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( 本報記者江智慧紐域報道 )

中國國家體育總局健身氣功管理中心副主任呂實明率領中國健身氣功專家一行八人來到灣區進行文化交流,是中國 官方首度組織代表團來到美西訪問。該代表團希望將中國傳統養身文化介紹給灣區民眾,並將與Ohlone社區 大學合作,培訓氣功教練,在灣區推廣氣功。

  呂實明表示,氣功是中國傳統文化之一,也是適用於今日繁忙社會的養身法。因為氣功不只鍛練身體,而且修 練天地人合一的整體觀,具備「預防」的健康觀念,從日常養生修煉,預防疾病發生。他說,2001年至200 3年,中國氣功協會將多套氣功彙整組織成適合現代人鍛鍊的功法,分別是六字訣、八段錦、易筋經、五禽戲。之 後追蹤發現,長期鍛練氣功,可以幫助中老年人提高平衡力、改善心血管機能。

   少林真功主席徐德正也表示,氣功可以改善睡眠品質,修養人格。功夫雜誌主編簡琪則說,由於地球自然環境改變 ,加上經濟蕭條,人們開始尋求另類療法,越來越多人對健身氣功感興趣。

  昨日氣功專家包括武漢體育學院教授石愛橋、北京體育大學博士楊玉冰等人,在Ohlone社區大學紐域校 區示範適合現代人的氣功功法。民眾可參加免費氣功教學活動,時間地點如下:10月9日晚7時30分在聖荷西 少林功夫館(408-505-8809)、10月10日在三藩市(415-664-3168)。
And the babelfish version...

い petal fragrance \ blows fei X

(セ kitchen li liver moss looked that technique z braves fei 笵)

い the petal petal produces the sound of something being struck or falling to the ground ▅ to bear ы amine ō fragrance \ to hate 瞶 い み eight D ヴ the f turtle 瞯 to braise い petal amine ō fragrance \ to produce @ ︽KH ㄓ soot W postscript 秈 ︽ゅ て ユ 瑈 A 琌 い petal ﹛よ Han Zhuangzhang to touch the N xu only sparkling jade-like stone whish ﹁砐 to do obeisance C Jiangxi N xu to encircle ticket beautiful N い petal stomach senate gun ō ゅ て ざ remnant 芖 postscript チ Bohai Sea A hat N 籔 Ohlone to learn j stable X@A freshwater mussel crazy fragrance \ to execute 絤 the Ab 芖 postscript sacrificially but actually to collapse approximately fragrance \ C

@@ the f turtle depends **** dividing watercourses A fragrance \ 琌 い petal stomach senate ゅ て ぇ @A] 琌 続 ノ the chi Dan cui cΓ avaricious|Trench iō 猭 C] likes fragrance \ ぃ the u range 絤 ō sound of something being struck or falling to the ground AτB seizing m ぱ the aHX@ trench bolt shrub mentioned in ancient texts [A ㄣ saying that u 箇 ňv shouted numerous d 芠 ├A 眖 ら 盽 gun ネ pursues swings A 箇 ň 痚 痜 祇 ネ CL arc A2001~2003~A い the petal fragrance \ midge|盢 h 甅 fragrance \ 稪 Ju Canglu THETA 続 X 瞷 NH range bell twelfth branch \ 猭 A だ O 琌 せ r 砕 BK jade 繟 B bao 竒 B き 竀 fence C ぇ mist l radish 祇 瞷 A pokes range 絤 fragrance \ AiH sacrificial U い ρ~H towering amiable キ OBэ to み﹀ to hate knack oh C

@@ ぶ 狶 痷 \ the D 畊 畗 fine white silk タ] depends **** dividing watercourses A fragrance \ iHэ government official to hang to He 痸珇 taking advantage of A clumsy iH aunt C \ ひ steamed bread 粁 D 絪 capture 礨 玥 arc A パ crab a 瞴 zhang the M э runs A [the W 竒 flower bud to beat the soldier AH deep pool} ﹍ 碝 - t to trace urges 猭 A 禫 ㄓ 禫 hH decyl amine ō fragrance \ 稰 to chop session of C

what @@ 琎 ら fragrance does \ produce] 珹 猌 簙 the sound of something being struck or falling to the ground ▅ stable 皘 to execute ホ稲 jue B_ㄊ sound of something being struck or falling to the ground ▅j stable crazy h law ド B list HAbOhlone not to learn the j stable to brave sacrificially biao to gaze knee lotus d 続 X 瞷 NH cold fragrance \ \ 猭 the C チ Bohai Sea i to execute [K 禣 fragrance \ the stable “to save A ˇ a 翴 pU:10 る 9 ら side 730 だ b 竧 to tremble ﹁ぶ 狶 \ ひ 繻 (408-505-8809)B10 る 10 ら bT each カ (415-664-3168)C
Man I looooooooovve babelfish!