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Thread: Hi; Moon we are back!!!

  1. #31
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    ttt 4 2020!

    13 full moons, including 2 supermoons and a blue moon, will be shining in 2020
    Updated Jan 02, 10:56 AM;Posted Jan 01, 8:30 AM


    Experts say two supermoons and one blue moon will light up the sky in 2020.
    By Len Melisurgo | NJ Advance Media for

    Sky watchers may have gotten a little spoiled in 2019, with three consecutive “supermoons” appearing during the first three months of the year. Will 2020 be as good?

    Astronomy experts say two supermoons will be shining in the sky this year, and one month — October — will have two full moons, making the second a “blue moon” that will be glowing on Halloween. How’s that for an eerie treat?

    Although blue moons occur once every two or three years, they are even more rare on Halloween, says AccuWeather meteorologist Brian Lada. “After the blue moon on Oct. 31, 2020, trick-or-treaters will need to wait until 2039 to see the next blue moon on Halloween,” he noted.


    Experts say two supermoons and one blue moon will be shining in the sky in 2020.

    What is a supermoon?

    Supermoons are moons that become full when their orbits are closer than average to the Earth — making them appear to be slightly bigger and as much as 30% brighter than ordinary full moons.

    Although the precise definition varies in the astronomy world — and some experts say the average star gazer won’t notice the size and brightness difference — most say a supermoon is a moon that tracks less than 223,000 miles from the Earth during its full phase. (Some say any full moon that is 226,000 miles or closer to the Earth can be classified as a supermoon, and others set the cutoff at the precise distance of 223,694 miles.)

    Regardless of the exact definition, astronomy websites seem to agree that 2020 will feature at least two supermoons — one on March 9 and another on April 7. Worth marking down on your calendar: says the April full moon will be the biggest of the year, because it will be the closest one to our planet.

    Courtesy of Teri Abramson
    Experts say two supermoons and one blue moon will be shining in the sky in 2020. Pictured is a supermoon that was rising above houses in Ocean County in 2016.

    Dates of each full moon in 2020

    In case you want to do some sky watching or photo snapping, here’s a list of the dates and times of each full moon in 2020, along with their most common nicknames. (Thanks to the Farmers’ Almanac, the Old Farmer’s Almanac and for the details.)

    13 full moons in 2020
    Jan. 10 2:21 p.m. wolf moon
    Feb. 9 2:33 a.m. snow moon
    March 9 1:47 p.m. worm moon / supermoon
    April 7 10:35 p.m. pink moon / supermoon
    May 7 6:45 a.m. flower moon
    June 5 3:12 p.m. strawberry moon
    July 5 12:44 a.m. buck moon
    Aug. 3 11:58 a.m. sturgeon moon
    Sept. 2 1:22 a.m. corn moon
    Oct. 1 5:05 p.m. harvest moon
    Oct. 31 10:49 a.m. blue moon
    Nov. 30 4:29 a.m. beaver moon
    Dec. 29 10:28 p.m. cold moon
    Len Melisurgo may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @LensReality or like him on Facebook. Find on Facebook.
    Hi; Moon we are back!!!
    Happy New Year!
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #32
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Total Lunar Eclipse

    Coincidentally, I was looking for a book last weekend and I couldn't find it. I know I have it buried in my clutter.


    Photo: Getty Images/m-gucci

    The universe wastes no time as we find our footing in the New Year, dropping us into the deep end of the cosmic pool. This week, we settle into the astrological intensity that will define much of the year ahead as Saturn and Pluto experience their conjunction at 22 degrees of Capricorn. These planets joining forces in Capricorn unleashes unbridled power to catalyze change in your life. Though, fair warning: The force may take us through a metaphorical swamp before guiding us to the valley—and we’ll feel that effect with extra intensity on Friday, January 10, as we experience a total lunar eclipse.

    Yep, it’s eclipse season, which means we’ll be ascending in our schedules and plans, but not before exploring laterally. Only afterward will that rising motion become possible. This full moon directly opposes the Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury conjunction, but even more importantly, the sun conjoins this powerful stellium in Capricorn, intensifying the cosmic event even more.

    It’s critical to take time right now to evaluate what’s concluding in your life: What projects, relationships, work dynamics, or personal patterns require a wrap-up?

    Given our recent entrance into a new decade and the sweet solar eclipse that closed out December, it’s critical to take time right now to evaluate what’s concluding in your life: What projects, relationships, work dynamics, or personal patterns require a wrap-up? While this might feel abrupt, you can’t fight the changes happening now. Remember, a total lunar eclipse commands the power of a typical full moon, multiplied by at least three. It’s a cosmic, universal force that asks you to yield to it humbly. Embracing your humanity, staying down to earth, and being as flexible as possible now will help you seamlessly integrate the changes afoot.

    The sun represents our identity, while the moon represents our emotional needs. With the moon moving into the Earth’s shadow, we are asked to pay attention to the shadows within. Disowned aspects of the self require attention now, and that’ll make emotions feel super-intense. Even more importantly, though, the truth will reveal itself with remarkable clarity in the days leading up to and beyond this total lunar eclipse.

