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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Abbot scandals

    Dispute over sports car for China's most famous monk 2006-08-22 20:32:16
    ZHENGZHOU, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- The gift of a luxury sports car by the Dengfeng City government to a monk for his contributions tothe local tourism industry has stirred up a heated debate on the Internet.

    Shi Yongxin, the abbot of Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng in Henan Province, received the 1 million yuan (125,000 U.S. dollars) vehicle eight days ago at the city's tourism promotion conference.

    "I will try my best to promote martial arts to the world in an attempt to boost local tourism. I dream of getting a bigger prize next year," said the abbot who is in charge of the place widely considered to be the birthplace of China's famed kungfu.

    Following the award ceremony, tens of thousands of netizens pasted their opinions on net forums or surveys conducted by China's major web portals, including,, yahoo.comand, to discuss the contentious move.

    Results of the survey show that about three-quarters of the respondents consider that giving a luxury sedan to a monk is inappropriate.

    "Shaolin monks are renowned for their austerity, transcriptions of religious classics and marvelous martial arts, but now, luxury goods have entered their lives, proving that the religious world has been violated by worldly concepts," an anonymous netizen wrote.

    The netizen called for spiritual encouragement for religious people rather than material rewards.

    Some of the criticism targets monks, saying they should not enjoy modern luxury goods in temples. "They have forgotten what their purpose is and are concentrating on what they shouldn't do," wrote a dissenter with the internet name "virtuous-way".

    "His duty is to boost the martial arts spirit. Even if he contributes a lot to local tourism he should not be given a car," commented a netizen, adding that it is wrong to spend one million yuan on a car in a underdeveloped province.

    Agriculture-oriented Henan is the most populous province in China with 96.67 million. The population will top 100 million in 2009, according to a recent estimate by English-language newspaper China Daily.

    Poor villagers struggle to make a living. One of the most tragic aspects of Henan life is the existence of "AIDS villages" harboring people who contracted AIDS from dirty needles when they sold blood to illegal blood banks.

    Those support the move consider the award is proper because driving and praying do not conflict each other in a monk's life.

    "The Shaolin temple has made a large amount of profits over past years as its fame has escalated around the world. It is proper to reward the abbot with a sedan," a supporter with net-name of "Shaolin-believer" wrote.

    "It is reasonable to award a person who made contributions to local tourism," a post says, adding that those who oppose the move may have never achieved anything.

    "There aren't any laws to stipulate that monks can't drive a car," says another post, adding that the temple does a lot for local tourism due to their fame.

    Shaolin Temple, built at Songshan Mountain in 496 during the Northern and Southern dynasties (420-581), has attracted nearly three million domestic and overseas tourists and gained an income of 75.5 million yuan (9.4 million US dollars), up 49 and 65.4 percent respectively over the same period last year.

    Shaolin's martial arts has been gaining influence worldwide as actors of Chinese origin, such as Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, use its stunts in a wide range of overseas films.

    In 1987, former abbot of the Shaolin Temple passed away. Since then Shi Yongxin, who had joined the temple only six years before, has adopted the long robes and bowl of the venerable abbot, and stepped up the post of director of the Shaolin Temple Management Committee.

    Becoming an abbot at the age of 22, earlier than any other monastery head in China, Shi Yongxin has constantly caused people to re-evaluate their traditional notions about Buddhist monks with his business-minded transformation of the temple and its arts, and promotion of Buddhism throughout the world over the past two decades.

    Since 1986, he has led Shaolin monk delegations across China and abroad to perform Shaolin martial arts shows. In 1994, he played a leading role in the Chinese religious community in applying for "Shaolin" and "Shaolin Temple" to be registered as trademarks, and established a company for the management of the relevant intellectual property .

    In 1996, when the Internet was in its first stages of being introduced to China, he established the official Web site of the Shaolin Temple.

    During recent years, Shi has devoted much effort to the largest ever renovation project in the 1,500-year history of Shaolin Temple.

    So far, the temple has been visited by leaders of many countries worldwide including Russian President Putin. Meanwhile, the temple has dispatched "standing martial monks" to more than 20countries, whose function is to conduct training and exchange programs there with the aim to spread the word of Buddhism and the Shaolin culture.

    In addition, the martial-art performing delegations of the Shaolin Temple have visited more than 60 countries and regions. Their performances have instilled a respect and genuine interest in Shaolin culture across the world.

