My daughter has finally chosen a MA she wants to participate in. After pretty much ignoring my personal pushes towards Judo or even Karate/Kung Fu, she has decided to study Capoeira!

I have no idea how she even came across it, but she's so excited about it that she even looked up information about it, found some vids on Youtube, and found a club close by.

I'll admit that I don't know much about Capoeira beyond what I've seen on vids and tapes. What I've seen is people dancing to some music and breakdancing. I want my daughter (who is 10) to learn how to defend herself against someone attacking or raping her, not how to do head spins and crescent kicks!

So I'm really in a bind here, and I feel really guilty about the whole thing because I'm the one who sorta pushed her into doing MA in the first place, and now I'm mad at her for picking a MA that I don't like.

My wife's ticked off at me too, saying that I'm being selfish and that I need to let my daughter choose what she wants to do.

So what do you guys think? Should I play a "daddy knows best" on her and put her in a MA of my choosing anyway, or should I swallow my pride and let her do Capoeira?