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Thread: Where do I find the seeds?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove

    Where do I find the seeds?

    I am becomming interested in growing the herbs used in my Jow formula. Does anyone know where I can get vaible seeds, and info on how to sucsesssfully grow the herbs to maturity?
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

    + = & a

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    hijacking this old thread for the latest weird China news...

    ...if you want to find herb seeds, see our old Where-can-I-get-hard-to-find-herb-seeds thread as that one actually got some response (back in 2001).

    States are warning people about suspicious packages of seeds that appear to be from China

    By Harmeet Kaur and Rebekah Riess, CNN
    Updated 6:26 PM ET, Mon July 27, 2020

    States are warning people not to plant the seeds they may have received in unsolicited packages. The packages appear to have originated in China, though it's unclear who exactly is behind them.

    (CNN)If you've received a mysterious package of seeds in the mail lately, don't plant them.
    Several states are issuing warnings after residents across the nation have reported receiving unsolicited packages that appear to have originated in China. The packages typically have Chinese characters on the label and contain a sealed packet of unknown seeds that some state agriculture departments say could be invasive plant species.
    "Invasive species wreak havoc on the environment, displace or destroy native plants and insects and severely damage crops," the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services said in a news release on July 24.
    "Taking steps to prevent their introduction is the most effective method of reducing both the risk of invasive species infestations and the cost to control and mitigate those infestations."
    It's unclear who exactly is sending these packages, why they're being distributed and whether the seeds are actually harmful. The department asked that anyone who has received this type of package in the mail contact the Office of Plant Industry Services.
    Agriculture departments in Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio, South Carolina and Washington state are among state agencies that have issued similar warnings. Departments also cautioned people not to open the sealed packages of seeds and to keep the labeling intact so that officials could investigate.
    Utah resident Lori Culley is one of the people who received a package of seeds, according to CNN affiiliate KSTU. She told the news station that though "most of the writing on the outside was in Chinese," the package label indicated that it contained jewelry.
    Jane Rupp, president of the Better Business Bureau's Utah chapter, told KSTU that she suspected the packages could be a scam called "brushing," in which third-party sellers send recipients items they didn't order so that they can write a positive review on their behalf while posing as a verified buyer.
    "That is rather random. I don't think I've heard of seeds before," Rupp told KSTU. "The first thing to do is Google your address and see what's out there ... Numerous things will come up when you Google your address. It's kind of scary sometimes."
    Plants and seeds that are shipped to the US from other countries are heavily regulated by the Plant Protection and Quarantine Program, which is managed by the US Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
    Seeds that are imported into the US must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate that ensures the product is free of pests and diseases.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    mustard, cabbage seeds, morning glory, hibiscus and roses

    Such an odd story. Way up there with the murder hornets.

    Published 19 hours ago
    Some illegally mailed mystery seeds from China identified: USDA
    Identified seeds include mustard and cabbage seeds, plus flower breeds such as morning glory, hibiscus and roses
    By Cortney Moore

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture's division of Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has identified some of the mysterious seed packets that seem to have been sent from China to more than 1,000 American households.

    As of Wednesday, 14 of the seed species had been identified, according to the agency's Deputy Administrator Osama El-Lissy. This includes food staples like mustard and cabbage as well as herbs like mint, sage, rosemary and lavender. Flower breeds such as morning glory, hibiscus and roses were also discovered.


    Although the samples that have been identified so far appear to be harmless, the USDA is urging Americans to not plant unsolicited seeds.

    "At this time, we don't have any evidence indicating this is something other than a 'brushing scam' where people receive unsolicited items from a seller who then posts false customer reviews to boost sales," the agency wrote in a statement. "[The] USDA is currently collecting seed packages from recipients and will test their contents and determine if they contain anything that could be of concern to U.S. agriculture or the environment."

    Prior to identifying the seeds, government officials voiced concern and warnings that these mailed seeds could be an invasive species that have potential to wreak havoc on domestic crops and livestock. All 50 states have advised residents to not plant seeds they have not ordered themselves for environmental national security.

    Residents who receive unsolicited seeds are urged to forward the contents of their package as well as the mail label with the originator's address to the USDA.

    U.S. Customs and Border Patrol will be "working closely" with the USDA to intercept the "illegally imported seed packages," according to a recent Q&A.

    Other federal authorities have reportedly gotten involved in addition to the U.S. Postal Service, express carriers and online marketplaces to stop these unsolicited deliveries.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Scientific American take

    Weird Mystery Seeds Arriving by Mail Sprout Biodiversity Concerns
    An invasive plant expert explains what could happen if enigmatic seeds shipped from China are released
    By Karen Kwon on August 5, 2020

    Weird Mystery Seeds Arriving by Mail Sprout Biodiversity Concerns
    Unsolicited seeds, labeled as things such as jewelry and beads, have arrived in mailboxes around the nation, prompting investigation by the U.S Department of Agriculture. Credit: USDA

    Americans from Maine to Texas have recently reported receiving mysterious packages sent from China. Often labeled as jewelry, the parcels instead contain clear plastic bags with unknown seeds of various shapes, sizes and colors. The U.S. Department of Agriculture and state agriculture agencies are urging people not to plant—or even throw away—these organisms. Instead they want recipients to send the seeds to them for investigation.