    The eclipse itself perfects at 2:21 p.m., EST, on Friday. Despite popular lore that making lunar charged moon water or exposing yourself to the moon on this day will amplify your powers, the truth is, lunar eclipses are inauspicious. They can, and often do, feel like an energetic knockdown rather than a buildup. So, limiting your exposure to the moon, as opposed to intentionally increasing it, will help you feel contained and protected.

    Embrace a slow, steady, and sensible approach rather than top-down, immediate change. The cosmos are doing their thing on a macro and micro level, so know that while you are co-creating your reality with the universe, the universe is heavy-handed with its own agenda right now. So take a step back, see the big picture, and surrender. You are not in charge of everything; the harder you push your personal priorities, the harder things will feel. Now’s the time to invite in the flow and allow it to guide you.

    Taking good care of your body right now will assure that you can ride the waves of this eclipse gracefully. In the wellness world, it’s easy to overlook the basics and focus on what feels, hip, hot, and exciting. But this week, I promise, the basics are all you need: sleep, water, dark leafy greens, a blood-sugar-balanced diet, and healthy movement. To support your mental health, and to ensure that you gain all the clarity available to you now, a journaling practice may prove exceptionally fruitful, in addition to therapy, acupuncture, or any type of healing practice to help you access your inner wisdom and perception.

    So, stay open to what’s unfolding in your life. Soon enough, we will exit the eclipse season, but until then, ride out your situation rather than aim to control it. Saturn, Pluto, Mercury, and the sun in Capricorn, bring things to a karmic full circle, exposing abuses of power and opportunities to meet your most authentic potential. While the week ahead brings extremely emotional aspects, by relaxing into the moment, the catalytic forces of the universe will guide you to precisely where you need to be. Look at the week ahead as a vast clearing.

    If you do want to work with it proactively, try leaning into the clearing energy. Consider cleansing your home with sage, eliminating the clutter in your space, and consciously completing whatever needs to be closed. Pay attention to the details, and do not check out.

    Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #33
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    Super Worm

    Thanks to the time change, I got a great view of the moon on my commute in today.

    Winter's biggest and brightest full moon to illuminate the sky next week
    Stargazers of all ages stepping outside on Monday night will be able to see the final full moon of winter.
    Author: Brian Lada
    Published: 1:26 PM EST March 5, 2020
    Updated: 5:59 PM EST March 5, 2020

    Stargazers of all ages stepping outside on Monday night will be able to see the final full moon of winter, one that will appear slightly larger and brighter than all the others throughout the season.

    Monday night's full moon is the first of three big astronomy events taking place this month, and it will be the easiest of the three to see, unless Mother Nature spreads a blanket of thick clouds across the sky.

    The moon will rise on the evening of Monday, March 9, in the eastern sky, a little over a week before the official start to spring on March 19.

    March is a transitional month with the days growing longer and warmer as the Northern Hemisphere heads into spring. The changing environment has inspired the nickname given to March's full moon.

    "At this time of the year, the ground begins to soften enough for earthworm casts to reappear, inviting robins and other birds to feed-a true sign of spring," the Old Farmer's Almanac explained on their website.

    This Saturday, March 19, 2011 photo shows a full moon over Pembroke, N.Y. at its closest point to the Earth since March 1993.
    David Duprey

    This is just one of many nicknames that has been given to March's full moon over the years.

    "One such name was the Full Sap Moon, as this is the time of year when the sap of sugar maples starts to flow," the Old Farmer's Almanac continued.

    Other nicknames include the Crust Moon, the Crow Moon, the Lenten Moon and the Sleepy Moon.

    This year, March's full moon will be more than just a Worm Moon; it will also be considered a supermoon.

    A supermoon is a word that has gained popularity in recent years to describe a full moon that appears slightly bigger and brighter than normal. This is because the full moon will fall near perigee, the point in the moon's orbit when it is closest to the Earth.

    This change in appearance is very minimal and is only able to be detected in side-by-side photos of the supermoon compared to other full moons throughout the year.

    An image of the moon taken by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is shown in two halves to illustrate the difference in the apparent size and brightness of the moon during a supermoon. The left half shows the apparent size of a supermoon (full moon at perigee), while the right half shows the apparent size and brightness of a micromoon (full moon at apogee). (NASA/Goddard/Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter)

    Folks that miss out on this month's supermoon will have two more chances to see one in 2020, as the upcoming full moons in April and May are both considered supermoons.

    Supermoon or not, onlookers gazing up at a full moon may think that the moon appears larger when it is near the horizon than when it is high in the sky. This apparent change in size is due to something known as the moon illusion.

    "Foreground objects trick your brain into thinking the moon is bigger than it really is," NASA explained. This is just one of several theories to explain this illusion.

    This is also a great time to take photos of the moon as it appears next to objects such as a city skyline or a nearby mountain.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #34
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    These are incredibly intense times...

    Why the Full Flower Moon In Scorpio on Thursday Is So Important
    It’s the last supermoon of 2020, for starters.
    May 6, 2020

    Getty Images

    There's a full moon coming on Thursday, May 7, and it's going to be one to behold. According to The Old Farmer's Almanac, the Algonquins called this full moon the "Full Flower Moon" because it comes at beginning of spring, just when flowers start to blossom. Full moons are moments of manifestation and culmination, and there are a few reasons why this one is particularly important. Here's more about the Full Flower Moon, plus how to spend it.

