Gene (and anyone else),
What do you think about adding a Kung-Fu Business Forum to this site? I bet you Kung-Fu school owners would really make good use out of a forum like that. We can share ideas on what it takes to run a good Kung-Fu school. A lot of these professional MA business associations are Karate/TKD and now MMA based, and while a lot of the principles apply to the Kung-Fu world, our landscape is still different enough, to where only other Kung-Fu school owners could understand the issues that we face.

For example, one question I posed was how do you make a successful 6 figure income generating Tai Chi school? I got very vague and unclear answers. Why? Because the majority of successful external martial arts schools have their Kids program as their streamline revenue. Well, Tai Chi is not especially geared towards children. So how do you reconcile this? Of all the Chinese Gung-Fu, Tai Chi is the most well known, but the hardest to make a successful school at. What is the solution?

Issues like these are very specific to the Kung-Fu business community, and I feel like we should have our own forum space to discuss these sorts of issues.

And what's more, this could be great way to generate potential new business for Tiger Claw/Martial Arts Mart. For example, if some young/new schoolowners never used patches before or any type of reward incentive structure for kids, but then learns about it from a Kung-Fu Business Forum, and sees just how powerful that can be for retention, they will buy it in bulk!

What do you think? I think has nothing to lose and everything to gain to have such a forum.
