I've been to jail as a visitor. I have some friends that work in corrections, as well as some friends that went to jail. The penal system is actually one of the largest economies here in CA, so it's hard to be Californian and not be in touch with the issues.. I bring this up mostly because I'm curious how connected you are to the incarcerated. Do you do anything to help solve the problems or do you just disregard them? I'm not saying that the Angels are all goody-two-shoes by any stretch. At the same time, I'm not going to deny my personal association with my classmate. He's my friend and training brother.

But back to my question, which neither of you bit at, those prisoners are all asking for redemption. They beleive that redemption can be found in the martial arts. Oddly enough I completely agree. Should we deny them that possibility by excluding them from tai chi?