    On the dispute of sedan award, the view of Shi is that if a monk wished to be respected, he must make contributions to the world outside of religious circle because all the dignitary monks in Chinese history gained their fame through great contributions to society.

    "Via TV, Internet or whatever manner for spreading Buddhism and Shaolin culture, the theme of our efforts to promote religious development and Chinese martial arts is the same," the abbot said. Enditem

    Editor: Ling Zhu
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
    I don't see a problem with it. The abbot recieved a fancy ride. Good for him. It doesn't make him a greedy person.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by The Xia View Post
    I don't see a problem with it. The abbot recieved a fancy ride. Good for him. It doesn't make him a greedy person.
    o they’re greedy alright ,that is why i prefer to train with the schools surrounding the main historical site. if you go there as a tourist you won’t understand all this. When i first came to china about 9 years ago for a training trip in Beijing i trained with a famous tai chi master. thought he was the sweetest human alive, when i returned to live there i met him ,saw the real guy, he was nasty mean and very greedy, wanted to charge me 6 times what his Chinese students pay, even i explained i live here now.[he could care less]

    first trip we made to the shaolin temple, met a teacher living near us in shenzhen city,he is a shaolin brother of my teacher here]. he told us to contact his teacher, he will train us for free cause we know him give us special treatment, just need to give him the old [hong bao] sure enough when we talked to him on the phone he tried to give us the whole package deal with sight seeing included. again if you are visiting and want a nice experience it might be worth it, but as someone who lives in china believe me it is a big racket.

    And yeah there is a problem with a monk driving a Rolls Royce. The whole concept of Buddhism is freeing yourself from desires of this world and living a simple life, not ot mention the example this shmuck is setting to the world as a representative of Buddhism and shaolin. If he was for real he would sell the car and use the proceeds for charity
    Last edited by wiz cool c; 09-15-2015 at 08:02 PM.

  4. #4
    Maybe the questions to ask yourself about a monastic or abbot are:

    Would it feel like a beneficial and wholesome deed to support this person’s buddhist practice?

    Would you turn to this person for spiritual advice?

    I can think of many people who have chosen to become monastics who I can say yes about on both counts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    In defense of the abbot

    This is a long article so I will post it, plus the googtranslation, in chunks.
    2015-09-17 枣庄佛光山法云寺 悟在当下

    如果你是一个喜欢刷屏看新闻的人,肯定有印象最近俩月上头条最频繁的一定是释永信,先是“释正义”的几波有 节奏的爆料,准确的让每次爆料都上了头条;然后“释正义”匿迹,曾经的弟子释延鲁联合多人上京实名举报,再 掀波澜。

    此事的复杂性和迷惑性,让公众对答案相当期待。从少林寺所在地登封市政府到河南省委,从登封市宗教局到国家 宗教局,从登封市公安局到最高检;各级政府部门、宗教部门、佛教协会、最高检的这些名词都会引起公众侧目, 举报者对公众阅读喜好的精准把握让很多跨国组织都难以企及,不排除幕后有利益相关的专业策划团 队操盘。



    9月2日,70周年阅兵式前夕,新华社刊发了俄罗斯总统普京的专访文章《俄中两国共同致力于捍卫二战历史真 相——访俄罗斯总统普京》,由于阅兵式大环境,媒体把这篇文章的关注点放在了阅兵式主题上,重点传播了普京 总统关于“有人企图篡改二战历史,挑衅性地要改变纽伦堡审判和东京审判的决定”的观点。

    殊不知,这篇文章其实大有来头,据知情人士透露,文章并非新华社主动采访稿件,而是阅兵式前夕,高层领导通 过中共中央办公厅和外交部委托新华社对俄罗斯总统普京进行的独家采访,这也是来华参与阅兵式的各国领导中唯 一的专访稿件,政治意味值得琢磨。

    中共中央办公厅和外交部主导的专访稿件,根据相关规定都需要中办领导乃至更高层领导进行审阅,俄罗斯作为中 国最重要的战略伙伴之一,而文章里的观点都代表着中央高层的意志和态度,这其中既有中俄外交关系的具体阐述 ,也有国际问题的一致看法,更巧妙的传达了有关于中央领导对少林寺事件判断的微妙态度。