    The Full Flower Moon is a supermoon
    Yep, that's right — the full moon on Thursday, May 7 is a supermoon. But not only that, it's the last one of 2020. Supermoons appear larger than regular full moons, so make sure to sneak a peek of the full moon in all of its glory (while practicing social distancing, of course).

    This full moon is in Scorpio — here's what that means
    Anyone who's spent time with a Scorpio can attest that this sign is best summed up in one word: "intense." As a Scorpio myself, I can confirm that all of the rumors are true. The majority of us are often highly emotional, passionate, and loyal. We can also be suspicious and have a deep need for control.

    This particular moon will amplify these traits and bring up issues that live in the shadows; it will also likely affect Scorpios more than others. (But remember that each and every one of us is also much more than just our sun sign. In fact, everyone has all 12 signs in their birth chart, so even if your sun isn't in Scorpio, you can still be affected.) During this full moon in Scorpio, it's likely that matters you've been avoiding will come to a climax — and you might, too. For example, if you and your stay-at-home partner have been avoiding talking about something, prepare yourself to finally address what's been simmering beneath the surface.

    Scorpio's strength comes from the sign's superpower: rebirth. Each zodiac sign has a corresponding tarot card. Scorpio's is the Death card, which is highly misunderstood and not to be taken literally. It refers to the moment in which one allows themself to rise from the ashes like a Phoenix, to be reborn into an even more powerful form.

    How to use the Full Flower Moon to your advantage
    Right now, as we go through a collective trauma, this full moon offers a chance to reflect and meditate on some personal demons you wish to shed. Set some intentions, and think about how you can grow and heal. While that may sound intimidating, it can mean anything from planning to reach out to someone you'd like to make amends with to setting aside more time each day to cuddle with your pet, if that helps your mental health. Don't feel pressure to do anything other than honor yourself and think about what would make you feel your best; this is a time to process and open the door for healing.

    Scorpios are also known for their sexuality, and once again, all the rumors are true. However, that doesn't necessarily mean they want no-strings-attached sex, and especially right now, people are seeking emotional intimacy along with the physical. Whether it's through masturbating, virtual sex, or getting it on with your stay-at-home partner, this full moon in Scorpio is a night to get it on. However, keep in mind that it's unlikely that the sex will be shallow, even within casual relationships. Be prepared for deep connections.

    For a full moon in Scorpio ritual, light a candle and write down all the fears you wish to release. When you're finished, rip it up into little pieces and throw it away. Then, make a list of everything that you love about yourself. Keep that list. Finally, go have an orgasm or even practice sex magic. To make your orgasm a magical one, simply visualize what you wish to manifest for yourself right now. Use your list as a prompt and follow the theme of self-love. Happy Full Flower Moon!
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #35
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    Penumbral Strawberry

    The Mind Unleashed
    A Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Is Happening During The Full Moon This June
    On June 5th and 6th, the Strawberry Full Moon will also pass through the faint outer shadow of the Earth, known as a penumbral lunar eclipse.

    (TMU) – On June 5th and 6th, the Strawberry Full Moon will pass through the faint outer shadow of the Earth, known as a penumbral lunar eclipse, the second of four penumbral lunar eclipses this year. Weather permitting, those of you in Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa and the South Eastern areas of South America might notice the Moon turn slightly darker, or seem less bright, during the maximum phase of the eclipse. A penumbral lunar eclipse can be subtle and sometimes difficult to distinguish from a normal full moon.

    While June’s Strawberry Full Moon eclipse may be visible from start to finish from some areas – a total of 3 hours 18 minutes – other areas will only experience the Moon rise or set during the eclipse. Check the time of the Full Moon eclipse in your city or town by clicking here, and set that time aside to watch the event. Unfortunately, for North America and most of South America, this event will be happening below their horizon.

    A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth aligns between the Full Moon and the Sun, blocking the Sun’s rays from reaching the Full Moon.

    A total eclipse occurs when Earths umbra – the central, dark part of its shadow – obscures all of the Moon’s surface. During a partial eclipse only a part of the Moon’s surface is obscured by Earth’s umbra. A penumbral lunar eclipse happens when Earth’s faint penumbral, outer shadow falls on the Moon, like the one we already experienced on January 10th and are what the remaining three lunar eclipses will be this year on June 5th, July 5th and November 31st.

    The early Indigenous people of North America kept track of the seasons and lunar months by naming them according to events during that time. June’s Full Moon is either the last full moon of spring, or the first of the summer, and is called the “Strawberry Moon”. According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the name originated with Algonquin tribes in eastern North America – and was used as a signal to gather the ripening wild strawberries. Colonial Americans adopted some of the indigenous moon names and applied them to their own calendar system – which is still used today.
    Not visible in my hood, but maybe still palpable...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  6. #36
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    Lunar full moon eclipse july 5th 2020 (*amazing predictions*)

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #37
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    Corn moon

    This week's full moon happens only once every 3 years

    By Laura Geggel - Associate Editor 2 days ago

    September's full moon sets the stage for a Halloween blue moon.

    (Image: © Shutterstock)

    This week, for the first time in three years, the September full moon is in a unique situation: it's happening so early in the month — a timing that gives it an entirely different name, the corn moon, instead of the harvest moon — that it sets the stage for October to have two full moons, meaning a rare blue moon will shine this Halloween, on Oct. 31.

