Hey all,

Searching for a diagnosis. In Feb I was ski touring a bunch. I've only got a little bit more endurance than Iron, and it's sea level endurance so I struggled some days. One day after about 6hrs hiking, I got to the top of a ridge pretty fatigued. I was just walking in ski boots around getting ready for the descent, and I kind of stepped funny on my heel and locked my knee back fairly sharply (like a hyperextension movement but nowhere near that extreme, and with no significant load on the leg). Instant shooting pains in my knee. I struggled down and took it easy for the next couple of days. Kept skiing for a week or so and dealt with minor pain. Then, on another day I took a small drop and landed backseat and off-balance. You can see me struggle with my balance on my brother's vid at about the 5s mark. I had all my weight on the dodgy knee and it was kind of torqued too. After that run I wanted to do another lap, but the pain was pretty intense. I took the rest of the day off.

Anyway, long story short - what could I've done? Cartilage damage? So far, my rehabilitation program has involved deadlifting and squatting . Two legs and there's minor pain at the bottom ROM of both those lifts. If I try a pistol, however, and get more than about a 90° bend, shooting pain. As usual, I'm a dick and refuse to rest. I also haven't seen a doc or got MRI/X-rays or anything. I thought the initial injury wouldn't have been enough to damage things this much so as usual I ignored it and dealt with the pain. It's going on about 6 weeks and I still get the pain at lower ROM.

Any armchair doctors or real ones want to comment?

Thanks in advance guys, and hope you're all well.

On a related note, right at the end of that skiing vid you can see my where my brother did his MCL in his right knee .