    普京在专访中指出,中国继续珍视文化和历史传统,每一位来到中国的人简直是每走一步都会感受到这一点。他说 ,那些反映中国古老文明全貌的文化遗产具有特殊意义,2006年访华期间少林寺给他留下了难忘 印象。

    通过上述内容,我们可以明白,少林寺是作为“反映中国古老文明全貌的文化遗产”的代表出现的,这一文化联想 的逻辑其实很容易理解——中国功夫被外国人看做是开启中国传统文化的钥匙,而提到中国功夫必然离不开少林寺 ,多数外国人真正直观地感受到少林武术的魅力,是从李小龙、成龙和李连杰主演的功夫电影开始的,上世纪80 年代那部著名的武侠电影《少林寺》更是使少林武术普遍深入人心,少林寺成为中国文化的一张名片而深入人心, 而这一中国文化的发扬和传播自然离不开近期备受关注的人物——释永信。

    据了解,自释永信主持少林寺以来,少林在海外设置了6大分院,在柏林、伦敦等地直接办了40多家公司,另外 还间接办了一些公司,在50多个国家和地区建有专门研学少林功夫的学校和团体,海外弟子多达300万以上。 在某些方面,这些机构与孔子学院发挥着同样的作用——通过文化和语言弘扬中国的软实力,而且宣扬精神健康的 少林文化中心越来越受欢迎。这样的成就也得到了来自国家的认可和支持,而此次的举报事件也得到了世界媒体的 舆论关注。

    毋庸置疑,巨大的成就也不能成为腐败和违法的护身符,但是我们单撇开少林寺及释永信的巨大成就,就目前公开 的举报材料和观点来分析这个事件,也许能一窥究竟。
    Goog translation:
    Shi events, survey results so the truth gradually surfaced!
    2015-09-17 Zaozhuang Wu Guang Shan Temple in the moment Fayun

    If you are a scraper like watching the news, it will certainly have the impression that the recent two months the most frequent headlines must be Shi, first "interpretation of justice" several waves broke rhythmic and accurate so that every time the leaks headlines; then "Release justice" has disappeared, once a disciple of Shi Yan Lu to Beijing joint multiplayer real name, Waves.

    The complexity of the matter and confusing for the public to answer quite looking forward to. From the Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng municipal government seat to the Henan provincial Religious Affairs from Dengfeng City, to the State Bureau of Religious Affairs, from Dengfeng City Public Security Bureau to the Supreme Procuratorate; all levels of government, religious authorities, Buddhist Association, Supreme Procuratorate of these terms will causing public eyebrows, whistleblowers public reading preferences accurate grasp so many multinational organizations are difficult to match, does not exclude the stakeholders behind the scenes manipulator of professional planning team.

    Today, the truth may, in contrast, the attitude of the central gradually clear, naturally give the public a responsible findings.

    An article revealed significant signal

    September 2, the 70th anniversary of the parade on the eve of the Xinhua News Agency published an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin's article "Russia and China work together to defend the historical truth of World War II - An Interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin", due to parade the environment, the media the focus of this article on the parade theme, focusing on the dissemination of views on President Vladimir Putin's "World War II was an attempt to tamper with history, provocative decision to change the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials," the.

    As everyone knows, this article is in fact a great background, according to informed sources, the article does not take the initiative to Xinhua News Agency interview manuscript, but the parade on the eve of an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency commissioned by the senior leadership of Russian President Vladimir Putin made by the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The leaders, which is unique to China to participate in the parade interview manuscript, political meaning is worth pondering.

    CPC Central Committee General Office and the Foreign Ministry-led interview manuscript, in accordance with the relevant provisions need to do even more senior leadership leadership for review, Russia, as one of the most important strategic partner of China, and the article's point of view represents the will of the central level and attitude, both of which specifically addressed the Sino-Russian diplomatic relations, but also consensus on international issues, and more subtly convey the central leadership of the Shaolin Temple about the event determining the subtle attitude.

    In the interview, Putin pointed out that China continues to cherish cultural and historical tradition, every person is simply came to China every step feel it. He said that those that reflect the cultural heritage of the whole picture of Chinese ancient civilization has a special significance, the temple has left a memorable impression during the 2006 visit.