    This full moon, named for the East Coast corn harvest, will reach peak fullness at 1:22 a.m. EDT (5:22 UTC) on Wednesday, Sept. 2, according to NASA.

    Usually, September's full moon is known as the harvest moon, as it's typically the full moon closest to the first day of fall, known as the fall equinox. But this year, the autumnal equinox falls on Sept. 22, making the Oct. 1 full moon the harvest moon, according to Lehigh Valley Live, a news outlet in Easton, Pennsylvania.

    As with every full moon, September's moon will appear full for three consecutive days, starting tonight (Aug. 31) through Thursday morning (Sept. 3).

    Full moons happen when the sun, Earth and moon form a line, allowing the side of the moon facing Earth to be fully illuminated by the sun, according to, a Live Science sister site.

    On the evening before the true full moon, you can catch September's full moon rising at 8:12 p.m. EDT this Tuesday (Sept.1). The celestial show is easily seen with the naked eye (preferably away from glowing artificial lights), but binoculars can help you gaze upon the moon's terrain so that "smooth-looking patterns of gray and white resolve into craters and large mountain ridges," according to NASA. Meanwhile, a telescope can help you spot the moon's mountains, valleys and "the cracks in the moon's surface called rilles, [which] formed when the lava that once filled a basin cooled and contracted," according to NASA.

    Skywatchers can also catch bright views of Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter was at its closest and brightest for 2020 on July 14, while Saturn was at its closest and brightest on July 20, according to NASA. This is known as "opposition," as these planets were positioned on the opposite side of Earth than the sun was shining on. Even though these planets are past their closest-and-brightest approaches to Earth, they're still brighter than usual. Look for them in the western sky. If you have a telescope, try to find Jupiter's four bright moons: Ganymede, Callisto, Europa and Io, NASA recommended. A telescope can also help you spot Saturn's illuminated rings and some of Saturn's moons, including its largest moon, Titan.

    (Image credit: Bill Dunford/NASA)

    After the next full moon on Oct. 1, the hunter full moon will light up the night sky for socially-distanced trick-or-treaters this Halloween.

    Other names for September's corn moon (which was bequeathed by the now defunct Maine Farmer's Almanac in the 1930s) include the fruit, barley and hungry ghost moon, which references the Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival that happens on the 15th day of the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar, according to NASA. On this day, ghosts and spirits, including those of ancestors, are believed to visit the living.

    Originally published on Live Science.
    I'm bummed about how Halloween will play out. Full blue moon over daylight savings time on a Saturday? Man, what a party that would've been. Can't we just up our cosplay so the masks are good filters?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #38
    How could be this perfection!

  9. #39
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    Saturday would've been one helluva party...

    Full moon will shine on Halloween for first time since 1944
    by: John Brewer and Nexstar Media Wire

    Posted: Oct 27, 2020 / 12:54 PM CDT / Updated: Oct 27, 2020 / 12:54 PM CDT

    A super moon passes through clouds over Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, March 20, 2019. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP)

    HOUSTON (NEXSTAR/KIAH) — It hasn’t happened in decades! For the first time since the 1940s, Halloween will receive some spooky ambiance from a full moon this year.

    For many people, the Halloween full moon will be a once-in-a-lifetime event. The last time it occurred was in 1944, according to the Farmer’s Almanac. The next one isn’t expected to happen until 2039, NASA said.

    Although Saturday’s moon will be a “blue” moon, it won’t actually appear to be blue. Scientists use the term to describe the second full moon of a given month, which only occurs about once every 2 1/2 years, NASA said.

    According to the Farmers Almanac, the first full Moon of 2020 howled onto the scene with January’s Wolf Moon on Jan. 10. And usually, we have one for each month, making the total 12 for the year. But on occasion, some months will have two full Moons.

    That’s the case for this month. There was a full Moon on Oct. 1, known as the Harvest Moon, which usually appears in September. It is so named because it occurs closest to the autumnal equinox. The Sept. 2 full moon occurred too early to be known as the harvest moon.

    Two full moons to shine in October
    The second is coming up on Oct. 31 — a Halloween Blue Moon. It is also called the Hunter’s Moon because it usually occurs in October, the month when traditionally game was fattened and preparations for winter began.

    This year’s Blue Moon, which will turn full at 10:49 a.m. EDT, will be a rare Halloween treat.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #40
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    Beaver moon eclipse

    The moon kept me up last night.

    Catch a lunar eclipse during the full beaver moon
    By Ashley Strickland, CNN

    Updated 7:00 AM ET, Mon November 30, 2020

    (CNN)Take a break from online holiday shopping to enjoy the full moon and a penumbral lunar eclipse.

    Both events will be visible early Monday morning.
    Lunar eclipses can only occur during a full moon, but a penumbral lunar eclipse is different from a total lunar eclipse.
    A penumbral eclipse occurs when the moon moves into Earth's penumbra, or outer shadow. This causes the moon to look darker than normal.
    During a total lunar eclipse, the change is more dramatic because the entire moon appears to be a deep red color.

