Quote Originally Posted by Ford Prefect View Post
Furey is the ultimate promoter for people who buy into the whole "there are fitness secrets which only a select few can reveal to me" angle. If you are smarter than that, then Furey's advertising is over-the-top and laughable.

It's easy to take somebody's quotes out of context and make it appear they are arguing for something they are not. For instance, Pavel not only paraphrased Verkoshansky's list so that it suited his case, but he also flat-out misquoted him. Nevermind the fact that those qotes are from Verkoshansky outlining what isometrics proponents believe are the advantages.

This does appear in Supertraining (which you'd know if you read it), and is followed by a list of drawbacks. Supertraining in and of itself is a theoretical text that puts forth a lot of informaton to give a well-rounded picture of strength and conditioning training and the science behind it. It doesn't have recommended training; only various methods to achieve certain goals with the supporting and rebutting science. The onus is on the reader to determine optimal training plans and implementation. If you look at Yuri's actual training texts like Fundementals of Strength Training and High-level Track & Field training, you'd see where he actually places isometrics in his training guidelines.