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Thread: ot: interesting points on women

  1. #1

    ot: interesting points on women

    "Women regardless of what they say about their liberation from men, are still only as good as the seed that fertilizes them. A woman's status in society correlates directly to that of her man. If she is pretty and classy she will be the possession of a high status male , while if she ugly and classless she will be possessed by a correlatory male.

    1) The trophy wives of older wealthy men equate to the antiques he has in his mansion' something to be displayed and admired rather than considered and chersihed.

    2) Trophy husbands are non-existant ( or indeed extremely rare) because unlike a female a male is unwilling to be possessed.

    3) There is an ever prevailing trend within the ranks of women, that if you get screwed by someone famous you will in turn become famous yourself. This phenomena only applies to women; again being owned by a high class male will enhance a female's social standings. Again, men dont go down this route, they generally accomplish fame using their ability not their genitals (minus porn stars).

    4) Women although unwilling to admit it openly love being the possesion of the man they love, it is one of their life goals to find their soul mate; AKA their owner. Again this is not the case with males who prefer sexual diversity and indepenence.

    5) Historically women were possessions in the crudest sense of the word. For thousands of years they assumed this place beneath men. one hundred years of feminism cannot overcome millenia of ownership.

    6) Genetically perhaps more than any of the other points women are possessions in the mammalian kingdom. Males dominate one another for possesion of as many females as possible in all mammal species even in the most advanced ones minus **** sapiens.
    The words of a few feminists has changed our opnions and morals for the good and bad, but nothing can change the insticitve behaviour our genetic heritage forces upon us as animals.

    This is where our species has come from and the male ownership of women is still evident in society today.

    You as a male have ownership rights to a woman as much a she wants to be possessed by you."

  2. #2
    Women are from another planet so just leave them alone.

    It is a quote.

    seriously, men and women are genetically wired to use different part/hemisphere of the brain/cerebra.

    Last edited by SPJ; 07-15-2006 at 07:59 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    36th Chamber

  4. #4
    In some animal or insect kingdoms, the queen will crush or eat the male after mating.

  5. #5

    COMPROMISE is all very well, but sometimes you just have to get your own way. And tempting as it is to shout and sulk, by far the most effective tactic is to manipulate him into thinking it was his idea all along.

    That way he won't end up feeling resentful and you both feel like you've won.

    So follow out five top tricks and you'll be able to get what you want and keep him happy at the same time...


    WHEN you want to win an argument, the obvious thing to say is "no, but...", thereby instantly dismissing his ideas and replacing them with your own better ones.

    The trouble is, all he hears is the "but", so he feels you've ignored his idea and he stubbornly digs in his heels.

    f, however, you replace your "no, but" with "yes, and..." you sound as though you've carefully considered what he has to say and have simply added further useful information. In fact, he's just agreed to what you wanted in the first place.


    Him: "I don't see why we have to book another holiday when we've just bought a new carpet in the lounge."

    You: "Yes, and the break we found in Tenerife actually isn't that expensive."


    IT'S tempting to shake your head and mutter "you've already said that five times" when your partner repeats himself.

    But there is a great deal to be gained from really absorbing everything he has to say.

    A lot of arguments happen because at least one person doesn't feel heard.

    So if you can convince him that you've taken in everything he has said and can even repeat whole chunks of it in your answer, you're halfway to winning the battle.

    This because when you reply, he knows that you have listened to - and absorbed - his point of view.


    Him: "Blah blah, the kids are spoilt, blah, not like when I grew up, blah, your mother mollycoddles them."

    You (having nodded in silence for some time): "I understand what you're saying - you think my mother mollycoddles the kids and that's not good for them. What would you like us to do about that?"


    IT sounds obvious, but unexpectedly bombarding your partner with love when he's arguing with you will disarm him so much he's more likely to end up agreeing with you.

    Instead of drawing away from him when he's arguing, move further towards him and point out how marvellous he is.

    Unless he's completely focused on his argument, he'll quickly be inclined to agree with you just so he can receive more of your affection.


