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Thread: Jackie’s Charity work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Jackie’s Charity work

    Jackie Chan named a 'generous celebrity' has named Jackie Chan one of 10 generous celebrities, placing the Hong Kong action film star among the ranks of Bono, Oprah Winfrey and Angelina Jolie.

    The Web site said that Chan, who set up the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation, gave $64,000 to UNICEF to help tsunami victims in Asia in December 2004, and recently donated $100,000 to Chrysalis, a Los Angeles-based charity for the homeless.

    Besides Chan, Bono, Winfrey and Jolie, the other generous celebrities identified by are Nicolas Cage, Sandra Bullock, Steven Spielberg, Celine Dion, Paul McCartney and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    The 10 celebrities were not ranked.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    omaha, NE

    Thumbs up nice to see

    ya know you always hear about all the charities oprah gives to, and of course we know about the cars she gave away and we always hear about angelina adopting as many kids as she possibly can. And while there is nothing wrong with that, I don't hear about what jackie chan gives away. Maybe he is like all the rest and tries to do the greatest and most generous things possible just to get his name out there, but he doesn't seem to gloat or at least have the camera's drool over him. So nice job jackie, I knew you were a good person, but now I certainly have more respect for your human side which we rarely hear about until jean claude is ramming his motorcycle into a light pole.
    "For someone who's a Shaolin monk, your kung fu's really lousy!"
    "What, you're dead? You die easy!"
    "Hold on now. I said I would forget your doings, but I didn't promise to spare your life. Take his head."
    “I don’t usually smoke this brand, but I’ll do it for you.”
    "When all this is over, Tan Hai Chi, I will kick your head off and put it on my brother's grave!
    "I regard hardships as part of my training. I don't need to relax."

  3. #3
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Jackie's charities

    As August West mentioned in his article THE MYTH: Jackie Chan's Stir-fries HERO, MUSA and Lara Croft Chop Suey Style Jackie is an ambassador for UNICEF. But he's actually done charity work for a long time. I covered his work saving tigers in the 1998 NOV/DEC Issue of World of Martial Arts - he still is a spokesperson for tiger preservation through Wild Aid. The last time I saw Jackie, it was under the auspices of charitable branch, the Tiger Claw Foundation. Go to, click "friends" and then "Friends of Shaolin", then scroll down to 'Traces of the dragon.' I penned an article about that - see Traces of the Dragon: Jackie Chan’s New Movie Benefits Self-Help for the Elderly in our Sep Oct 2004 issue.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    omaha, NE

    thanks for posting the awards

    gene, I hope you realize what I was saying. it seems like a lot of celebs get a news team around them and then decide what charity they are going to give to and how much they will be giving. Or else they will have a tv special, it is sickening. The fact that jackie isn't known by me, might not be saying much since I don't ever get out but I like it more when I have to investigate for what charities they gave to. People like Manute Bol(7 foot 7 former NBAer) spend ALL of their time AND all of their money in helping out charities. Because they don't think of it as charity, manute bol just wants to do his part to fix the problems in hi scountry. I haven't looked for the awrds yet, but I saw you said you had to follow his tiger charity. Now bringing "your" charity to a well known status is great and all but only when it is something to really help out the world. i guess tiger's are important, but to be honest I like to have to look and see that people are going out and in more of a broad attempt like curing diseases and giving money to the poor. I really don't see why we have all these freaking charities when nothing ever gets resolved in this world. Obviously I went off base a wee but there but it really eats at me every time I see a celebrity saying "hey I am gonna cure the world". I mean get in line. But then again, I'm sure that I am doing plenty by donating 5 bucks a week to various people cups out side of grocery stores.

    Now it does seem like I am ripping jackie, but don't worry, much respect for that man.

