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Thread: Hung Gar special issue

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    A related thread

    Here's hasafu again working this issue (and we *do* appreciate that very much) in a discussion of Dr. Johnny Jang's article.

    I'm going to move this to our TC media forum because I think it'll get more traffic there.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Alb. New Mexico USA
    Wing Chun's basis in body mechanics gives articles about Wing Chun the ability to enter into any magazine, even a Shaolin special. lmao. in a scientifically un defeatable manner.

    i liked the HG special. who wouldn't like to hear about Wong Fei Hong. And i enjoy knowing the meaning behind the once upon a time lyrics. It reminds me that i should work harder at trying to be a good man.
    i was a bit ocnfused about the no shadow kick article though. nothing too bad but it does differ from what we say last year in KFM. no matter.
    i tend to be learning more norhten stuff but southern fists are cool. Liu Chang I visited our karate school in the nineties & showed us some stuff/ i bought one of his feeding crane videos & practised the first form. major angle pounding fist.
    now, Lin sifu has some southern material in the curriculum too but that's a ways down the road for me. he's from Taiwan, a crossroads of martial arts.

    but that was definitely an enjoyable issue. i want to say, there was a disparaging letter to the editor, but take that with a grain of salt. every periodical would have variation among issues because the material is different every time. Saying that KFM is fluff compared to how it was in the past is inaccurate imo if for no other reason than variation between issues. plus, didn't KFM used to be dojo & dojang mag? KFM made a huge step up imo lol. as far as content goes anyway.
    plus the editorial staff seems to make no bones about the relation between Martial Arts Mart, Tiger Claw and KFM. most of the MA periodicals are heavily plugged with ads. or you could go pay 2 or 3x that for journal of asian martial arts... which i think is only a quarterly anyway, and which includes non-CMA.
    Magazines are more supported by ads than by the circulation itself anyway aren't they? so what difference where the ads come from...
    just some props to the balance out the haters lol. keep up the good work.
    Master...Teach me kung fu.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    props to the balance out the haters

    Thanks Banjos_dad!
    I actually enjoy when some one takes the time to send us criticism. It shows they care and it would be foolish for me not to listen. Now, with the forum here, where people can speak to us directly and get reaction *like this* letters to the editor are more scarce. So we appreciate the criticism. If you can't take criticism, you can't train. You can't learn.

    We did publish Dojo and Dojang but that was concurrent with our publication of Kung Fu Tai Chi. Each was quarterly and took turns alternating. Eventually, Dojo and Dojang was merged into World of Martial Arts and it became bimonthly, alternating with KFTC. We abandoned WoMA in 1999 and KFTC went monthly in 2000, but in 2001 we went back to bimonthly to spend more energy on the websites.

    As for Wing Chun's general principles, I couldn't agree more. But I'd also agree that most styles could produce articles on general training and applications. Fighting is figthing, after all. Unfortunately most authors write from ego - they want to propound their style - so they stick the name of the style in the forefront. I can't really blame them for that. In fact, I think it's the tremendous diversity of styles that makes CMA so interesting. But in the case of WC, I already have several articles in the queue, and we only run one or two articles per style per issue (with the excapetion of specials). If someone was to submit a WC article now, I wouldn't be able to run it for at least six months. We'll probably have to do a WC special soon, just to clear the queue...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Tell me if you figure that one out.
    Grats on the good reviews Gene.

    Im gonna have to pick up one of those too...

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    beefs and bouquets

    ok ~g you asked for it.

    The issue is good. I liked the approach in your editorial at the beginning in regards to taking myths and legends with a grain of salt. This kind of thinking promoted while being a small detriment to on paper credibility, gets us past the stuff that otherwise blocks thinking process in training and moves a person towards just do the training and worry about legends and myths when the time for idle chatter is come.

    I like the napoleon dynamite analysis too, and give props for the recognition of the current state of martial arts in teh US as portrayed through that movie. While it is not an entire reflection of teh situation , it does pointv a finger at a moon of a problem in martial arts propogation. I.E no one "gets it" in 8 weeks and 1 week of training is tantamount to a mere vacation that will drift with time.

