Looks like the thread was deleted, but you irritated the crap out of me with your perpetual "it can't be done, everything sux" attitude, and I just feel this needs to be said.

Actually, you didn't. I have been watching Gold for a very long time.

If you took the courses, then you should know what to do. If not, buy stocks as they are not quite so volital.

if you don't want to do that, start an internet buisness.

if you don't want to do that, go get a better paying job, or drastically cut your expenses. You DON'T need a huge house. You can find a cheaper car. But don't sit here and whine "Oh Poor me", I have to work on the weekends, when there are an endless number of oppertunites to make $$$

Heck, i just picked up a class teaching basic Tai Chi. I'm getting $7.00 a student per nite. If I ONLY end up with 10 students, that is an extra $70.00 every week. This also gives me a place to work on my own fundemental structure and alignments as well as my mechanics FOR FREE!

I know everyone here gets a bit tired of my ragging at times, especially about Women, but at least "I" get up and solve my problems and get over it. every post you make is a whinie, crabby complainie quagmire of patheticness.

Grow a pair, and get it in gear, will yah...GOD!