    And I would start my own blog but I don't want anyone to find out that i am actually juna.
    "For someone who's a Shaolin monk, your kung fu's really lousy!"
    "What, you're dead? You die easy!"
    "Hold on now. I said I would forget your doings, but I didn't promise to spare your life. Take his head."
    “I don’t usually smoke this brand, but I’ll do it for you.”
    "When all this is over, Tan Hai Chi, I will kick your head off and put it on my brother's grave!
    "I regard hardships as part of my training. I don't need to relax."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Actually GM gave the cars away. I suppose because it was on her show, she gave them away.
    I have read about Jackie Chan for quite awhile now. When he fell from the limb and landed on the boulder sending bone fragments into his brain I thought he might not recover or even die. I guessing that was around '86. I have read, don't know how accurate it is, that he is in pain from all the injuries he has received through the years as a stunman and actor. He seems to be a fine gentleman and a good person.

    Ever notice how virtually everyone agrees that 95% of all traditional schools are crap, but NOBODY ever admits to being in that 5%? Don't judge... your skill may suck also...
    Quote from SevenStar

    Just call me the Shaolin Do Wet Blanket. Gene Ching

  6. #6
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    omaha, NE


    I read an interview(maybe here) where he says he breaks bones sometimes just by walking. But it's pry all worth it, for us at least. Check out the end of drunken master when hwang lays into him and jackie takes the kick, not fall back like most actors before the kick even connect. No, he waited for the kick to land and fully absorbed it, AWESOME. Jackie is the man.
    "For someone who's a Shaolin monk, your kung fu's really lousy!"
    "What, you're dead? You die easy!"
    "Hold on now. I said I would forget your doings, but I didn't promise to spare your life. Take his head."
    “I don’t usually smoke this brand, but I’ll do it for you.”
    "When all this is over, Tan Hai Chi, I will kick your head off and put it on my brother's grave!
    "I regard hardships as part of my training. I don't need to relax."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    When doing a scene with SuperFoot Wallace, Jackie didn't like how it came out. The scene involved Bill punching at Jackie while Jackie was on his back in a building under construction. Bill had a circular saw in which he punched at Jackie with, a real circular saw that was on. Jackie told Bill that he would scream this time and the was the que to hit him with the saw as he would turn as he screamed. In reality Jackie screamed, waited a split second for realism, then turned as the blade made contact with the plywood next to his head. Bill Wallace said it scared him so much that he would not do another movie with him.

    Ever notice how virtually everyone agrees that 95% of all traditional schools are crap, but NOBODY ever admits to being in that 5%? Don't judge... your skill may suck also...
    Quote from SevenStar

    Just call me the Shaolin Do Wet Blanket. Gene Ching

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    omaha, NE

    Question bm2

    what movie is that from????
    "For someone who's a Shaolin monk, your kung fu's really lousy!"
    "What, you're dead? You die easy!"
    "Hold on now. I said I would forget your doings, but I didn't promise to spare your life. Take his head."
    “I don’t usually smoke this brand, but I’ll do it for you.”
    "When all this is over, Tan Hai Chi, I will kick your head off and put it on my brother's grave!
    "I regard hardships as part of my training. I don't need to relax."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Was it the Protector?

    The Protector was THE WORST Jackie Chan film ever. It was worse than Tuxedo. I've tried to block them both out of my mind, but I think the Wallace Chan fight was the Protector...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #10
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    May 2004
    The Protector is not...what I consider to be one of his better movies and I think that is the one. However it is no way near the same as Phantom Force mission or something like that. Ummm and there is the one about the ghosts teaching him Kung Fu. But that one where the Nazis are driving a Nova ,or something like that from the 1970s with Nazi stuff painted with what appears to be a spray can, is bad, realllllyyyy baaadddd. It is supposed to be the 1940s!!!! Talk about cheap props!!!! He has a couple of cameos then the fight scene at the end.
    Last edited by BM2; 05-16-2006 at 09:58 PM.

    Ever notice how virtually everyone agrees that 95% of all traditional schools are crap, but NOBODY ever admits to being in that 5%? Don't judge... your skill may suck also...
    Quote from SevenStar

    Just call me the Shaolin Do Wet Blanket. Gene Ching

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    You mean Spiritual Kung Fu?

