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Thread: Hamstrings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Question Hamstrings

    My hamstrings are extremely tight. Could this be from hyperextension or just too many front kicks??? I need a very effective stretch. Any ideas...PLEASE!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Looking for the Iron Monkey
    Dynamic stretching is a good way to loosen up.

    I do straight leg swings to the front. I start out very low and work my way up to my highest point. Usually takes about 12 to 15 swings. I then do this same thing to the side and the back.

    I only do static stretches after I have worked out and my body is warm. The hurdlers stretch is good, plain old toe touches are good and front splits are great. I also do straddle stretches and lean and twist to each side to stretch my hamstrings.

    Also, don't confuse muscle soreness with muscle tightness. After a lot of kicks you legs may be sore and feel tight. Give them a little time, warm them up and stretch them out. If you work at it every day you can improve your flexibility greatly in a short period of time.

    Good luck.
    Check out my wooden dummy website:

  3. #3
    I'd actually say shutdown threshold isometrics would be good in your case.

    1) Walk up to bench or chair and put one of your heels on it.
    2) Bend knee slightly and test stretch, so that you feel it in the middle of your thigh and NOT behind your knee.
    3) With your body square to the leg and back arched, bend forward at waist until you can go no further.
    4) Drive your heel down into the bench/chair like you were trying to chop it in hald with the back of your heel. Slowly build up pressure over 10-15 seconds until you pushing with all your might. Hold for another 15-45 seconds.
    5) Relax. You should now be able to go much deeper into the stretch.
    6) Repeat steps 3-5 another 2 times.

    This is rather intense and you'll be sore in the following days since it is similar to an actual workout, but it will loosen you up extremely quickly. For a less intense solution, you can do your normal hamstring stretched but contract all the muscles in your legs while at full stretch for 10 seconds. When you relax you should now be able to go deeper into the stretch... repeat.

    These are just ways of fooling your body into doing what you want it to do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Cool Hamstrings

    I Thank You For The Replies. I Have Tried The Dynamic And Static Stretches You Both Have Suggested. It Is Not That The Muscles Are Just Sore After Kicking, It Is At The Point Where I Cannot Straighten My Legs 90 Degrees While Lying On My Back. When Practicing Yoga I Have To Use A Band Or Towel To Guide The Stretch.

  5. #5
    In addition to the above, you may want to try some simple static stretching as well.

    Stand erect. Now, keeping your back straight, push your hips back, back, back... You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Hold this for 30 seconds, rest, and repeat again. You can also stand at a short distance away from the wall, and touch your rear to the wall as a marker of flexibility(and eventually step further and further from the wall, doing the same.)

    Introducing romanian deadlifts may be even better, if you have access to a gym. It is almost the same as above, but with a bar in your hand. Keep the bar close to your body, and start light. This will develop strength through the range of motion instead of just flexibility(flexibility with no strength leads to injury).

    Here is a link that describes this exercise:

    Also, I have a hunch... Maybe stretching your glutes, hip flexors, and quads will help as well. Since they tend to act in concert. I like to stretch these muscles, including hamstrings for 30 seconds each, in a circuit. Seems to help.

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