    The full moon during the penumbral lunar eclipse is shown here, as seen from Kathmandu on January 11.
    This is the last penumbral eclipse of the year and will be visible to those in North and South America, Australia and parts of Asia. Check Time and Date to see when it will occur in your area.
    About 85% of the moon will turn a shade darker during the peak or middle phase of the eclipse. While this type of shading effect of the moon is visible, your best chance to see it may be through a telescope, according to NASA.
    But don't worry about trying to determine when the moon enters and exits the penumbra, which isn't visible even through telescopes.
    On November 30, the moon will enter the penumbra at 2:29 a.m ET and leave the penumbra at 6:56 a.m. ET. The peak of the eclipse when the moon will be the darkest will be 4:42 a.m.
    Unlike a solar eclipse, you do not need special glasses to view a lunar eclipse.
    The moon will also be at its fullest at 4:30 a.m. ET on November 30. Each month has its own name associated with the full moon.
    For November, that's the full beaver moon. It has also been known as the full frost moon due to the cold temperatures of November.
    Native Americans called it the beaver moon because they associated it with when beavers finish building their lodges, made of branches and mud, to prepare for winter.
    Whether you emerge from your winter shelter or merely glimpse it out the window, keep an eye on the sky early Monday morning to catch the final penumbral lunar eclipse of the year.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #41
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    Worm Supermoon

    Catch March's full supermoon Worm Moon this Sunday

    By Laura Geggel - Editor 21 hours ago

    It's a supermoon, by some accounts.

    (Image credit: Gary Saxe via Getty Images)
    March's full moon — by some accounts a supermoon — will dazzle skywatchers this Sunday (March 28), as spring's warm weather invites more people to venture outside to gaze upward.

    The full moon lasts just an instant, but dedicated moon watchers can catch it at 2:48 p.m. EDT (18:48 UTC) on Sunday, when the moon appears opposite the sun in Earth-based longitude, according to a NASA statement. People who miss this fleeting moment will still be able to see a big, round moon — the rocky satellite will appear full for three days, from Saturday morning (March 27) through early Tuesday morning (March 30).

    And, while it might be hard to tell, March's moon is by some accounts a supermoon, depending on how you interpret the term "supermoon." This word was coined in 1979 by astrologer Richard Nolle, who said it refers to either a new or full moon that falls within 90% of perigee, when the moon is closest to Earth. Different publications and experts, such as and astronomer Fred Espenak, have different thresholds for determining when the moon is close enough to qualify as a supermoon. This year, some are saying that 2021 will have four full supermoons (from March to June), while others are saying there will be three supermoons (from April to June), and some argue there will only be two full supermoons (in April and May), NASA reported.

    So, which moon will be the "superest"? "The full moons in April and May are nearly tied as the closest full moons of the year," NASA said in the statement. "The full moon on May 26, 2021, will be slightly closer to the Earth than the full moon on April 26, 2021, but only by a slim 0.04%."

    This weekend's full moon has many names, but it is often called the Worm Moon, according to the reporting by the Maine Farmer's Almanac in the 1930s on what the Native Americans called the full moon. According to this lore, Indigenous tribes in the American South reportedly named it "Worm Moon" after earthworms that pop out around this time of year. These invertebrates were wiped out in the region by glaciers at the end of the last ice age about 12,000 years ago, but they were reintroduced with the arrival of Old World settlers who brought invasive species from Europe and Asia, according to NASA. Once the snowpack melts in the spring, these invasive earthworms often wriggle about.

    Other names for March's moon include the Crow, Crust, Sap and Sugar Moon. According to the Maine Farmer's Almanac, the northwestern tribes in the United States called it the Crow Moon, due to the cawing of crows that signaled the end of winter, while other groups called it the Crust Moon, after the crust of snow that freezes at night, or the Sap or Sugar Moon, because early spring is the time of year for tapping maple trees.

    Meanwhile, in the Hebrew calendar, this full moon falls in the Middle of the month of Nisan, which is tied to the observance of Passover (or Pesach), a holiday that commemorates the biblical event of the Jewish people leaving behind slavery in Egypt. This year, Passover begins at sundown on March 27, and it lasts until nightfall on April 4.

    According to the western Christian ecclesiastical calendar, this moon is known as the Paschal Moon, which is key to determining the date of Easter. The word "Paschal" is the Latinized word for Pesach. Usually, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring. However, due to differences in the Eastern and Western church calendars, this year Easter will fall on two dates: April 4 for Western Christianity, which views March's moon as the first full moon of spring, and May 2 for the Eastern Orthodox Church, which views the next full moon as the Paschal Moon, NASA reported.

    For Hindus, this full moon corresponds with the festival of colors, known as Holi, which celebrates the triumph of good over evil, as well as the beginning of spring. This year, Holi falls on March 29. In Sri Lanka, this full moon is called Medin or Madin Poya, and it marks the Buddha's first meeting with his father after his enlightenment, NASA reported. For followers of Islam, this full moon falls in the middle of the month Sha'ban, the month before Ramadan.

    Skywatchers will also be able to see other celestial happenings, unless cloudy skies preclude them. On Sunday, the day of the full moon, Mars will be the only visible planet after night falls. Watch for it on the western horizon, NASA recommended.

    To catch a livestream of the Worm Moon, tune into the Virtual Telescope Project, which will show the full moon rising over Rome.

