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Thread: China clubs 50000 dogs to death because 3 people got rabies

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I never get why the west are so against eating dogs and cats. Its just an animal in the end of the day, as long as it is slaughtered in a humane way, it doesnt really matter.

    When I was in the street markets in Kaifeng or Wuling it was probs one of the best things to eat, bit of hot spice on the top, gorrrrr nothing quite like it.

    Bangkok market is pretty crazy too, aligators and crocs for sale.


  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Do the French eat horse? Of course!
    When I was in China I noticed that no one was eating the beef stew. Man it was good. Afterwards I asked why didn't someone try it. Then I was asked " How many cows have you seen since we have been here?"

    Ever notice how virtually everyone agrees that 95% of all traditional schools are crap, but NOBODY ever admits to being in that 5%? Don't judge... your skill may suck also...
    Quote from SevenStar

    Just call me the Shaolin Do Wet Blanket. Gene Ching

  3. #18
    Cows are sacred in India. They are allowed to run free. Sometimes, they have temples for rats and a fountain of milk to feed them.

    In the country side of China, cows and horses work to plow the land and move a cart. Farmers respected them. In Taiwan, if you are a farmer, you will not eat beef. If you are a buddist, you will not eat any meat at all.

    If there is an outbreak of rabies, yes, the dogs will be isolated, quarantined or humanely "destroyed".

    How many cows were destroyed when there was the mad cow disease?

    How many cows were cornered/rounded up and buried deep when there was the anthrax?

    How may rats were caught and "destroyed" in any urban city if there is the "plaque" of some sort?

    How many insects were destroyed by spraying chemicals, so that they will not eat fruits and veggie that grown on the farm?

    The ultimate question is always that what is the "justified" cause for taking lives of other species?

    Last edited by SPJ; 08-14-2006 at 07:38 AM.

  4. #19
    If there is an outbreak of rabies, dogs, bats, racoons, horses, and many other wild life will be effected and of course people.

    What would you do if it happens in your city?

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    yea tottally

    worst things happen at sea


  6. #21
    Pigs have been measured to have the intelligence of a small toddler. All you guys screaming about how ignorant the chinese are to eat animals like dog and cat are you gonna stop eating your side of roast pork now?

    Or are you a bunch of ethnocentric hypocrites?
    Last edited by _William_; 08-14-2006 at 05:10 PM.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Seattle, WA
    Every animal is just meat when it is dead. It is up to your value system to decide for yourself what should be killed and what should not be killed.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Sebring, FL U.S.A.
    Whats the difference between the two? The biggest reason is that dogs, and cats eat meat, and for the most part here in the U.S. the animals killed are those that are herbivores or those that eat insects.

    I think there is a difference in taste, I heard animals that are carnivores or omnivores don't taste as good. I don't know, I've tried gator and found it to be good.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Xi'an, P.R.C.
    Actually, the real difference is the many thousands of years of co-evolution between dogs and man.

    Dog's only exist as a species because we bred them to be companions. Dogs as meat came later.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    The US caused deaths in the thousands in Iraq because of 0 WMDs

    set your standard of morality right.

  11. #26
    I guess I'll jump in on this one.

    I remember years ago there was a doc. on HBO about cruel treatment of animals by people throught the world. It was really gruesome. I remember cat's being skinned and boiled alive in China gagging in the hot water.

    In Spain, on Saint's days, it was shown how they commonly throw livestock (goats) off of buildings to their deaths (how this commemorates the life of a saint, I don't know). How the crowd can cheer this without being sick I don't know either.

    On the net, I did read that in Korea they hang dogs up by the neck and cut pieces of skin and meat off them to cook (while the dog is howling in pain). The whole "adrenalilne" story above I have also heard before (I think on a Peta website).

    I'm sure other countries (including my own) are just as cruel. My point is not to criticize any particular country. My personal problem is not with consumption of any animal for food (That's just a part of nature....everything living eats something that was once alive). My problem is lack of human compassion in any culture. It doesn't matter whether it's a dog, or dolphin, or chicken.