    That's the one where Jackie learns kung fu from some goofy spirits in the Shaolin library. They were all white with silly red wigs. That was great! Much better than the Protector. My favorite part was when Jackie pees on the spirits because they're hiding behind the shelf and they come out all wet and ****ed off (naturally) then resign themselves to teaching him. It's a great old school kung fu funky flick.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    omaha, NE


    if lo wei knew how to make movies, it would have been good. Magnificent bodyguards is a great one, killer meteors is almost as good, and I honestly liked to kill with intrigue. Karate ghostbuster could have been a lot better, but was still very watchable, once. And bm2, phantasy mission force wasn't very good. But it does have it's moments(brigitte lin is in it).
    "For someone who's a Shaolin monk, your kung fu's really lousy!"
    "What, you're dead? You die easy!"
    "Hold on now. I said I would forget your doings, but I didn't promise to spare your life. Take his head."
    “I don’t usually smoke this brand, but I’ll do it for you.”
    "When all this is over, Tan Hai Chi, I will kick your head off and put it on my brother's grave!
    "I regard hardships as part of my training. I don't need to relax."

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Since it has been about 20 years since I watched Spirtural Kung Fu I'll have to take your word for it.
    And I swear I recall a skull and cross bones on that Nazi Chevy too! Unintentionaly funny.
    Wish I could remember the movie Jackie says he feels sorry for anyone that sat through the entire movie.
    Now I like Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin. I had lent the VHS tape of it to a guy and when I got it back the last fight scene was missing. He had spliced it back. I have the DVD now, the good one. Didn't know there were different ones. Bought one of the bad ones first.

    Ever notice how virtually everyone agrees that 95% of all traditional schools are crap, but NOBODY ever admits to being in that 5%? Don't judge... your skill may suck also...
    Quote from SevenStar

    Just call me the Shaolin Do Wet Blanket. Gene Ching

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    More Jackie Charity

    I gotta give props to Jackie (and Jet) about their charity work. They might not be turning out the best martial arts films anymore, but at least they still honor wude and give to the needy.

    Jackie Chan: Special Olympics gives hope to parents of mentally challenged 2007-10-02 18:06:04

    SHANGHAI, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) -- World famous kungfu star Jackie Chan expressed his appreciation to Special Olympics just hours before the opening ceremony in Shanghai, telling the press that the event may give hope to parents of intellectually disabled children.

    "I went to many countries to promote Special Olympics, through which I know there are so many misfortunes," Jackie said. "Special Olympics may give them hope, transforming misfortunes into fortunes."

    Jackie Chan said that he is honored to do such things." The so-called intellectually disabled are all the same as us, and in some areas, they could be even more talented. It is really interesting to communicate with them."

    Jackie Chan has attended many promotion activities for the mentally challenged, from which he said he has learned a lot. "I was shocked by their performance. Their courage impressed me a lot."

    As for the 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Shanghai itself, Jackie Chan said. "it tells the world our efforts to express humanism."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #15
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Is teaching the Prince Charles charity?

    Maybe not, but this seemed as good a thread as any to post this (not sure about the love and kisses part):
    Jackie in kung fu offer to Charles

    Martial arts legend Jackie Chan has offered to teach the Prince of Wales kung fu.
    Charles received the unusual invitation at an awards ceremony in London to recognise the achievements of "unsung heroes" among the UK's Chinese community.

    In a video message recorded in China, where he is making a film, Chan promised to drop everything if the Prince took up his offer.

    Apologising for not being there in person, the Rush Hour star said: "I send all my love and kisses ... especially for Prince Charles. If you want to learn some kung fu, give me a call, I will come right away."

    The Prince's attendance at the Pearl Awards at the Royal Festival Hall capped off a China-themed day, which began with a visit to London's Chinatown with the Duchess of Cornwall.

    Charles introduced the awards by praising the 250,000-strong UK Chinese community's "significant and largely unsung contribution to national life".

    He cited Chinese cuisine, traditional Chinese medicine, China's "precocious and brilliant musicians" - and even an "extremely talented and industrious" young man from China who recently joined his office.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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