    Originally published on Live Science.
    Twas quite bright last night.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #42
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Pink supermoon

    Full moon in April 2021: When to see the 'Pink' supermoon
    By Ada Wood and Ashley Strickland, CNN

    Updated 4:33 AM ET, Mon April 26, 2021

    (CNN)April's full moon is the "pink" moon, and it's a supermoon, too. Catch it in the night sky this Monday.

    This moon will be at its fullest on Monday at 11:32 p.m. ET, according to NASA.
    Supermoons appear bigger and brighter in the sky because they are slightly closer to Earth. Interpretations of what qualifies as a supermoon can vary, but there are generally two to four moons that meet the threshold -- based on the distance between the moon and Earth -- within a given year.

    Under some definitions, April's will be one of four supermoons in a row, including last month's "worm" moon and two more expected in May and June. According to NASA, all publications agree that at least the April and May moons fit the classification.
    This supermoon will be the second-closest full moon of the year, according to EarthSky. And although it's called the pink moon, it's not really a different color.
    A pink supermoon rises over the Rock of Dunamase in County Laois in the Republic of Ireland.
    This moon gets its name from the pink early springtime blooms of the Phlox subulata plant, also called "moss pink." It's native to eastern North America.
    Native American tribes across the United States have their own names for the moon, according to the Western Washington University Planetarium. Many of those names are also associated with springtime signs, including the melting of snow and the return of geese after their journey south for winter. The Cherokee tribe of the East Coast calls it the "kawohni" or "flower moon," and the Creek tribe of the Southeast refers to it as "tasahcee-rakko" or "big spring moon."
    There are also several religious celebrations that align with this moon, according to NASA. For Eastern Christians, this is the full moon before Easter, called the Paschal Moon. (Eastern Christianity marks Easter on Sunday, May 2). For Hindus it is Hanuman Jayanti, the celebration of the birth of Lord Hanuman. For Buddhists, it is Bak Poya, which marks the Buddha's visit to Sri Lanka to settle a dispute between chiefs, avoiding a war.
    This full moon is also near the middle of the holy month of Ramadan, which Muslims observe in honor of the Quran being revealed.

    A pink supermoon rises on April 07, 2020 in Worthing, United Kingdom.
    Typical of a normal year, 2021 will have 12 full moons. (There were 13 full moons last year, two of which were in October.)
    Here are all of the full moons remaining this year and their names, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac:
    April 26 -- Pink moon
    May 26 -- Flower moon
    June 24 -- Strawberry moon
    July 23 -- Buck moon
    August 22 -- Sturgeon moon
    September 20 -- Harvest moon
    October 20 -- Hunter's moon
    November 19 -- Beaver moon
    December 18 -- Cold moon
    Be sure to check for the other names of these moons as well, attributed to their respective Native American tribes.
    Here is what else you can look forward to in 2021.
    Sign up for CNN's Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more.
    Meteor showers
    Once the popular Lyrids meteor shower -- which peaks on April 22 -- passes, the Eta Aquariids follow soon after. They peak on May 5 when the moon is 38% full. This shower is best seen in the southern tropics, but will still be visible to those north of the equator.

    The Milky Way is seen from the Glacier Point Trailside in Yosemite National Park, California.
    The Delta Aquariids are also best seen from the southern tropics and will peak between July 28 and 29, when the moon is 74% full.
    Interestingly, another meteor shower peaks on the same night -- the Alpha Capricornids. Although this is a much weaker shower, it has been known to produce some bright fireballs during its peak. It will be visible for everyone regardless of which side of the equator they are on.
    The Perseid meteor shower, the most popular of the year, will peak between August 11 and 12 in the Northern Hemisphere, when the moon is only 13% full.
    Here is the meteor shower schedule for the rest of the year, according to EarthSky's meteor shower outlook.
    October 8: Draconids
    October 21: Orionids
    November 4 to 5: South Taurids
    November 11 to 12: North Taurids
    November 17: Leonids
    December 13 to 14: Geminids
    December 22: Ursids
    Solar and lunar eclipses
    This year, there will be two eclipses of the sun and two eclipses of the moon -- and three of these will be visible for some in North America, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac.
    A total eclipse of the moon will occur on May 26, best visible to those in western North America and Hawaii from 4:46 a.m. ET to 9:51 a.m. ET.
    An annular eclipse of the sun will happen on June 10, visible in northern and northeastern North America from 4:12 a.m. ET to 9:11 a.m. ET. The sun won't be fully blocked by the moon, so be sure to wear eclipse glasses to safely view this event.
    November 19 will see a partial eclipse of the moon, and skywatchers in North America and Hawaii can view it between 1 a.m. ET and 7:06 a.m. ET.
    And the year will end with a total eclipse of the sun on December 4. It won't be visible in North America, but those in the Falkland Islands, the southern tip of Africa, Antarctica and southeastern Australia will be able to spot it.
    Visible planets
    Skywatchers will have multiple opportunities to spot the planets in our sky during certain mornings and evenings throughout 2021, according to the Farmer's Almanac planetary guide.
    It's possible to see most of these with the naked eye, with the exception of distant Neptune, but binoculars or a telescope will provide the best view.
    Mercury will look like a bright star in the morning sky from June 27 to July 16 and October 18 to November 1. It will shine in the night sky from May 3 to May 24, August 31 to September 21, and November 29 to December 31.
    Venus, our closest neighbor in the solar system, will appear in the western sky at dusk in the evenings from May 24 to December 31. It's the second-brightest object in our sky, after the moon.
    Mars makes its reddish appearance in the morning sky between November 24 and December 31, and it will be visible in the evening sky through August 22.
    Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is the third-brightest object in our sky. It will be on display in the morning sky through August 19. Look for it in the evenings August 20 to December 31 -- but it will be at its brightest from August 8 to September 2.
    Saturn's rings are only visible through a telescope, but the planet itself can still be seen with the naked eye in the mornings through August 1 and in the evenings August 2 to December 31. It will be at its brightest during the first four days of August.
    Binoculars or a telescope will help you spot the greenish glow of Uranus on the mornings of May 16 to November 3 and the evenings of November 4 to December 31. It will be at its brightest between August 28 and December 31.
    And our most distant neighbor in the solar system, Neptune, will be visible through a telescope in the mornings through September 13 and during the evenings September 14 to December 31. It will be at its brightest between July 19 and November 8.
    Here's a nice celestial calendar listing.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Super Flower Blood Moon 2021