    Through the above, we can understand that, as a representative of Shaolin "reflect the whole picture of China's ancient civilization and cultural heritage," the emergence of this cultural association logic is actually very easy to understand - Chinese martial arts are seen as foreigners turned traditional Chinese culture key, and mentioned that China can not be separated Shaolin kung fu, most foreigners Shaolin martial arts really intuitively feel the charm, from Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li kung fu movie starring the beginning of the 1980s that the Department of the famous martial arts movie "Shaolin Temple" is so widespread popular Shaolin martial arts, Shaolin Temple has become a business card of Chinese culture and deeply rooted, and carry forward the Chinese culture and the spread of the natural person is inseparable from the recent concern - Shi Yongxin.

    It is understood that since the auspices of the Shaolin Temple Shi Yongxin, the Shaolin set up six large overseas branch, in Berlin, London and other places to do more than 40 companies directly, and also indirectly do a number of companies, built in more than 50 countries and regions There are specialized research study Shaolin kung fu schools and groups, as many as 300 million more overseas disciples. In some ways, these agencies and the Confucius Institute plays the same role - to carry forward China's soft power through culture and language, and to promote mental health center Shaolin culture increasingly popular. This success has also been recognized and support from the state, and this incident has also been reports of public opinion worldwide media attention.

    Needless to say, great achievements can not become corrupt and illegal talisman, but we put aside the great achievements single and Shi Yongxin of Shaolin Temple, the current public reporting materials and perspectives to analyze this event, may be able to see what.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #6
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    continued from previous


    7月25日以来,关于释永信的问题归纳起来集中在以下几点,举报材料看似证据确凿,但终究是一家之言,而且 从法律层面看举报材料的获取多有违法违规之处,真实性更待考证:


    举报人“释正义”表示“少林寺方丈 释永信 违反佛教戒律、玩弄女人” ,并表示 释永信 有两个身份证,且有情妇,并与多名女性育有儿女。“释正义”向有关媒体提交了证据,并称“如不实愿负法律责 任”。

    但有一名熟悉释延洁的僧人表示,释延洁多年前因为生病,做过手术,早已经丧失了生育能力,释延洁手里有当年 在郑州就医的病历,因此说她生孩子纯属造谣。


    举报人“释正义”提供的数份复印件材料显示:1987年5月10日,释永信的师父、当时还健在的行正方丈在 给中国佛教协会的一封信中,曾历数释永信的不轨之处:“偷拿法卷”“对外接受采访时自称方丈”“出差虚报假 单据”“以二当家的身份到流通处拿东西”;1988年2月,中国佛教协会公函对少林寺相关事件做出回复,当 时行正已圆寂,当年4月23日,释永信的师叔祖、名誉方丈德禅做出释永信迁单的决定:“为了禅宗祖庭的荣誉 ,根据行正方丈的遗嘱,和现在永信的所作所为,对永信作出迁单的处理。”“释正义”展示的该文件复印件图片 上,还盖有“少林寺佛教管理委员会”的印章。

    但是,无论释永信是否被迁单过,最后的方丈更迭中他继任了住持。1987年行正圆寂后,少林寺首座素喜继任 少林寺住持,1998年自住持位退居,由释永信继任住持。此后,释永信逐渐以少林寺方丈身份出任河南佛教协 会的会长, 中国佛教协会 的副会长,第九、十、十一、十二届全国人大代表等官方身份,说明释永信的少林寺方丈身份得到了国家认可,身 份来源具有合法性。


    抛开上述问题,本次举报最需要厘清的其实是少林寺的财产纠纷。2015年8月,媒体报道称中国嵩山少林寺方 丈释永信持河南少林无形资产管理有限公司80%股份,引发公众对释永信“侵吞少林寺资产”的质 疑。

    8月11日,澎湃新闻获得的两份文件显示,因少林寺不具备法人资格,无法成为公司股东,所以由少林寺内部人 员代持(少林无形)股份。少林寺相关负责人称,两份文件是真实的。少林寺相关负责人称,少林寺没有法人资格 ,无法成为股东,但因释印松遗嘱指定受让人为少林寺,工商部门“没有办法”,才同意股权变更。

    同时,各方记者在前往释永信原籍家庭中也没有发现亲属通过释永信获得直接利益的证据,其父母和兄弟在当地从 事普通职业,住房也为普通2层民宅,与当地居民并无相异。


    迄今为止,我们看到的举报材料似乎是证据凿凿,但仍然疑点重重、没有公信力。而另一方面,以“释正义”和释 延鲁为代表的举报方,却遭受越来越多的质疑,举报方利益关系逐渐浮出水面。
    goog trans:
    Shi Report event: a 关公战秦琼 spared from war

