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Thread: OT: Remembering 9/11

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    7 years ago today....

    I was on this forum when those A-holes flew planes into the twin towers...

    It appears alot has changed since then...sad. Rouge you should put the pic back in your sig.

    Justice, swift & raw. US Constitutional absolutism, a return to the American Dream based on the 10 Commandments, The Golden Rule, US Constitution & Bill of Rights, zero tolerance for bloodsuckers, criminals and evil.. Peace through superior firepower & tactical might, zero free rides, only the truly needy get jack****, Don't Tread on Me & Remember the Alamo muther****er

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    right here.
    sadly i don't know that i would have made the association dating a tech log or a paper for school today.

    my heart goes out to all of those who lost their lives or loved ones in 2001.
    where's my beer?

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Chicago, IL

    we should never forget.

    Pre-order Kung! Twisted Barbarian Felony from your favorite comic shop!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pittsburgh PA
    God bless the victims and their families

    God bless this great country, where no matter how different our opinions are we are able to freely express them

    God bless the ideals that our founding fathers had, let us try to achieve those ideals

    God let us, as a nation, continue to be a great nation, and to always improve the areas where we need to improve to keep the American dream alive for future generations

    God bless the USA!~
    Bless you

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I was at home and got a call from a friend to turn on the radio or tv. I had a tv at the time so I turned it on as they were covering the situation with the first tower.

    I didnt turn the tv off for quite a while.

    After I did I remember being kind of depressed and not really doing anything.

    Thinking about everyone directly effected, then how the rest of the country would be effected.....brought tears to my eyes. still does.

    Everyone should take a moment for contemplation. Not just for those that died in the towers but for everyone across the entire world who has been effected by these types of attacks. All of the innocent people dead at the hands of extremists and terrorists.

    stand tall, be strong, and if you need to, support the person next to you....
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I had moved away from New York City a number of years before the attack. When it happened I had just finished bringing my daughter to preschool. I was on the telephone with my sister in New York (not NYC) and we watched in horror as the second plane hit and then eventually when the buildings collapsed.

    After I picked my daughter up and got some semblance of sanity, I attempted to locate the friends I had in NYC. I couldn't get a line in. Finally, I located their relatives in other areas and found out that they were all OK. One friend in particular scared me to death. I couldn't locate him. When I finally did he told me that he had a meeting in one of the Towers that morning that had been canceled, and at the time he was ****ed. He sure was glad then that it was canceled but was devastated that so many of his friends had died. I was relieved that he was alive.

    When I think of how many times I took the trains to and from the WTC on my way to work or home--thousands upon thousands--it makes me cringe. How did I get so lucky?

    I get choked up when I see the American flags too. But it saddens me that almost nothing has been done, and we still don't know the real deal. Still, I'll light a candle tonight.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pittsburgh PA
    I'll never forget, 9-11 was my first day off in quite a while. I got up early because I was used to doing so, made a cup of coffee and turned on the today show. I watched the whole thing unfold, as soon as the today show started showing footage of the first tower struck burning, through to the second hit, the collapse and so on. Sad day, yet it has recharged patriotism for many. We need to remember how lucky we are, and remember our nation is great because of all of our contributions. It is up to us to make our country great. We can complain, forget, etc., but we must ACT to keep our country great.
    Bless you

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    I packed my $hit and got out of Dodge, also known as the other front lines.

    I personally have friends who have been hurt particularly hard by that day and last year I sent condolences but not this year. No more looking back for me. There's no shortage of tragedies in this world.
    Last edited by Ray Pina; 09-11-2008 at 01:58 PM.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by Mas Judt View Post

    we should never forget.
    Too late for that.

    Every time any US administration (present or future) is questioned for being anywhere in the middle east... It is a forgetting that nothing has changed over time: growing populations vs limited resources (looking to you China).

    We are watching the opening salvos of a major world event: the placing of pieces for the inevitable battle for control of what remains of this planet's oil. Bin Laden, while his attack was brilliant and his resolve respectable, is nothing more than a wealthy, connected criminal and murderer. We need to be in Iraq. We need to be in Afghanistan and we better start thinking about Pakistan too.
    Last edited by Ray Pina; 09-11-2008 at 02:00 PM.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    I'm with Badger

    I was on this forum when those A-holes flew planes into the twin towers...
    I seem to remember being on the forum too, but couldn't find the original thread. I went digging for it this morning but was unsuccessful. I remember hearing it on the radio on my way to work, and then seeing stuff on the forum. If anyone finds that old thread, ttt it. I'd love to see it again today, and perhaps merge it to this thread.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I was walking into work and the receptionist told me that someone had just flown a plane into the wtc.

