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Thread: Emei Fire Dragon in San Da

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Emei Fire Dragon in San Da

    Looks like it was recorded on a cellphone. So: crappy.

    However, it is the only example of an Emei system in action I've ever seen.

    Looks like modified San Da rules.
    Last edited by Wood Dragon; 10-12-2006 at 09:19 PM.
    SevenStar: It's hilarious seeing people's reactions when they see a big, black dude with a sword walking toward them.

    Masterkiller: Especially when they're at the ATM.

    WTF? How did we go from the White Haired Devil strangling and beating guys to death in a teahouse, to Mr Miyagi and Jhoon Rhee?

  2. #2
    Yeah, that does look like it was taped by a camera phone.

  3. #3

    Smile an emei fire dragon
    they are my students sorry I did not brought a video camera only my cel movile
    Si Fu Richard
    Last edited by emeikungfu; 11-17-2006 at 05:10 PM.

  4. #4

    emei fire dragon

    Emei kung fu is a fusion of the two major temples shaolin and Wutang
    the ying and yand in armony were developed in Emei mountais to southwest of China near the tibet
    Thus emei kungfu is very effective and complex,they join to create new styles mor powerfull my style is from the end of mind dinasty .In emei mountains were created very rare and ocult styles .there were several but with the time were dissapering because it were trasmited from only the family to family.

    My emei fire dragon is an internal external style with very circular movements in footwork and hands ,explosive ones and soft others ,and the turn of the waist
    the energy is based in qigong ,

    If you like to know more about it visit please
    "If your hearth is good your kungfu will be good"
    thanks for your questions
    Si Fu Emei
    Last edited by emeikungfu; 11-18-2006 at 07:04 PM.

  5. #5

    Could you clarify your history and also detail the contents of your Fire Dragon for comparison.

    You can write Spanish, English if you like or Chinese, as I tend to be versed enough in many languages, and explain the origins of your so called Fire Dragon.

    I practised Emei Sengmen Huolongquan a few years ago and I would like to understand what you are depicting as Huolongquan because it would be incorrect to allow others to associate what you do as Emei Fire Dragon because from your clips it looks quite different and also because your statement on being the only whatever is misleading ...unkless of course it is a different created fire dragon in which case it should not be connected to emei.

    Awaiting your response.

    Wu Chanlong

  6. #6

    may be you practiced another tree family

    may be you practiced another tree family my styles comes from li family and there is a lot of emei dragon but I dont intend to say a lie
    my style is" huo long" and the Grand master Li chiong liong cames it to here
    the descrptiom of my srtyle you can find in may web page or in this one that "China sports" magazine in english devoted in June 1985 I think for it I take a part of this ¡nformation in my web site
    Bueno ya que hablas el espàñol te dire en pocas palabras lo que he querido expresarme mas no he podido porque mi ingles a nivel intermedio
    No tengo la intencion de decir mentiras ni engañar a nadie . Soy Maestro de este estilo, en mi pagina web esta bien explicado lo que es un dragon de fuego y como es el estilo
    Ahora tu dices que has practicado un tal dragon de fuego de segmen pùes no lo se, ese estilo ni de donde proviene,

    Sengmen Baguazhang - (Monk Family Bagua) This branch is also known as the Buddhist branch. It is characterized by high stances. Imported by Shaolin monks to Emei this was part of a larger system of Shaolin Wushu.

    si gustas puedes leer en ingles este web site que no es mio pero que te dice lo que es mi estilo emei huo long

    Creo que esta es una comunidad o foro para unir ideas y no poner en tela de juicio la originalidad de un sistema o estilo publicamente ,solo escribi porque tomaste a mis alumnos del youtube en el foro

    Debes informarte mas antes de decir las cosas y realmente no se que te habran enseñado a ti ni quien ,ni cuantos años vienes practicando lo que me dices,
    yo me identifico soy de Peru en la pagimna web estan todos mis datos pero tu estas como anonimo, ni se de donde eres realmente quien, tiene la verdad no tiene nada que esconder

    Visita la pagina del dr painter ( )y encontraras emei alli tambien a grandes rasgos
    Quien eres no se ni de donde eres para referirte a un Si fu asi ?
    informate y aprende mas.

    ve a Sichuan y busca un emei huo long master y alli aprenderas o me llamas por telefono que esta en la pagina web
    no tengo la intencion de molestarte pero antes de poner algo en un foro publico hay que pensarlo bien para no ofender a las personas

    Si Fu Emei
    Last edited by emeikungfu; 11-18-2006 at 07:23 PM.

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