    Interesting note on the kiu sao. It is described as a hand gesture secret symbol. It then states how many southern traditionalist disregard the wushu version (virtually identical) as incorrect. If it's a symbol akin to a peace sign or some other hand signal, how would it be incorrect?

    Final comment is on the topic we've been discussing in another forum and alluding to here in another thread and that is the full page add which de facto promotes the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.

    In many versions of wu de that are held up as the philosophical principles of martial artists it is clear that one must not do unlawful acts, one must serve their country to the positive as well as other general rules about standing for what is good and what will grow and build a positive society. The Hells Angels and their Ilk is contradictory to this tone.

    Where I am, the Hells represent nothing more than a criminal blight on our society with scores of murders to their name, distribution of hard drugs and controlling prostitution, extortion of legitimate businesses and in general the ruination of lives they touch. In my opinion, and likely in the opinions of many who have even a small understanding of the nature of such an organization, it is fairly innappropriate that they should be held up as something they are not. They are not a peaceful group of tai chi practicing individuals. They do not respect the laws of the land and they do not respect the social contract. they are in fact the living contrary to the true martial artist.

    Now you could put the yin yang spin on it I suppose, but that still wont hold water. That would be an attempt at making a silk purse from a sows ear.

    As a martial artist and on a personal note, as a person who has made positive strides in a negative life through kungfu practice, It is in the magazines best interest to not promote this gang and it's lifestyle.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    John is my training brother

    Should we kick him out of our tai chi class?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing
    Should we kick him out of our tai chi class?

    That has little to do with nationally and internationally creating an image of unity between the magazine, it's concept, precepts of kungfu practice and a known and notorious criminal organization.

    I understand the dichotomy, believe me there, I really do.

    But kick him out of your tai chi class? why? can't he leave the outside world outside when he practices?
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  8. #23
    Someone defended the ads by saying some kungfu masters are also into criminal activity.

    The difference between that, and this ad however, is that when you cover a master, you cover the master, and not the triad. This ad was not about the person (the whole reason for the ad would be gone then), but for the HA.

    I'm pretty sure you would get equal responces if you would advertise a master and the triad he belongs to in an equal way.

    For some interesting info on HA, try look up the news over the past few years on them in the Netherlands. And yes, you'll also find info that leads back to other chapters including the USA then. And thats all I gonna add on this matter =)

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Westmorland, California, USA

    On Gongfu fighting...

    Gene; this is traditional gongfu (as in fighting) related, but not Hung Ga related...

    Why on earth have you not made an interview and/or article on the ShenWu academy in Los Angeles? Tim Cartmell is hell of a fighter, and is skilled in both Xingyi and Taiji (as well as a few Japanese and Brazilian arts.)

    I think it'd make a great article for people who still train in Gongfu to maintain practical fighting skills, not just fancy acrobatic skills. (It was a bit disheartening to read that even at the WFH museum, the youth are more into Modern Wushu than learning some fighting skill.)

    I don't have anything against Modern Wushu, the problem is that, many people here in the United States, are practicing this, and think that they're learning how to fight. Then they go and get their asses kicked in the street, and it gives a bad name to the ones who are real fighters.
    As always, stay strong, and keep an open mind...

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Alb. New Mexico USA
    are we saying that Gene's kung fu brother will be immune, for some reason to the dharmic teachings that come with training CMA and internal MA? and are we saying that on the basis of his gang membership?

    martial arts lore features legends of parents at the end of their ropes, dropping off their unmanageable child at the monastery, only for him to emerge later as a pillar of his community, respected and emulated by his peers.

    i have always been a little on the darker side, but i am not immune to the correcting nudges of the dharma either, and if nothing else, i at least find myself wishing i was a better person. that is the beginning of one path to improvement. years into training and i have come a little way, but slow progress is progress all the same. if we categorically bar people like John from even starting training, we deny them something they need as much as the rest of us, maybe even a little more.

