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Thread: Qigong vs. Skin Cancer

  1. #1
    IronFist Guest

    Qigong vs. Skin Cancer

    Anyone who mocks me for my question dies :P

    Ok, being of German decent, I wasn't exactly blessed with lots of melinin. So, I like to go tanning sometimes.

    UV light is bad for skin. However, at this superficial point in my life, I'm not thinking about that :) But later on in life, I'm going to kick my own ass for not caring when I was younger.

    Anyway, since Chinese medicine is based on prevention, and qigong has been known to cure cancer before, so could doing qigong be beneficial to me in preventing the development of skin cancer?

    Just something I was wondering about the other day.


  2. #2
    JerryLove Guest
    It's not going to hurt, but put no faith there. I came down with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma 5 years into QiGong.

    One thing QiGong did do for me, was put me in excellent shape to go through the Chemo and BMT.

  3. #3
    dear iron fist, i guess it would depend on what kind of qi-gong your training, medical, martial, hard or soft. If you are doing various excersises focus more on the ones which improve (weichi) for those will protect the dermis and epidermis more so than others. I hope this helps you

  4. #4
    IronFist Guest
    Holy ****e Jerry, that's scary! Were you in the sun a lot? Is lymphoma even skin cancer? I dunno.

    Cancer is scary and bad. Booooo...

    anyone know anything about tanning pills?


  5. #5
    kungfu cowboy Guest
    If you gotta have a tan, find it from some other source than the sun's radiation. That's baaaaaaad for ya, thank the creator! ;)

    the adventurer, the bandito, the master

  6. #6
    JerryLove Guest

    No, Lymphoma is cancer of the lymphatic system. Two variations that are more popularly known are Lukemima (a type of lymphoma) and Hogdekin's Lymphoma.

  7. #7
    Braden Guest
    Iron Fist - one of the most direct ways qigong improves your health is that it helps you listen to your body, which is actually very good at telling you how it feels, and how what you're doing will effect it. As you become more sensitive to this, it gives you alot of motivation to improve the way you're living, as well as to diagnose illness in yourself very early. There's nothing magical about this though, and is a natural property of everyone's body - in fact, it sounds like this system in your body is allready in good working order!

  8. #8
    dwid Guest
    Part of traditional medicine is learning to make responsible lifestyle choices. The original question is roughly equivalent to someone asking if there is a qi gong to prevent heart disease while on a a steak and beer diet. Qi gong isn't some kind of magic pill. If you don't want skin cancer, lose the vanity and cover up in the sun.

    The way of the samurai is in desperateness. Ten men or more cannot kill such a man. Common sense will not accomplish great things. Simply become insane and desperate. - Hagakure

  9. #9
    Fish of Fury Guest
    basically agree with dwid, although i think sun in moderation (like most things) is not a bad idea.
    green tea and lycopene (flavonoid, red colour from tomatoes) have both shown useful properties in preventing skin cancer.
    i wouldn't want to rely on them if i was basking in the sun 10 hrs/day though.
    moderation, sensible balance.
    (or how about Sun Tai Chi?...just kidding)
    __________________________________________________ _________________________ "I'm just trying to lull you into a genuine sense of security!"

    [This message was edited by Fish of Fury on 07-18-01 at 10:02 PM.]

  10. #10
    IronFist Guest
    Honestly, it's not like 10 hours in the sun a day. It was more like 15 minutes in a tanning bed twice a week (or 10 minutes in a standup booth, when I'm at school). Is that moderation?

    The only real reason I'm concerned is because I'm pretty pale naturally, and therefore not very protected against the sun.

    That, and I recently spoke with someone who used to tan a lot and got skin cancer on his nose (non-malignant), and had to have a dime sized section of his nose removed.

    Fish, hehe, sun tai chi :P

    Thanks for the advice guys.


  11. #11
    Fish of Fury Guest
    well, that sounds pretty moderate to me :)
    i don't know if there's any problem with tanning beds as opposed to real sunlight.(i'd tend to suggest real sun if possible)
    make sure you're not burning your skin.

    i guess you have to weigh up both sides of the argument, but i personally believe that a mild tan offers natural sun protection (as opposed to not tanning and then going in the sun one day and getting really badly burnt.i've also heard that people who get burnt like this are more in danger of getting serious malignant skin cancers, where people who have a mild tan IF they get skin cancer it's more likely to be benign
    i suppose the best protection is never go in the sun at all...but then you'll probably get rickets!

    i'd recommend you start drinking green tea and get some lycopene too, if you're concerned about it

    __________________________________________________ _________________________ "I'm just trying to lull you into a genuine sense of security!"

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