    There are links to vids in the original article.

    'Super Flower Blood Moon' webcasts: How to watch the supermoon eclipse of 2021 online

    By Hanneke Weitering - Editor 1 day ago

    The total lunar eclipse of Jan. 20-21, 2019, captured by astrophotographers Imelda Joson and Edwin Aguirre from the suburbs of Boston. From left to right: The start of totality, at 11:41 p.m. EST on Jan. 20; the middle of totality, at 12:12 a.m. on Jan. 21; and the end of totality at 12:44 a.m.

    (Image credit: Courtesy of Imelda Joson and Edwin Aguirre)
    If you take a photo of the 2021 total lunar eclipse let us know! You can send images and comments to

    The full moon on Wednesday (May 26) will be something to behold, as the only total lunar eclipse of 2021 arrives together with the year's biggest "supermoon."

    Skywatchers in much of the world will have a chance to see a slightly larger-than-average full moon temporarily appear red during the so-called "Super Flower Blood Moon." But for those in parts of the world where the eclipse isn't visible — or where clouds foil the view — there will be several free webcasts showing live views of the eclipse online.

    During the Super Flower Blood Moon, the full moon of May (known as the Flower Moon) will pass through Earth's shadow, causing it to appear red. This is why total lunar eclipses are commonly called "blood moons." At around the same time, the moon will reach perigee, or the closest point to Earth in its current orbit. This will make it appear slightly bigger than an average full moon, making it a "supermoon," too.

    Super Flower Blood Moon 2021: When and how to see the total lunar eclipse

    Griffith Observatory

    Weather permitting, the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles plans to stream live views of the Super Flower Blood Moon on Wednesday (May 26) beginning at 4:45 a.m. EDT (0845 GMT) — just two minutes before the penumbral phase of the lunar eclipse begins. The broadcast will end at 9 a.m. EDT (1300 GMT), shortly after the last partial phase of the eclipse has ended.

    You can watch the Griffith Observatory's webcast live in the window above, courtesy of the observatory, or tune in via YouTube. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the observatory said on its website that it will not host a public, in-person event for this eclipse as it has done in the past.

    Lowell Observatory

    The Lowell Observatory — where the dwarf planet Pluto was famously discovered — will also broadcast live views of the eclipse from multiple telescopes at its facility in Flagstaff, Arizona.

    Starting at 5:30 a.m. EDT (0930 GMT), "Lowell educators will show you live views of the eclipse through our 14” Planewave telescope and wide-view portable Vixen telescopes," the observatory said in a statement. "Educators will also discuss the science of eclipses, the best ways to view them, Lowell’s history with the Moon, and much more!"

    This event ends at 7:25 a.m. EDT (1125 GMT). You can watch it live in the window above, courtesy of Lowell Observatory, or on YouTube.

    The Virtual Telescope Project

    The Virtual Telescope Project, an online observatory founded by astrophysicist Gianluca Masi of the Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory in Italy, will stream two live broadcasts of the big lunar event: one for the eclipse and another for the supermoon. Astrophysicist Gianluca Masi, founder of the Virtual Telescope Project, will provide live commentary.

    First, on Wednesday (May 26), the Virtual Telescope will webcast live views of the lunar eclipse, beginning at 6 a.m. EDT (1000 GMT). The webcast will feature shots from astrophotographers in Australia, New Zealand and the Americas. The moon sets in Rome at 5:34 a.m. local time, or 14 minutes before the moment of maximum eclipse, so the best views will come from these remote cameras.

    Then at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT), Masi returns with a second live stream to show the biggest supermoon of the year rising over the skyline of Rome. You can watch both events live in the window above, courtesy of the Virtual Telescope Project, or directly via Masi's YouTube channel.

    Time and Date

    Time and Date, an interactive website that offers a variety of tools for skywatching and time zone conversions, will also provide a live webcast of the Super Flower Blood Moon, beginning at 5:30 a.m. EDT (0930 GMT). The webcast will feature live views from around the world, and you can follow along with the photographers' adventures in this live blog.

    You can watch it live here in the window above, courtesy of Time and Date, or directly via YouTube. Also, to find out what the eclipse will look like from any given location, be sure to check out Time and Date's eclipse maps and calculators.