    an issue or ago in KFM, we had the issue come up of potential of abuse of MA training by domestic terrorists, spouse abusers, muggers etc. so we have gone through that thread already. so we all know about the need to examine the behavior of students you have not yet come to know closely.
    i feel like ma serves as a kind of therapy completely apart from the rest of its benefits. If we deny people the ability to train we are also withholding a 'medicine' that could lead to the relief of what brigns them to trouble.
    i will agree it is shades of gray, who should be trained and who should not. i guess i am trying to say that i believe training can bring people over onto the good side, whatever that means. you should know what i mean!
    Master...Teach me kung fu.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    can't he leave the outside world outside when he practices?
    Can't he leave the outside world when he poses for Kung Fu Tai Chi?

    get equal responces if you would advertise a master and the triad he belongs to in an equal way.
    Maybe. I'll have to try that.

    the ShenWu academy in Los Angeles
    I love Tim's work and would love to see something on him. Unfortunately, I've never crossed paths with him, strangely enough, so I don't really know him. But I'd absolutely welcome a submission from his camp.

    a little on the darker side
    In all honesty, the HA shoot came out of something I saw in a bunny magazine. Seriously. And I don't mean playboy bunnies, I mean a magazine about rabbits as pets (I have a rescued lab rabbit as a pet). The shot was a hardcore biker cuddling a rabbit, and it sparked the idea of a hardcore biker doing tai chi. This was long ago. I knew John, but I didn't know he was an Angel. I think it was a Metallica concert where we crossed paths in our other guises. We were both flying our colors. The rest is history. The whole point of our 'find your peace in practice' image ad campaign is to shake up the image of what makes up a martial artist. Think of it as trying to get away from Rex Kwon Do.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Can't he leave the outside world when he poses for Kung Fu Tai Chi?
    Yes, I suppose he could...if he wasn't flying the colours of an international criminal gang in the picture.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  13. #28
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    If the HA are all criminals, why aren't they all in jail?

    Here's a thought for you - do you know that we have a large readership that are criminals? By this I don't mean the Hells Angels, or any other group that you might accuse. I mean convicts. We receive more letters to Kung Fu Tai Chi from the incarcerated - people that have been found guilty by a court of law and placed in prison (as opposed to people who are still free). I'm always amazed at this because most prisons do not allow our magazine. In fact, it does no good for us to reply to such letters because they are often returned by the prisons. Why do you think all those prisoners write to us? Can you guess what they ask for?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #29

    Do you think that all criminals get caught?!

    Not all HA get caught Gene. As far as those criminals that do and are incarcerated and ask for KT mag, guess they will want it even more now that they think you are aligned with the HA. Also a lot of law enforcement and like individuals buy KT...wonder if they will continue now that you have associated KT with the HA.
    BTW, I replied to your post on the other can see it there.
    ...ask for Kam
    "Fool me once, then shame on you. Fool me twice, then shame on me"

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing
    Here's a thought for you - do you know that we have a large readership that are criminals? By this I don't mean the Hells Angels, or any other group that you might accuse. I mean convicts. We receive more letters to Kung Fu Tai Chi from the incarcerated - people that have been found guilty by a court of law and placed in prison (as opposed to people who are still free). I'm always amazed at this because most prisons do not allow our magazine. In fact, it does no good for us to reply to such letters because they are often returned by the prisons. Why do you think all those prisoners write to us? Can you guess what they ask for?
    When folks are in prison, they have a lot of time to think. I'm not going to speculate on what is in the minds of prisoners of the state. And for the record, there are plenty of HA members who are doing time for crimes they commited while in the club.

    The bible has a large readership who are criminals too, and jesus reputredly consorted with them regularly...although, it is said he stipulated the whole sin no more thing.

    But that's neither here nor there. The reputation precedes them no matter where they are or go.

    ~G Anyone from any walk of life can make any steps they want in their life. To conciously choose to join a known criminal gang is different from making a concious choice to join say the John Han**** society who aid prisoners who are released from prison in making a better life for themself.

    Why connect the publication, but more importantly the studies it represents to such an organization. I'm not certain why you can't see the obvious inconsistency with the two things. I'm no choir boy, by a long shot, but a spade's a spade.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

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