Some of the professions that environmentally produce the largest amounts of airborne parasites and debres are kitchen workers, landscapers and firemen.

    A Final Note.
    It is important to note that not everyone can use ear cones/candles. For instance if an individual has recently had ear, nose, throat or sinus surgery this process should always be avoided. Also those who have tubes in their ears, and anyone who has had an ear drum rupture, perforation or bleeding from the ear. These are all conditions that require the immediate medical attention and the expertise of a trained medical professional. Ear coning is a complimentary healing modality not to be used in place of traditional medical treatment when medical treatment is needed, but as an alternative therapy to basic overall ear health enhancing traditional Western medicine.
    The link to the website that I found the article

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Ear coning originated in Atlantis?

    Oooh, sign me up. Atlantis culture rocks.

    I've never heard of it in Asia, but there is ear picking. A specialist (and by specialist, sometimes it's just some dude on the street like a haricutter) uses these picks that look like sharpened chopsticks. It looks nasty and uncomfortable, although I remember seeing a Ukieyo print of Tamo getting his ears picked by a geisha and that looked sort of ... stimulating.

    You know, Asians and Europeans have different earwax genetically - I remember doing a punnett's square on earwax differences in college.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Under the old oak tree
    Well, I was going to launch into some BS about who has more earwax overall, but rather I decided to find out more on the subject matter. The website says (and paying a visit to the site is important) candling is 5000 years old, so that would place it starting in about 3000 BC - I wanted to find out what was up with that - if true, ear candling predates the Yellow Emperor, Hippocrates, and many of the earliest medical traditions documented. I found references to ancient use of beeswax for embalming mummies, etc dating as far back as 1000 BC. Indeed, another source dated the first candles using beeswax and flax-linen in 3000BC. Oh wait... WHEN was Atlantis around again?!?!?

    but forget the health benefits for a moment I want that "Sharpening of mental function, vision, hearing, smell, taste, and color perception" - heck, I thought LSD was the only way to get that!

    But seriously, an article in Time magazine (EAR CANDLING , By: Horowitz, Janice M., Time, 06/19/2000, Vol. 155, Issue 25) states that the FDA consideres ear candles to be hazardous to your health (I know I'm starting a fire with this one... no pun intended), and the residue is nothing more than the wax drippings from the candle itself. Furthermore, a study cited by the article reveals the suction created by the candle when lit is hardly sufficient to draw anything out of the ear.

    Another author writes of a manufacturer forced to close by the FDA due to burns. She suggests a mild solution of peroxide and warm water gently syringed into the ear may be more effective. Others recommend warm oil to soften the wax. (NOW EAR THIS , By: Schindler, Martha, Vegetarian Times, 0164-8497, September 1, 1998, Issue 253)

    Finally, a well regarded medical journal states:
    "Coning candles and the use of Q-tips are two examples of methods to remove ear wax which are ineffective, can cause harm, and should not be used by patients. Although there is risk associated with any technique to remove cerumen, the regular instillation of oil into the ear canal, instillation of cerumenolytic drops, irrigation of the ear canal with body temperature water using a soft rubber bulb syringe, or the judicious use of a cerumen spoon are known to be effective." (CERUMEN AND CONING CANDLE CHICANERY , By: Pulec, Jack L., ENT: Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, Sep96, Vol. 75, Issue 9)

    The common theme appears to be that the ear should be left alone unless the wax is impacted or obstruction has occurred. And, avoid sticking burning things and q-tips in your ears.

    Alright, enough serious - check out the merchandise at - it makes for some interesting holiday gifts!

    herb ox
    Last edited by herb ox; 11-07-2005 at 07:54 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    ooooh, butt candling. How the hell did you find that site?

    You'll probably find your Atlantis dates in here. I'd dig for them myself, but I have to go clean my ears.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Hi Gene,

    Great Info, i ear clean with the ear candles at least 2-3 times a year. I dont know if its the sound that makes when its on fire or it just relaxed me but in any case there is alot of wax that comes out sometimes.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Nelson, BC
    "Coning candles and the use of Q-tips are two examples of methods to remove ear wax which are ineffective, can cause harm, and should not be used by patients. Although there is risk associated with any technique to remove cerumen, the regular instillation of oil into the ear canal, instillation of cerumenolytic drops, irrigation of the ear canal with body temperature water using a soft rubber bulb syringe, or the judicious use of a cerumen spoon are known to be effective." (CERUMEN AND CONING CANDLE CHICANERY , By: Pulec, Jack L., ENT: Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, Sep96, Vol. 75, Issue 9)

    But then, western medicine has always been more concerned with masking symptoms untill the body deals with the problem itself anyway.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    I mentioned butt candling to a friend and he came back with anal bleaching

    I know, I know, I'm taking this thread is going down the wrong path with this one, but I feel it necesary to reply to herbox's butt candling site with this anal bleaching site. It's marginally safe for work - be warned. Man, what people do for vanity and what people will post on the net nowadays...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Under the old oak tree

    a pic is worth a thousand words...

    .... nuff said!

    (thanx for the link, Gene.... boldly going where no man has gone before )

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    New Haven
    Hmmm... I saw some people getting that done in Taipei before... didn't know what on earth it was until know.
    What senses do we lack that we cannot see or hear another world all around us?

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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by onyomi
    Hmmm... I saw some people getting that done in Taipei before... didn't know what on earth it was until know.
    Oh you mean the butt candling or the anal bleaching?

  11. #11
    I met someone since this thread was made who makes very good ear candles and she gave me some to try. I thought the result was amazing. tons of wax came out. really disgusting actually.
    I'm selling the candles in my online store now.

    I think you can understand this from chinese med perspective as removal of damp heat material, since the Gall bladder channel passes around the ear.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Under the old oak tree
    VG -

    How are you certain the wax is really from your ears and not simply a residue of soot and the the wax melting and dripping down the cone?

    My TCM Herbology instructor said most western ear candles are too long to be effective, but the shorter Chinese version may work. I've never seen the Chinese version, have you?


    herb ox

  13. #13
    The candles are white. The material inside was bright orange. I hope you aren't going to make me post a link to the disgusting photo for you & your teacher, but I will do so if necessary.

    Long candles are fine... better that the flame is further away from the hair.

    I saw some that the hole was not big enough at the bottom of the candle. For sure some candles are not as good as others.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Alb. New Mexico USA
    i had my ears candled but it didn't help. turns out i am just not listening
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