    Him: "I don't understand why we have to go all the way to France for your old school friend's wedding. You haven't seen her for years."

    You: "Remember that wedding last year? You looked so handsome - but that's because you always do. I'm really lucky that I've got you to come with me to these things. I get a bit shy, but you're so confident with new people."


    WE all know it's wrong to exploit someone's weaknesses. But what if you exploit his strengths? Say his strength is in being kind and always wanting to help.

    Then you attempt the job yourself, make a mistake and wait for him to wade in and do it - like you asked him to in the first place. Or if his strength is his ability to get things organised, then you talk aloud about how much you wish you could sort out the problem. Eventually, he'll be unable to resist resolving it for you.


    You: "I don't know what happened, I know you wanted to wait until next month to fix the drains but I thought I'd have a go to save you the trouble and now there's this odd smell."

    Him: "Oh, God... let's have a look."


    IT may be despicable to use sex to get what you want - but if you're sleeping with him anyway, why not? And it's a rare man who won't be convinced by the power of sex.

    Begin by subtly bringing up what you want. When he shakes his head, you appear to drop the argument altogether, because you're so overtaken by how much you want him.

    Sometime afterwards, cuddled up, you may murmur, "You know what we were talking about before?" and when he mumbles "mm?" you'll have a great chance to subtly win him over.


    Him: "We're not spending Christmas at your mother's again. I've had enough of her put-downs and burnt turkey."

    You: "Oh, honey. You look gorgeous, never mind all that - come here and let me kiss you."


    1 GET HIM DRUNK It may work while the alcohol lasts but he'll be sober - and angrier - in the morning.

    2 GET YOUR FRIENDS TO PERSUADE HIM The minute one casually trills, "So, I hear you've been discussing holidays," his defences will shoot up faster than ever.

    3 SHOUT Shouting loudly will make him want to shout even louder.

    4 SULK If you do get your way, it'll only be because he can't stand your persistent bad mood - but, deep down, he'll be furious.

    5 EMPTY PROMISES If you strike a bargain you have to hold up your side of the promise. So never write cheques you can't cash later - or he'll see straight through you next time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lone Star State

    Well That is just great Heironim

    Now that we know all the tricks, it will be alot easier for us now to recognize when women are being two faced just so that they can get their way and continue to felch the credit card for all its worth. I mean us guys work hard so that we can just give the CC over to you and be in deep debt because you just HAD to have those fukin shoes

    It makes me mad when people say I turned and ran like a scared rabbit. Maybe it was like an angry rabbit, who was going to fight in another fight, away from the first fight.

  7. #7
    The social roles of the genders are really blurred nowadays.

    We have women soldiers died on the battlefield and while men stayed behind and home making, too.

    Who is the wage earner? there are plenty of households that both men and women work to keep the house and family together.

    What ever you do, both men and women do it "together".

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    Well said. In fact my best friend is the main bread winner in her house, her husband is the home maker.
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

    + = & a

  9. #9
    Bottom line Hieronim is you obviously need to get laid, so maybe you should get out there and start dating and stop obsessing over women on the Internet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Hang on, haven't there been similar threads on here recently? Can't we just all try and get on in this world?
    Sorry that it sounds like you have had women problems and like Neilyholt suggests you may just be in some kind of "need" , hope you get over it soon.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    He's more than welcome to my leftovers, I have a surplus right now.
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

    + = & a

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Ooh get you, show off!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    Hee, Hee, Hee, Great big Grin!

    .................................................. .................................................. ..............................
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

    + = & a

  14. #14
    Hieronim spends his time scouring the web for controversial and spectacular topics
    to post. Try not to take what he posts as necessarily what he believes.

    He likes to stir the pot to keep it interesting around here.

  15. #15
    Just watched "Da Vinci code".

    It is an absolute controvecy.

    In the end, what do you believe is most important.

    "And Jesus descendent Sophie tried to walk on the water and backed away".

    So what do you believe?

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