    Since July 25, Shi Yongxin questions about summed up focused on the following points, to report material seemingly conclusive evidence, but in the end is one of the words, but also from a legal perspective to obtain more illegal irregularities, the authenticity of the report material More to be verified:

    1, in violation of the precepts of the problem: no fertility Shi Yan Jie, womanizer no conclusive evidence

    Whistleblower "Release justice" means "Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin violation Buddhist precepts, playing a woman," and said Shi Yongxin has two identity cards, and there is a mistress and fathered children with several women. "Interpretation of justice" has submitted evidence to the media, saying, "If you do not wish to bear the legal responsibility real."

    But there is a familiar monk Shi Yan Jie, said Shi Yan Jie years ago because of illness, had surgery, had already lost the ability to reproduce, hand Shi Yan Jie Zhengzhou medical treatment in those years in medical records, so that she is purely a child disinformation.

    2, moved to a single Supremacy: whether to be moved to a single, Shi presided over the identity of legitimate

    Number of copies material whistleblower "interpretation of justice" provided by: May 10, 1987, Master Shi Yongxin, was still alive in a letter to the Bank is abbot of the Buddhist Association of China, Zeng Yong enumerate release misconduct place the letter: "stole Act volume" "when claiming in an interview outside the abbot," "false false travel documents," the "underboss of identity to get something at the Circulation"; February 1988, the Buddhist Association of China-related letters to the Shaolin Temple Event respond, then the line being has passed away on April 23 that year, Shi Yongxin Shishu ancestors, honorary abbot Shi De Chan moved to make a single decision: "To honor Zen Buddhism, according to the Bank is the abbot wills, and is now doing the letter Wing, Wing letter to move to a single process. "On" interpretation of justice "shows a copy of the document image, but also the seal of" Shaolin Temple Buddhist management committee ".

    However, regardless of whether the move monopersulfuric Shi Yongxin, abbot of the change in the final he succeeded the abbot. After the 1987 line being died, the Shaolin Temple abbot's first prime hi successor, Abbot bit relegated since 1998 by his successor abbot Shi Yongxin. Since then, gradually to Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin capacity as president of the Buddhist Association of Henan, the official as vice chairman of the China Buddhist Association, ninth, tenth, eleventh and 12th National People's Congress, etc., indicating Shi Yongxin of Shaolin Temple Abbot identity recognized by the State, the identity of the source of legitimacy.

    3, the occupation of the temple property: Shi behalf of the holders of 80% of the shares, can not qualify because people Shaolin Temple

    Despite these problems, this report need to clarify the fact that most property disputes Shaolin Temple. August 2015, the media reported that China Songshan Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin, Henan Shaolin intangible asset Management Ltd. holds 80% stake, triggering public Shi "plunder Shaolin assets" of the question.

    August 11, two documents obtained by surging news show, because the temple does not have legal personality, can not become a shareholder of the company, so hold (Shaolin intangible) owned by internal staff on behalf of the Shaolin Temple. Shaolin responsible person, two documents are real. Shaolin responsible person, Shaolin Temple has no legal personality, can not become a shareholder, but the release will specify the transferee is a printed loose Shaolin Temple, the business sector "no way", had agreed to change of equity.

    At the same time, the parties Reporter Shi went home in the family also found no evidence of relatives by Shi directly benefit their parents and brothers engaged in local general employment, housing also two layers of ordinary homes, not with local residents different.

    Thus, the report Shi illegal occupation of property have use of the Shaolin Temple property particularity confuse the suspect.

    So far, we have seen evidence Zaozao report material seems to be, but still many doubts, no credibility. On the other hand, to "release justice" and Shi Yan Lu as the representative of the reporting party, has suffered increasingly questioned, reported Fangli Yi relations gradually surfaced.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #7


    to recieve a gift from someone in no way goes against any buddhist principles....i dont think the venerable abbot did any good deeds for any kind of promote shaolin let people see the beauty of shaolin chan and gong give him my car too for a minutes worth of their information now thats yea and the furious....shaolin drift..............

