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Thread: I can't find the thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    San Francisco
    Blog Entries

    I can't find the thread

    Sorry but I can't find the old thread regarding the name of the closing of the horse stance.

    People offered and argued over the proper name, EJ gave me a wrong answer as well. However, I asked DFW what the closing action is called and this morning he told me (via email) it's called "HOP GEUK" or "HOP MA".

    thanks folks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Chi (Chicago)
    What about the thread on the 52 blocks/Jailhouse Rock? That was real interesting one, and I can't find it anymore.
    I was on the metro earlier, deep in meditation, when a ruffian came over and started causing trouble. He started pushing me with his bag, steadily increasing the force until it became very annoying. When I turned to him, before I could ask him to stop, he immediately started hurling abuse like a scoundrel. I performed a basic chin na - carotid artery strike combination and sent him to sleep. The rest of my journey was very peaceful, and passersby hailed me as a hero - Warrior Man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Just ask royal dragon, he seems to have found the archive and is bumping as many ancient threads as he can for some reason.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Chi (Chicago)
    Nevermind, found it:

    It was just so interesting because growing up in the Chi, you hear a lot about "in jail the b00ty busters try to get you!", so I remember what an impression it made hearing about a few cons and ex-cons that defended themselves against these pirates and everyone else, with some amazing tricks, that actually worked. I didn't know it was called Ghetto Blocks, I just thought they were such good fighters that they could even do fancy tricks and still win their fights. I mean how mean times in the hood have we heard "D@mn! So-and-so whooped his @ss and his glasses didn't even fall off" or some tale of similarly flashy lack of concern during a fight. I remember hearing how a kid I knew when I was in junior high had beaten this big buff kid (for junior high) so easily that he did a full 360 degree turn on the kid between punches. I mean who turns their back on their opponent in the middle of a fight without getting killed? This kid was always fighting 3 people at a time swinging his belt-buckle or doing dance moves while he fought, and always winning. Now I'm wondering if he learned from his mom's boyfriend, and if he was an ex-con. But either way, hearing all that history about it was really interesting.

    I also remember in the early 80's I think when those rated R rock cartoons were big at the theaters, seeing one on Showtime in which the protagonist was an Andrew Dice Clay type tough guy who only met his match when he came up against this brotha who started off the fight by showing his stuff with stylish moves that were as much flashy dance as they were devastating fighting techniques. Now I see it had to be based on that Comstock shuffle, Humbugging or whatever they called it back then. I wish I could remember what the name of that movie was. But once again, though I didn't know exactly what it was, I had seen that kind of flashy showboating during fights before.
    Last edited by Faruq; 10-08-2006 at 08:36 PM.
    I was on the metro earlier, deep in meditation, when a ruffian came over and started causing trouble. He started pushing me with his bag, steadily increasing the force until it became very annoying. When I turned to him, before I could ask him to stop, he immediately started hurling abuse like a scoundrel. I performed a basic chin na - carotid artery strike combination and sent him to sleep. The rest of my journey was very peaceful, and passersby hailed me as a hero - Warrior Man

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