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Thread: How can i tell between good/bad instructor?

  1. #91


    you are right I shouldnt have spoke about his teacher in a negitive way, but it seems as though sum guye has neglected to learn respect and dicipline on behalf of his learning a martial art. I in know way mean to say that tim doesnt teach these aspects of martial arts just that sum guye has not learned them.

  2. #92
    Guandi Guest
    you are not the first one who is commenting on this. BUT I really do not think that it is the duty of a ma trainer to educate his students in morality, wude or however you name it. Probably all of Tim's students are adults and it is imho not Tims responsibility how his students behave.

    I would not teach my students who they should behave. That would imply that I am further on this path than my students. I think this assumption would be arrogant. I can teach them ma, but I would not teach them how they should behave. That is up to them.


  3. #93
    Sum Guye Guest

    this is simple

    Earth Dragon,

    So you posted exactly:
    "laughs and makes fun of a boy who was crippled and paralized from the neck down" and
    "...has hit such a strong place in my heart due to posting things about a 17 year old kid I have no other choice than to publiclly challange him!"

    Then my reply is: If you can show exactly where I made fun of and/or laughed at a paralyzed kid, I will not only accept your challenge, I will pay your round-trip airfare, a 4 star hotel (2 days stay) and will even give you 2 free drum lessons and an unabridged dictionary while you're visiting.

    Show me the quotes (using "quotation marks") and prove to everyone that I made fun of a paralyzed kid.

    When you prove that I did such a thing consider your challenge accepted.
    (if I did such a thing, I do deserve a good might want to bring a few friends along)

    I see no need for best out of 5 rounds. We'll go till someone can't continue. (rounds are for competition... what you're suggesting doesn't sound like a competition to me).

    Peace, Love and proof positive is all you need,
    Sum Guye

  4. #94
    Is it you in those nifty pictures on KungFuUSA? The photos of the guy grimacing while doing those graceful applications... and pointing fingers at some guy's neck to heal his back pain from a distance? (I hope so... because that would make your postings doubly entertaining).

    I do not find this or any other of your posts entertaining! I am not here to entertain you. In the pictures on our web site I am treating a spinal cord injury that you made fun of by doubting my abilities.
    So this is simple you either stand up and be a man and accept my challenge and come to me or you are full of s**t and your words and half witted opinon mean nothing to me or anybody else on this board!
    please do not threaten me by saying that I have to bring freinds for I grew up on the streets my freind and I am perfectly capable of handling my self in any situation.
    So do you want a piece of me or what? my challenge your trip!
    as you said its simple
    your next post is either YES OR NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #95


    I do feel like part of teaching is not only teaching them techniques but how and when to use them. Martial arts is self defense, and when a teacher shows a student any tecnique (child or adult) he should tell them that they should only use their skills to defend themselfs if attacked. So in reality you are instilling correct ways of mental behavoir. Also when you teach people to shoot a gun you must teach the responsible rationing that goes along with carrying such a weapon. This is also true with kung fu as it is a weapon and if we do not teach or instill morals and responsibility when teaching how to harm others then we have not taught our students correctly, this leads to bullying and irreponsibile actions from people who claim to be a martial artist but show nothing more than a would be untrained loud mouth like that of sum guye.

  6. #96

    dear gary

    please dont make me laugh for this is a serious matter.
    although our veiwers should stay tunned to listen how sum guye weasles his way out of comming to me and say some thing like its to far but you can come to me crap so I will ask for his contact info to get a hold of him when I go to see my teacher in the very very near future and I will let you know what excuses he uses that time!

  7. #97
    Zhin Guest

    SG vd ED


    Without taking sides, since I really don't give a crap, I'm going to have to say that in reading this, I don't think SG ever made fun of a paralyzed person.

    How exactly was he supposed to know that the person in the picture you are healing is paralyzed? I couldn't tell.

    This whole thing is dumb.

    What's up with the complete loss of the use of the English Language when you are ****ed off? Makes me think that you can't actually speak, just grunt and gesture with a banana.

  8. #98
    Sum Guye Guest

    yes or no


    Once you show where I made fun of a paralyzed kid,(the act which you say left you no other alternative than to publicly challange me), then you already have my answer. You said that is what you want to 'beat down' me over... I simply asked for verification of your facts. Provide my quotes to support your accusations and I'll handle all the arrangments.

    I'm trying, as I have in every friggin post directed towards you, to get you to understand what you read. Just show me where I made fun of a paraliyzed kid and I gladly accept your threat. (and I'll also cover all the expenses as I stated in my most recent post).

    Otherwise, you're just being a nut and I'm not interested in fighting a nut, muchless going out of my way or to any expense to fight a nut.

    (sorry if you can't see the humor I see in someone who misunderstands everything and then freaks out angrily over things that was never implied.. I find it hugely amusing... movies get made about people like that).

  9. #99
    Nexus Guest
    Two things...

    Sum Guye, why are you wasting your time even responding to these accusations? Nobody thinks besides ED that you made fun of a paralyzed kid, so just dont bother responding, and we wont bother reading ED accusations either.

