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Thread: Lots of Martial Arts Schools Are Closing?

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Wading river N.Y.
    You said it kat nap.

  2. #47
    The thing that is really destroying the martial arts IMHO is a lack of standardization.

    What I really want to find is a decent CMA system with schools pretty much everywhere, that includes self defense techniques besides just forms, but I can't find one anywhere.

    So that really limits it for me. As a result, I pretty much don't want to study with any teacher. Why study one system or with one teacher, and then you move somewhere else, and have a new one correct everything or require different forms, etc.? It's just ****ed stupid.

    But this came about because of the very greed of people. Most people who start a school add their own stuff on to create their own style and want to be a 'grandmaster' and make a ton of $$$ (so they think).

    Instead, they go out of business because there are so many 'grandmaster's' around. Just look at what happened to Ed Parker's Kenpo (now split into hundreds of offshoots) or how many different styles of karate are out there to look at what happens there.
    Last edited by neilhytholt; 05-01-2006 at 02:44 PM.

  3. #48
    Anyways, that is it. I think the only solution is just to quit martial arts.

    I've searched and searched around for schools that will let me transfer my forms, or do my own thing, and all I've found is ridicule, apathy and scorn from martial arts teachers who all want you to do their martial arts, their way, and won't let you transfer anything over.

    There are so many schools that don't teach proper self defense techniques in the CMA arena, instead requiring you to do a ton of forms, and every new school or 'master' seems to want to make a buck by adding onto their system or modifying it in some way, which IMHO is just shooting themselves in the foot.

    I went to a BJJ school this weekend thinking that was the solution, but they do all these tricky gi techniques that will never work without a gi.

    Therefore, I've had it.

  4. #49
    Join Date
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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada

    Smile Martial Arts & Education

    While I believe Martial Arts is an education, it is no ordinary university program. There simply isn't any such thing as western academic system of "transferring" the forms, credits and/or knowledge.

    Frankly, Martial arts may not even be the best answer to self defense in modern times. Many people would tell you that go buy a gun if you want the most effective SD protection. But what if there's no gun?

    If martial arts system to you means nothing more than self defense knowledge within a system, then really there isn't much for you to look for within that definition. You can find that in just about any "martial arts" or even martial sports.

    Martial arts as a knowledge is about knowledge of self (or at least it points to that) IMHO. If your cup is full, then there is not much of a point to fill your cup unless you are ready to empty it.

    I don't claim to understand BJJ but I respect it under the impression that it is an MA which offer a series of skill sets to reach the knowledge of self via four paths Gi, No Gi, Vale Tudo, and Street. In that regard, it shares similar goal with Kung Fu. Even though they may not be your cup of tea, that doesn't mean that they can't relieve other's thirst on the quest of self knowledge.

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  5. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by mantis108
    While I believe Martial Arts is an education, it is no ordinary university program. There simply isn't any such thing as western academic system of "transferring" the forms, credits and/or knowledge.

    Martial arts as a knowledge is about knowledge of self (or at least it points to that) IMHO. If your cup is full, then there is not much of a point to fill your cup unless you are ready to empty it.

    I don't claim to understand BJJ but I respect it under the impression that it is an MA which offer a series of skill sets to reach the knowledge of self via four paths Gi, No Gi, Vale Tudo, and Street. In that regard, it shares similar goal with Kung Fu. Even though they may not be your cup of tea, that doesn't mean that they can't relieve other's thirst on the quest of self knowledge.

    There should be standardized forms and techniques, not 1000 different variations that you can't practice with other people. All the CMA comes from the same place anyway, so there's no need for so many different variations.

    Anyways, it doesn't matter. I'm done. Let others pay people $$$ and waste their time. IMHO the best self defense is at this point is either running away, a gun, or getting hit so you can sue the person's ass off.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If you played basketball for one college, then went to another one, would you just tell the coach you know enough already, and you dont need to do things his way? You are likely better off not doing martial arts with the attitude you display in your posts if it hasnt changed yet in your 20+ years of experience.
    -Golden Arms-

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i'm not good at remembering a bunch of different forms and such. thats where empty the cup is good. just go with what the current school is doing, since that must be what i came there for.

  8. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Arms
    If you played basketball for one college, then went to another one, would you just tell the coach you know enough already, and you dont need to do things his way? You are likely better off not doing martial arts with the attitude you display in your posts if it hasnt changed yet in your 20+ years of experience.
    Whatever. Like I said, I'm out. I went to what will be my last martial arts school tonight, and explained them my position, and they still insisted I do the basics, like up blocks (which isn't really a block and leaves your vulnerable bone open), and down blocks (same thing).

    20 years experience you can open your own school. I have enough of dealing with teachers. 20 years experience in the NBA and you're retired. I'm out.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I hope you open one here so that I can pay you a visit sometime...
    -Golden Arms-

  10. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Arms
    I hope you open one here so that I can pay you a visit sometime...
    Yeah, you probably just want to beat on me. No, I'm never going to open a school. Like I said, I'm out.

    Now all I have to worry about is finding a non-stupid school for my kids. I think I'm just going to enroll them in Aikido. LOL

  11. #56
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Our newest web article

    The Cost of Covid. READ Closing Doors, Open Arms: Part 1 by Kurtis Fujita

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  12. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by neilhytholt View Post
    There should be standardized forms and techniques, not 1000 different variations that you can't practice with other people. All the CMA comes from the same place anyway, so there's no need for so many different variations.

    Anyways, it doesn't matter. I'm done. Let others pay people $$$ and waste their time. IMHO the best self defense is at this point is either running away, a gun, or getting hit so you can sue the person's ass off.
    Yes, especially if you're going out all by yourself.

  13. #58
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Our newest web article

    Did Covid close your school? READ Closing Doors, Open Arms: Part 2 by Kurtis Fujita

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  14. #59
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Running a martial arts club or a gym has been a hard go for the last year and half.
    I have seen some innovative ideas from a few different teachers out there who keep their classes going with online instruction.

    Still, rent and taxes on buildings that you have your physical school in are there.

    I sympathize with those people who are going to have a little more uphill than they want or need to get their groove back.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    Martial arts schools in general had been closing in my area for years now, since WAY before the pandemic. Even several BJJ academies had come and gone. In my observation, martial arts are nowhere near as popular, especially as an activity for adults, than they were back in the ‘70s and ‘80s, and maybe into the ‘90s, and may never be again. A lot of it is the popularity of MMA, but not all of it. Mostly the classes I’d seen while out and about in recent years are kiddie TKD, karate, jujitsu, etc., classes. And it’s clear that when children are the main (or only) focus of a MA school, standards of quality drop dramatically.

    But I’m not lamenting the fact. It’s just the way the world is. Martial arts today don’t hold the fascination for young people/young adults that they did in past decades. Now, people can view anything at the click of a button and think they know all about it. And for most people, MA practice is seen as a high-effort, low-reward endeavor.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 06-10-2021 at 01:20 PM.

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