    If youre going to eat something, why not kill it humanely or at least quickly. As human beings we have empathy (regardless of culture). I don't get how some humans can be devoid of that trait when it comes to torturing another living thing (human or animal).

    As a side note, of course we cant expect much in a world where people are cruel enough to each other. But, this is not about priorities, we are discussing treatment of animals on this thread. It's an issue involving treatment of all life. I think that if youre going to respect and value the life of an animal (even if it will be used for food) you will probably do the same to your fellow man.

    And yes, I get the point of certain emergency situations such as the plague where the carrier has to be wiped out.....that's understandable. So, to me, yes there are justified causes. I guess that has to be determined case by case.

    Another side note, several serial killers started out as children who enjoyed torturing animals. I think that treatment of animals and people are not seperate, they go hand in hand. The key quality is empathy. If you have it, you don't discriminate. If I feel sorry for a human in pain, I'll feel sorry for an animal in pain as well.

    That's just me. If you think differently that's fine. Everyone has their own take on the situation and I'm not trying to present a definitive point of view, just mine. I'm sure it's not flawless. It's just for the sake of discussion.
    Last edited by Anthony; 08-27-2006 at 12:00 PM.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    How to get this thread back OT

    Jackie Chan backs call for end to Chinese dog slaughter

    Hong Kong action hero Jackie Chan has thrown his support behind an animal rights group that is campaigning for China to find alternatives to the mass slaughter of dogs to control rabies outbreaks.

    Chan, famed internationally for his roles in the Rush Hour movies, signed a card for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) to be auctioned on eBay as a fundraiser for the group’s Asia-Pacific humane rabies control campaign.

    “Of course it is our duty as human beings to love and respect each other. But that obligation extends to our animal friends as well,” says the heart-shaped card, signed, “Love, Jackie Chan.”

    Chan, who recently acquired a pair of golden retriever puppies, is a long-term supporter of Peta.

    The group is leading a drive to end dog slaughters that have drawn strong condemnation abroad and unusually critical remarks from China’s official media.

    Tens of thousands of dogs have been killed – most of them clubbed to death - this year in areas where people have died of rabies, a growing problem especially in the countryside.

    Authorities defend the practice as the only way to control such outbreaks, but critics say it’s just a stopgap measure that underscores deficiencies in the public health care system.

    After the slaughters were reported, Peta announced it was cancelling all orders of merchandise from China.

    The group, which has in recent years led a drive against the wearing of fur in China, is working with the Chinese government to improve rabies vaccinations and treatment, expand sterilisation and the use of humane euthanasia and better public education on rabies.

    “With Jackie’s help, we hope to make dog culling a thing of the past,” Peta’s Asia Pacific director Jason Baker was quoted as saying in a news release. “Humane rabies prevention programs not only save dogs’ lives, they also save human lives.”

    The Humane Society of the United States has also said it will give China £50,000 (€74,000) to vaccinate dogs against rabies if it promises to immediately stop such killings.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Seattle, WA
    It's pretty sickening how humans treat animals, plants, etc., on this planet.

    There was this terrible show on T.V. the other day about how they kill pigs in pig farms. I checked with my brother and it is all true. (They use these bolt guns).

    I'm swearing off pigs from now on. And I'll never eat dog. (Although dogs are kindof stupid). Bottom line is you wouldn't kill a 3 year old human with a bolt gun, and you wouldn't club a 3 year old human to death, right?

    So why hurt poor animals?

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Western MASS
    they need to get more vets and more rabie shots standard like in the usa.

    plus dog tastes good. i know from exp in china
    Quote Originally Posted by Psycho Mantis View Post
    Genes too busy rocking the gang and scarfing down bags of cheetos while beating it to nacho ninjettes and laughing at the ridiculous posts on the kfforum. In a horse stance of course.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    what a stupid example

    Quote Originally Posted by lunghushan View Post
    Bottom line is you wouldn't kill a 3 year old human with a bolt gun, and you wouldn't club a 3 year old human to death, right?

    So why hurt poor animals?
    Well, I would hope that you wouldn't eat a three year-old human no matter how it was prepared!

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