    Last week an official at the Plant Protection and Quarantine program at the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) said that so far the agency has “identified 14 different species of seeds, including mustard, cabbage, morning glory and some of the herbs—like mint, sage, rosemary, lavender—and other seeds, like hibiscus and roses.” And in a press release APHIS said it does not “have any evidence indicating this is something other than a ‘brushing scam’ where people receive unsolicited items from a seller who then posts false customer reviews to boost sales.” (For someone to be able to leave a review, an actual shipment has to be registered in a retail system such as Etsy.)

    But Laura Meyerson, an invasion biologist at the University of Rhode Island, says there is still cause for concern. She has been studying invasive plants since she was a graduate student at Yale University, where she was prompted by a professor explaining how phragmites—common reeds—are invading muskrat habitats and destroying the animals’ homes on the Quinnipiac River. At the same time, she became interested in science policy, which eventually led her to serve on the Department of the Interior’s Invasive Species Advisory Committee from 2016 until the committee’s deactivation in 2019. Scientific American spoke with Meyerson about why this seed mystery is concerning, the potential dangers of invasive plants and the controls in place to stop them.

    [An edited transcript of the interview follows.]

    What are some of the methods the USDA might use to identify the seeds?

    They may have done a morphological identification, based on shape and size, et cetera. And then they may be also running some genetic analyses.

    What you would be looking for is a seed of a particular size, a particular weight and particular features—color and shape. It might have different physical features on it that make it typical for a particular species. It might have little spurs on it that help it hang on to animal fur, so it gets transported around. So you’d be looking for all those sorts of physical characteristics that were typical for a species.

    [The genetic analysis is done] kind of like any genetic study. You go in, and you extract the DNA, and you sequence a sample. And then, based on genetic records, you run the sequences that you get against GenBank [a publicly available DNA sequence database] and get a positive identification—or against sequences in your own database.

    The other method, of course, is to grow the seed out—which is exactly what [the USDA is] telling the public not to do. But the USDA may be doing that for a number of reasons—just to see if there’s anything unusual about them. It might want to collect the DNA from the green plant tissue, which can be easier to sequence sometimes.

    Outside of one of the packages of unsolicited seeds. Credit: USDA

    The USDA has so far identified the seeds by their common names. What is the concern with not being more specific?

    Because different species will behave very differently. You could have two species in the same family—even in the same genus—and one could be invasive and one might not be. That sort of taxonomic specificity is very, very important. For example, in the mustard family, the garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is very invasive.

    What would happen if people planted any of these seeds?

    We don’t know, because we don’t know what they are. That means we don’t know if they’ll be harmful or not. Could these be genetically modified seeds? Possibly. Perhaps that’s something we don’t want to release into the environment. Because once you release that, it can spread to other plants if they’re outcrossing [breeding between two plants that are unrelated], and there could be sharing of genetic material, which might be undesirable. If you want to get really paranoid, you could think about some kind of genetically modified seeds that had a gene drive [a genetic engineering technique that guarantees a specific gene will be passed on to offspring] in them to have a particular end.

    Also, when we bring species from one place to another, generally, they don’t come alone. It’s possible when that plant was imported, it brought with it viruses or other pathogens that could be harmful. It’s really a biosecurity issue, whether or not harm is intended. Even if it’s just one of those brushing schemes, as has been suggested, that doesn’t mean that there’s not potential harm.

    Why is the USDA telling people not to throw the seeds away?

    Your garbage can theoretically get transported to a dump somewhere. That could end up with those seeds germinating and becoming naturalized—and then becoming invasive. It’s possible somebody could go through your garbage can and find them, take them and plant them. It’s an opportunity for those seeds to be released, and that’s why they’re saying, “Don’t do that.”

    The second thing is the USDA really wants those packets—because they give it an opportunity to have a greater sampling of what’s out there. And they are also evidence. They need the public to cooperate in that way to help figure out what the heck is going on and to make sure that there’s no harm.

    What is the difference between becoming naturalized and becoming invasive?

    So, you’ve got a native species—evolutionarily native to a place. And then you’ve got species that are nonnative. Naturalized species are nonnative species that are introduced and able to self-sustain and even spread. And then invasive species are naturalized species that have high rates of spread and cause harm. The federal definition in the U.S. for invasive species is nonnative plants, animals and pathogens that cause harm to the economy, the environment and human health.

    Tulips were introduced to the U.S. from Holland. They were nonnative species. But tulips aren’t running around and taking over North America. So they’re not invasive; they’re just nonnative.

    Is there any way to eradicate an invasive species once it becomes established?

    Often the answer is no, unfortunately. Many, many, many species are introduced into the U.S. We’ve had tens of thousands of plants introduced into this country. Now, not all of them are invasive. But enough of them are that we’re spending $20 billion or $30 billion every year to manage them.

    There are some success stories: we employ biocontrol agents to help minimize invasive species. But really getting rid of something once it’s been introduced is hard unless you’re really on the ball and get to it or are darn lucky.

    How does the biocontrol process on our borders work?

    There are inspection agents at the airports and seaports. They do the best they can, but the volume of goods coming into this country is just absolutely overwhelming. We don’t have enough inspection agents at the borders to catch all of these things. That said, there is a huge movement toward developing technologies to assist in the detection of invasive species.

    Is there any notable invasive plant species that arrived in the U.S. recently?

    Giant hogweed. That plant is so nasty. It’s really invasive. It’s this plant that produces a chemical that burns your skin and can even blind you.

    Karen Kwon
    Karen Kwon is a 2020 AAAS Mass Media Fellow at Scientific American. She recently earned her Ph.D. in Chemistry at Columbia University.
    This story is still so bizarre to me.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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