It all depends. I do not give my students the opportunity to be disrespectfull in class because I try to keep it in constant motion. I dont like to bs during class just work. I have had a few cases that the student was disrespectfull. The way I handle it depends on the age of the student. If it is a teen I will jump on them tell them they are doing wrong and why and sometimes pusups. If it is an adult I handle it a little differently. The last guy I took to the side and ask if he noticed how all of the other students stopped and looked at him when he questioned me. I told him that was because they respect me and do not like it when people treat me that way. I explained to him that it is important for the other students to like him since they will be the ones helping him along they way. If they dont he would be out in the cold.

I have had some problems with issues not involving kung fu. So, I do not discuss things other than kung fu with students anymore. I get to the school and go to my office. When I go to the floor I am teaching kung fu. When I am done I leave or go back to my office. Very little small talk. It has saved me a lot of heart ache over the last year. I wish I would have learned to do this a long time ago.