Hi everybody. I found out through a former co-worker and friend of mine that ANOTHER former co-worker and friend of mine has been training in BJJ recently and had discussed the possibility of a "Friendly Match" sometime with him. I haven't talked to him for probably a month or so (not because of any animosity, I just haven't had a lot of time to stop by my former workplace lately, being busy with work, and finding another job.)

It's pretty cool that he's gotten into MA, but since he's in much better shape and I have no remote concept of groundfighting, there exists the possibility that I might get pwned. However, I still want to be able to "hold my own" as it were, if this "fight" is to take place. Not as an issue of pride or anything, but... well yeah I guess it IS an issue of pride. I don't mind if I get beat, but I don't wanna get beaten like Jason DeLucia, ya know?

Sihing Mike (one of the senior students where I study Kung Fu.) Is working on putting together a BJJ class on Saturdays and possibly Wednesdays (he studied BJJ for like 4 years when he lived in New York.) That would be a great help, but he's still working on the format of the class, as well as "brushing up."

So in the meantime, I'm just trying to learn some takedown defense (sprawls, underhooks, etc.) and working with my younger brother and Uncle to learn how to do takedowns, and exchange takedown defenses. While I realize this leaves a big gap in my (currently non-existant) ground game, it's all I've got at the moment.

On the conditioning side of things,my plan is this: For calisthenics- Squats, Crunches (leg-ups, bicycles, "isometric crunches", "partner-push" leg lifts and a few others.) and Push ups (tricep, stagger, "hindu", back-bend and "isometric.") For cardio- swimming, walking, and skipping rope (20-30 minutes of swimming, an hour of walking, and working my way up to 20 minutes of rope one or the other at least thrice a week.) I'm abstaining from jogging since it's h3ll on my knees. Lastly, a smattering of time for stance-work (which is MUCH less wear and tear on my knees than jogging.) and forms, just because I love these two aspects of Kung Fu (they go in the "recreation" pile.)

I have no idea when this is taking place, hence the need to condition myself and be prepared. It will also be good to step up my current (barely existent) regimen because the job I am hoping to get is a rather sedentary one, and I'll have to work harder to stay in shape as a result (my current job has me walking most of the day.) I don't currently have access to any weightlifting equipment, though this possibility exists in the future.

Any thoughts? I know I am opening myself up to criticism here, but as long as it's honest and in good taste, I can take it. Fire away!