    Stages of the "Super Flower Blood Moon" lunar eclipse on May 26, 2021
    Event Time
    Penumbral eclipse begins 4:47 a.m. EDT (0847 GMT)
    Partial eclipse begins 5:44 a.m. EDT (0944 GMT)
    Full eclipse begins 7:11 a.m. EDT (1111 GMT)
    Maximum eclipse 7:18 a.m. EDT (1118 GMT)
    Full eclipse ends 7:25 a.m. EDT (1125 GMT)
    Partial eclipse ends 8:52 a.m. EDT (1252 GMT)
    Penumbral eclipse ends 9:49 a.m. EDT (1349 GMT)
    Email Hanneke Weitering at or follow her on Twitter @hannekescience. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #44
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    I like Rose Moon

    Strawberry reminds me of fields forever.

    How to watch the last – and most adorably named – supermoon of 2021
    Doyle Rice

    After a pair of eclipses over the past few weeks, both lunar and solar, sky watchers will be in for another treat this week.

    The full strawberry moon will grace the night sky this Thursday across the world.

    Although the moon will officially be full before it pops above the horizon, it will look plenty big when it rises in the eastern sky Thursday evening, about the same time as the sun is setting in the western sky.

    Alas, although it will be a supermoon, it won't look like a strawberry, and it probably won't be red, astronomers say, although it may have a golden color.

    When is the strawberry supermoon 2021?
    June’s full moon will reach peak illumination at 2:40 p.m. EDT on Thursday, but will not be visible until later that evening, when it drifts above the horizon, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac.

    June's full moon, known as the Strawberry Moon, rises above the Apollo Temple in ancient Corinth, on June 17, 2019.

    Why is it called the strawberry moon?
    June's full moon is called the strawberry moon because it signaled to some Native American tribes that it was the time of year to gather ripening strawberries, the almanac says.

    The strawberry moon is the most colorful of the year because it takes a low, shallow path across the sky, said Bob Bonadurer, director of the Milwaukee Public Museum's planetarium.

    The low arc of the June full moon across the sky means moonlight must travel through more of the Earth's atmosphere, which often gives it an orange or yellow tint.

    The strawberry moon is also called "hot moon" because it rises right around the beginning of summer.

    In Europe, alternative names include the honey moon, the mead moon or the rose moon.

    What is a supermoon?
    This Thursday's full moon will also be the fourth and final supermoon of 2021, when the moon looks somewhat bigger and brighter than usual since it's a bit closer to the Earth than usual.

    The previous three supermoons were in March, April and May, according to NASA.

    "Different publications use slightly different thresholds for deciding when a full moon is close enough to the Earth to qualify as a supermoon," NASA said.

    "Because the orbit of the moon is not a perfect circle, the moon is sometimes closer to the Earth than at other times during its orbit."

    On average, supermoons appear about 7% bigger and about 15% brighter than a typical full moon.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #45
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Beaver moon eclipse

    The longest lunar eclipse in 580 years takes place this week. Here’s how and when to watch it
    Updated: 2:51 PM PST Nov 16, 2021
    Jake Smith

    Some cosmic events are, well, once in a blue moon. Others, like the return of Halle’s Comet, are possible to catch maybe twice.

    But this Friday’s near-total lunar eclipse — the longest of the century and the first of this length in 580 years — is truly once-in-a-lifetime (or, more accurately, many lifetimes).

    On the morning of Friday, Nov. 19, the full Beaver Moon will take place in a 97%-total lunar eclipse, according to NASA, meaning that nearly all of the moon’s surface will be shrouded in the Earth’s shadow.

    November 2021’s eclipse will be about three and a half hours long, stretching from 2:18 to 5:47 a.m. EST. The Beaver Moon eclipse will peak at 4:02 a.m. EST, NASA reports, and will be visible across North America.

    This history-making, near-total lunar eclipse coincides with the full Beaver Moon, which will reach peak illumination at nearly the same moment as the eclipse’s height. But don’t worry — the moon will appear full from Thursday evening through Saturday morning, meaning you can catch an unencumbered glimpse of the full moon, too.

    The Beaver Moon gets its name from beaver hunting season, which used to peak this time of year. Plus, beavers start retiring to their lodges for the winter around now, too. Other names for November’s full moon include the Digging Moon (from the Tlingit), the Whitefish Moon (from the Algonquin), and the Frost Moon (from the Cree and Assiniboine).

    Lunar eclipses can only occur during full moons when the moon is at its brightest. Because the Earth has an atmosphere, its shadow is not black; the same phenomenon that causes sunrises and sunsets will also cause November's full moon to glow a dull red. That’s why lunar eclipses are sometimes called "blood moons."

    Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are safe to view with the naked eye. To catch a glimpse of it, look low in the western sky at any point during the eclipse, recommends; the ****her west you are, the better your view will be. Because of its incredible length, this will be the longest lunar eclipse of the century, the site notes — and it's also the longest lunar eclipse in nearly 600 years, according to Butler University’s Holcomb Observatory.

    So while sleeping in (or going to bed early) is great, you might want to spend Friday morning doing something else: catching an ultra-rare cosmic treat passing right over your head and in front of your eyes.
    4:02 a.m. EST = 1:02 AM PST
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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