    Earth Dragon, I don't think it was his intention to make fun of a paralyzed person, and I have a strong feeling to say that you are using that as an excuse to vent your personal frustration at Sum Guye. If you actually have a problem with him, then its your problem, not some excuse of what he said. If that is the case, go do some qi gong meditation, go do your martial arts, but don't make challenges and accusations that lead nowhere, and will prove to be a waste of time in the long run, for you and for all of us reading. Perhaps you will think I am stepping in where I do not belong, that this is between you and him, well if that is the case, then take it to email and stop causing us to read your petty quarells with other martial artists on a public forum where we are trying to learn "How can I tell between a good and bad instructor" not "How do I issue a challenge match after my feelings get hurt or my ego gets squashed."

    - Nexus

  10. #100
    Sum Guye Guest

    Nexxus, you rock.

    I agree... the personal stuff should stop... would've stopped long ago... but I had too much fun playing along. Stuff like this tickles my funny bone.

    My appologies to all who've suffered through these stupid posts.

    I've had some great laughs on this thread... I hope some of you have too....but as I said 4 pages ago... I'm done. :cool:

  11. #101
    les paul Guest

    Wow, I can't believe this is still going on!

    Having been the one to start this agruement, I guess I can give this advice.

    Both Sume Guye and Earth Dragon!

    I think its time to sheath your mental swords.

    You both have been hacking at each other for 90 posts. Are not you both tired of swinging at each other?

    At what point do you look down and notice that your swords are chipped and dull?

    At what point do you notice that you both have given each other fatal wounds?

    Agree to disagree and avoid each others post, it's a big news group.

    Sum Guye I'm totally in support of your posistion However, unproductive time waisted on Earth Dragon is fruitless at best!

    Earth Dragon what can I say? I guess nothing I already haven't said or that you would want to hear.

  12. #102
    gazza99 Guest

    Earth Dragon/SG

    Sum guye, I think the first paragraph on ED last post to you was your quote? I think he just forgot the quotations..
    Earth dragon:
    I understand your anger here, and my appologies , but a little levity is a must I believe, If i took every insult here seriously I would be flying all over the country hurting people, and possibly even getting hurt. Many people here are ignorant, disrespectfull,egotistical, and overall lack an open mind. But hey- its the internet, and until one of these As#holes wanders into my school im not going to sweat about it. As Id bet most of them would not dare speak the way the do here in real life, no matter how much the type to convince you otherwise.
    We should just let it slide and have the intelligent discussion we came here for to begin with.
    Kind Regards,

    "Of course thats just my opinion, I could be wrong"-Dennis Miller

  13. #103

    last post

    OK I apologise to everyone who has suffered through this..... sorry

    sum guye, you did not directly make fun of someone you did not know, however you did make fun of me whom you did not know and also doubted my abilities. Of coarse you did not know the condition or reason why I was healing him with qigong but indirectly you made fun of him by what I was doing by pointing at his neck as you say becuse of lack of kindness towards others.
    but now you know the truth and you feel like an a**hole and are backed into a corner that you have been challenged to fight your way out of!
    You continue to avoid showing the least bit of respect for anyone (I have read all you posts) and its time to put up or shut up!

    PS I much rather continue this conversation via email but he is one of those blank profile jerks who hide behind their true idenity so they can shoot their mouth off with out worry of repercussions!
    sum guye are you know willing to give me a way to get a hold of you when I come to LA becuse its obvious that you are afraid of comming to me! lets see if your afaid to let me come you!!!! whats your name? who are you ? where can I find you ? phone #? address? shcool you train at? anything?
    again Im sure that most of you know my posts are sincere and to help people on this forum, it was a freind of mine who started this board in the first place so I take personal pride in its growth but trolling, flamming, and negativity have no place here, this is for martial artists and people with a love for talking about martial arts not for people to make fun, ridicule and dissrespect others. So again my apologies

  14. #104
    gazza99 Guest
    "so I take personal pride in its growth but trolling, flamming, and negativity have no place here, this is for martial artists and people with a love for talking about martial arts not for people to make fun, ridicule and dissrespect others. So again my apologies"

    Earth Dragon, you should post this as a new thread, it sets a good tone that this board really needs currently!

    "Of course thats just my opinion, I could be wrong"-Dennis Miller

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    ttt 4 2015!

    I don't even know what this thread is about. It just came up when I searched 'apprentice'. I'm hijacking it for this:

    Sichuan tai chi master scolds his apprentice for trying to give him a gift of a million yuan in cash

    At a tai chi ceremony in Chengdu one apprentice, with his family's support, decided to show his appreciation for his venerable master with a small gift of a million yuan in cash.

    The master—who apparently is no disciple of kung fu hustler Shi Yongxin—scolded his student for the exorbitant gift.

    As soon as the tai chi master Li Guangjin found out that an enormous amount of stacks of cash were piled up on his table, he began criticizing his apprentice. The master said that his goal is to pass down his wisdom to his apprentices, not attain material wealth.

    Besides, he added, he doesn't need the money. It's not like he could buy a longer necklace, anyway. The apprentice shamefully scooped back up all the cash.

    So much honor!

    By Lucy Liu

    [Images via China News]
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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