Gui the great J7 ら kitchen is old
The fragrance \ 琌 い stomach senate ゅ て contains 璶 cabin THETA field だ C Fang Zhiぐ halberd cold fragrance \ AbU throat Hh 縩 to cut down collapses approximately UA タ bǐV@ umbrella C い petal fragrance \ the N xu reed evil to bestow on X does obeisance ﹁a postscript A ya to collect tide a luxurious ㄓ gram ō stable plan amine ō fragrance \} knack C
い petal fragrance \ N xu 7 ら W と the b crops mildew ェ stable 皘] Ohlone College^ Gui great J 穝 gazes slender|︽li Tan|A ざ remnant merit bestows on X “saves CN xu to disobey gorgeously ぐ counterfeits a trademark the fragrance \ midge|D 畊 the f turtle 瞯 braises A@ ︽8HA6 ら ╄ 笷 芖 postscript CN xu the false Nb 芖 postscript 甶 秨 7 ぱ to shout that law B fragrance \ ㎝ ゅ て ユ 瑈 “saves CL pond companion N11 ら の 12 ら b crops mildew ェ stable 皘 Gui great J to gaze slender|︽before 2 ぱ shouted that law fragrance \ the emaciated too ZC merit dried meat “the Saint duck shifts attacks ь|B ぶ 狶 痷 \ B \ ひ び cuts down steamed bread 粁 bunch of @PD quick C
the f turtle depends **** dividing watercourses A 硂 琌 い petal ﹛よ fragrance \ the N xu reed evil to bestow on X does obeisance ﹁a postscript A ticket da monkey fragrance \ the amine ō よ 猭 ざ remnant petal チ Bohai Sea A 硄 筁 merit to bestow on but actually X does obeisance four stringed instrument j to produce last of the ten Heavenly Stems fragrance \ TAU xi B hang {the ether CL anchor to depend the **** dividing watercourses A stamp to distinguish lang the H merit to bestow on X does obeisance short pure ao Ab さ yi P petal よ tablet i 秨 Fujian zhong fragrance \ amine ō Dan Hantan to poke X@C
N xu mast merit vice-a ㄓ|甅 竒 い petal fragrance \ midge|Receives 絪 collapses approximately shouted that law fragrance \ 猭 A だ O 琌 bao 竒 BK jade 繟 B せ r 砕 ㎝ き 竀 the fence Cf turtle depends **** dividing watercourses A 硂|What 甅 絤 does \ 猭 竒 筁 receive 穝 э gets sick A fou AX 瞷 NH hang e nFb to steal negligent BO 秖 B thin fox の cabin foothill Shan よbo a 盢 stomach senate 甅 to separate ﹃絪 b@ ringworm A Ju 甅ba @b 祏 · to defend Ni 絤 чc
u ぶ 狶 痷 \ the vD 畊 畗 fine white silk タ depends **** dividing watercourses A fragrance \ decyl amine 眃 τn 矪 Ab 竒 flower bud ぃ spring Ningpo gauze dysentery A ticket beautiful fragrance \ sigh palace petal Hu ゴ luxuriant vCLXA 絤 the fragrance \ ㄣ TAU straw to steal He 痸b the て ╰ senate B㊣l╰ senate の stalk to raise high B ︽Aэ to H liver moss rao concave Yao A糤 眏 ず b clumsy i Shan \mo C
the \ ひ steamed bread 粁 gallery gallery capture 礨 depends **** dividing watercourses A petal Hao Jianan the 玂 sound of something being struck or falling to the ground ╰ to stretch {x hangs A [Wj swan stern wild ba DA wood-boring insect e n チ Bohai Sea 玂 amine 眃 luxurious sound of something being struck or falling to the ground A~ penetrating tang U He 珼ju FoXA 絤 the plan amine ō fragrance \ 琌 眏 ō amine sound of something being struck or falling to the ground to harm paper money some ~ 畖 C
Satirizes ぱ li Tan|WA い petal fragrance \ N xu mast ō 瞷 at the beginning of che tK jade 繟 ㎝ き 竀 fence A near 盿 braises at the beginning of Hh@P 絤 plan amine ō fragrance \ to shout that the chin protects J active @C
い petal fragrance \ N xu false N 羭 quick ㄢ at the beginning of fragrance \ quantity 畒 A ㄤ い 11 ら W と 9 scratch with the finger 11 dodges compares Gansu Shanghai r 砕 AU と 2 to scratch with the finger 5 dodges compares Gansu K jade 繟 F12 ら W と 9 to scratch with the finger 11 dodges compares leaks bao 竒 AU と 2 to scratch with the finger 5 dodges compares Gansu 竀 fence Ca 翴 GFremont Meeting Center, Ohlone College, Newark CampusCa} G39399 Cherry Street, Newark, CAC