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    To the abbotmobile!

    drive and feel the winds of a thousand years cross your bald pate.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  9. #9
    ok..its ok to recieve a gift...
    but its messed up to say " I dream of getting a bigger prize next year"..espcially from an *abbot*
    i think that what got people mad.....
    Teo Chew Association: Unicorn Dragon and Lion Dance Team
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    No Limit Arts & Gifts

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Columbus, OH
    "His duty is to boost the martial arts spirit. Even if he contributes a lot to local tourism he should not be given a car," commented a netizen, adding that it is wrong to spend one million yuan on a car in a underdeveloped province.
    I think that's the issue right there... You have a poor area and give a fancy car to someone who obviously isn't supposed to care about getting personal luxeries. It's a big fat waste of money

    Though, I think with that comment about getting a bigger prize, I really think he's meaning to tell people he wants to do an even better job of increasing tourism.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    One could say it's wrong to have government surplus dollars when there is homelessness in any shape or form.

    One could say Lottery commissions are wrong for granting huge prizes to single individuals and not redistributing the monies out to those who need it most.

    One could say that, and one could find many other examples of things that are wrong with how money is used or how wealth is distributed to people.

    But it's a prize, the abbot is a man. Let him enjoy his prize and see what he does with it. As long as he's not attached to his material thing it doesn't matter does it.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Eugene, OR
    Here's a little day in the life for a "well off" student of Shaolin, Anthony Graceffo, who has written several articles for KFM about his experiences:

    While the other students have to live in crowded rooms with bunk beds, I have my own room. It is a 12 X 12 concrete box, devoid of any amenities apart from my steel frame bed. There is no box-springs or even a mattress. My blanket is simply laid out on a wooden plank. The house itself is just a concrete block with no comforts. We have no running water. Miao Ping helps me by having his little brother fill my water jug in the kitchen once a day. We are allotted one liter of drinking water per person, per day.

    There is no shower or even a toilet. We have to take a bus into town to take a shower, once a week. As for the toilet, it is a smelly, snow-covered hole, a little too close to the kitchen for my tastes.

    Our meals consist of vegetables, rice, and mantao, three times a day. There is never any tea or any beverage apart from our meager drinking water. I learned to drink the water quickly, because if you let it stand sediment would collect in the bottom and make it even more foul tasting.
    If the students don't even have clean drinking water, how can the Abbot justify driving a couple of sports cars?

    Is this how we want Buddhism to be represented?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Alb. New Mexico USA
    The range of his abbotry shall be augmented! With the aid of two cars perhaps he can become the most productive Abbot that Shaolin has even known.
    Thus raising the bar for all those who would follow...

    this thread reminds me of the koan. joshu is asked "Has a dog Buddha-nature?"

    I lived in Portland when the whole Bhagwan thing was happening. He also owned an old residential hotel downtown about 3 blocks from where I lived. At the airport, his fleet of DC-3 aircraft stood out as well...
    I don't know a lot about Yongxin but if he is cut from the same cloth as the bhagwan it will not take long to manifest in his actions
    Last edited by Banjos_dad; 10-04-2006 at 05:32 PM. Reason: dc3 not dc9 oops
    Master...Teach me kung fu.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Alb. New Mexico USA
    hmmm i ought to point out i am neither likening the Abbot to either a dog or Rajneesh!
    Master...Teach me kung fu.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    From the pimp ride... the fat bling cassock.

    Controversial abbot is new Shaolin kungfu chief
    June 27th, 2009 - 6:59 pm ICT by ANI

    Beijing, June 27(ANI): Shi Yongxin, China’s most controversial monk, has been named the principle inheritor of the Shaolin kungfu.

    “The decision has been approved by China’s State Council. With the honor, Yongxin is expected to shoulder greater responsibilities and take more initiatives to better preserve Shaolin martial arts,” Xinhua quoted Chen Gaofeng, an official of the Shaolin Temple, as saying.

    Earlier, Yongxin had caused a stir by accepting the gift of a luxury cassock on June 8. A private brocade company gave the cassock to Yongxin, which had traditional Buddhist patterns such as the lotus and sacred vases woven in gold thread.

    Yongxin, however, maintained that the cassock was only a gift and he had never asked for it.

    The Shaolin Temple has been criticized for recently installing lavish restrooms worth 430,000 dollars and the reception of an extravagant four-wheel-drive vehicle from the local government.

    Yongxin expressed his delight at the title being given to a Shaolin monk rather than to someone from outside the temple. (ANI)
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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