    I thought it was a wayward tour pilot or traffic guy or something. I logged in at work and went over to a news site and discovered the plane was a liner.

    Then about 10 minutes later, the second one hit and the news started coming out about the others as well.

    When I got home, my wife and I sat up very late and we were stunned. Our whole city was silent and candles were lit in every window on the street for days. That was a tough week to get through the daily rigour-morale.

    I remember how happy I was when I saw my first plane in the sky a few days later.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    i was sleeping on the porch when the first plane hit... my ex-came over with my daughter and told me not to get excited, but a plane just flew into the world trade center... i went to the bank to cash my check and saw the towers burning on CNN news... i remember clapping my hands and thinking "what befalls one nation, befalls all nations." it is about time the people are forced to open their eyes and realize that they are being controlled by orchestrated events of terror which unfold only to take away our rights, freedoms, and minds as individuals on a planet. the events of 9-11 were orchestrated by the highest levels of our government to erode our already shredded constitution... coupled with the collapse of the housing market, the mortgage crisis, a few hurricanes... it will only be a matter of time before the U.N. is patrolling our streets in the interest of national; security. wake up and smell the fascism.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Science City Zero
    Quote Originally Posted by uki View Post
    i was sleeping on the porch when the first plane hit... my ex-came over with my daughter and told me not to get excited, but a plane just flew into the world trade center... i went to the bank to cash my check and saw the towers burning on CNN news... i remember clapping my hands and thinking "what befalls one nation, befalls all nations." it is about time the people are forced to open their eyes and realize that they are being controlled by orchestrated events of terror which unfold only to take away our rights, freedoms, and minds as individuals on a planet. the events of 9-11 were orchestrated by the highest levels of our government to erode our already shredded constitution... coupled with the collapse of the housing market, the mortgage crisis, a few hurricanes... it will only be a matter of time before the U.N. is patrolling our streets in the interest of national; security. wake up and smell the fascism.



    Clap for those that died on impact? For those that died burning? For those that jumped? For those pieces of **** that replace brains for someone else's hate?

    You are disgusting. NO death brought by evil on non-combatants should even be CONSIDERED ANYTHING resembling "good."

    You are subhuman, and I hope you rot from the inside.
    BreakProof BackŪ Back Health & Athletic Performance

    "Who dies first," he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Science City Zero
    Peace to those that lay now still.

    Peace to those that stand.

    BreakProof BackŪ Back Health & Athletic Performance

    "Who dies first," he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Vash View Post
    Clap for those that died on impact?
    For those that died burning?
    nope... didn't clap for them either.
    For those that jumped?
    For those pieces of **** that replace brains for someone else's hate?
    i must admit... you lost me on this one. apparently your rage is affecting your brain.
    You are disgusting.
    i learned early in life that honesty is a virtue... i already stated why i clapped, perhaps you should re-read my initial post.
    NO death brought by evil on non-combatants should even be CONSIDERED ANYTHING resembling "good."
    i agree. now if we can only get our troops home from iraq... enough killing has been done. enough children have been blown to bits... enough soldiers have been blown apart.... enough families have been shattered... but at the present rate of this countries downward spiral, bring them home is not an option... once our 6 carrier groups in the persian gulf area get whacked, our navy will be decapitated, supplies to our ground troops will be cut off... martial law will be declared across the country, foreign troops(under the U.N. authority) will enforce it. it's all a plan folks... a plan to destroy the last sorveign country on the planet... the good US of A... mark my words... the whirlwind is a coming.
    You are subhuman,
    i must admit, i am quite thankful i am not all human.
    and I hope you rot from the inside.
    unfortunately for you, i am just mutating from the inside out... rot is for people with filled with hate, anger, rage, ignorance, and violence. those who seek destruction will find it... those who pursue peace, will have it. as long as you justify spilling blood in any shape or form you are aligning yourself with the side that will perish in the times to soon come.

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