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Thread: The existance of Squirrel Kung-Fu?

  1. #181
    Join Date
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    It is interesting to be living my words. When I came-up with Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel I Factored in Ability. I designed stuff which I could not do, according to optimum ideal. What I was doing was having good stuff and comprehending that I was not at that moment in peak ideal condition. But the forms and exercises in their ideal, can only be done buy a supremely ideally conditioned person.

    There's a concept in Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel of doing other than going beyond Comfort. With this, a head level kick is done at ankle level if that is below your comfort level. There is a notion that if you continue, your range increases. But, this way, when you increase your range it is within comfort and gets away from being Forced, and approaches Will~.

    I am now typically not above two hundred fifty-five pounds. And have visited the high two hundred forties. But I am not having the flexibility I did not understand I had. I might presume that Kung-Fu as I did it as early as I did with my take on it. I took Easy for granted. However, didn't Lord it over everyone. Wheww! Now I'm as bad off as people I could not ever hardly understand. I could be understanding but not really understand inflexibility because I increased mine high enough to be in the middle. Not a contortionist, but few feats bothered me.

    Thankfully, I'm decrepid. If I can do the Whenever part, I am scared to rely on my concepts. Afraid they might not work. But when I had them it was life or near death, or seemed so. Unfortunatly, in the concepts is, if you're scared, you have to address it. Since I would rather not do anything, I might wait until things are more dire before I act.~
    Whichever whatever, very whatever...

    Still sharing :~>

    I No_Know.
    Last edited by No_Know; 11-19-2004 at 06:57 PM.
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  2. #182
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    I know I'm going to regret reanimating this thread but...

    ....squirrel kung fu made the Onion.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #183
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    Someon'es excuse to talk, but other than Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu Squirrel.

    Except that I must be willing to accept the results mentioned in the article, each moment.
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  4. #184
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    Jan 1970
    **** E, you totally got your method jacked by some fool, and they only have one stance to it.

    Here you are, a guy who has been developing E Moore's kungfu/squirrel kungfu for years, with no exposure other than these forums and some funny publication pulls the rug out from under ya. I knew you should have manuscripted something and made it public before this happened.

    Anywhoo, I'm sure the truth will prevail.

  5. #185
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    I can only hope...

    Basically, Whatever whatever. Not my say to worry. People may think as they think. I can only hope things are seen True.

    I am to like that with which I came-up. I am to comprehend, to practice breathing, extreme biomechanics, and have Fun.

    When things are their worst I can Squirrel.

    I have parts of it on paper and video (a video camer and cassettes would be great). But how to put it as a stream of thought to include what I have so far, when much is simultaneous... I cannot put it all on record, as I No_Know it all. I like what I have. But that is from me as the nucleus. Your (whomever's) Squirreling should vary. But there might should be strong likes to what I have done. Some will be more excellent. Others merely differently excellent.

    Recently (year(s) in) I got to realize that someone might not want to get higher flexibility and start learning from there. I have lost like seventy-five percent of my leg flexibility--can't practice Earth shaking stuff in an apartment; can't do much more than jumping-jacks outside with out the police being called for reports of strange behavior or the like and asked-ish to cease~; Develiped muscles tighten. Too tight you get a cripple. I'm looking into it. It's good for my database--good experience. Helps me learn (me).~

    Around two hundred fifty pounds or lower regularly now. That was nifty. But weight-loss must be a by-product not the goal.

    What Matters?
    What Exists?
    Whatever whatever, very good :~>

    Thank you...

    I No_Know
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  6. #186
    Join Date
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    I knew I would regret it...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #187
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    Initially this sliding rolling might be more natural than hand slidingof the first Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel.
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  8. #188
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    If one is practice only at class and where not seen and one lives with a family, the standard hour long set of practice thingies might be out.

    I effectively am not flexible. I am at a stage where the muscles are more developed yet as if they were stone. I feel like pullling back instead of extending into. If I would recall to breathe I could still be practicing. I got into a concept ,of that doing big moves was practice.

    Sometimes when exploring the World-ish and getting back I contemplate. The risks I take or dangers I might brave in a computer game to learn boundries and reactions would be inappropriate to actual Life~ as one basically only gets one play/life.

    The kicking that was no problem, triffling as it was is now much less. But I get to look at Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu Squirrel from new eyes--old eyes with accumulative databases and cross-referencing. I like Breathing. Little moves perhaps can be stepping stones to greater flexibility. I have increased. My jeans that could be worn without dropping a bit is like wearing a small hula-hoop. I can move my foot ****her to my other knee to put on a sock or shoe. Even doing the move a little is doing the move in full. After you get the move, it's about getting it better or perhaps merely being more grand with the same competance.

    Years ago (perhaps nearly a decade or so(needle-pulling-thread) I was told the palleted mass(probabally on a low friction floor~) I pressed with a bow and arrow stance was at the weight of a ton. Another man yelled that he too saw it move. A month or so ago I moved one point two tons off of a truck into a landfill. The attendant commented that I was there for a long time. Ton work is perhaps now an aspect of Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel.

    I move in stone sometimes as cooling lava, but sometime perhaps as molten. Progress less speedy than glacial ice. Strength and capability as a ream, stronger and flexible. A ream built by one sheet more than before--Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel-by Ernie Moore Jr.

    48-50-516...12-5-12...29...11--Two--Ehr-ni---Ernie Moore Jr.('s Kung-Fu, Squirrel).
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  9. #189
    Join Date
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    Reno, Nv, USA

    I wish you would re-post the two posture pictures.


  10. #190
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    I am looking into that yenhoi.
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  11. #191
    Join Date
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    Land O' Lakes, FL
    All right, Choda Boy, attack!!
    Embrace your enemy, for he is not - he is just confused.
    "It is very hard to unleash the dragon and then put it back in the box without being devoured in the process."
    -Sifu Abel

  12. #192
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    Hopefully one does not attack. It seems to me that attacking leaves one more vulnerable or at least other than attack. In Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel block, deflect or take the hits until person(s) do not care to continue. There is conditioning called Practice. Regardless of one's levels; it is better to do other than hurting by attacking. If you win the fight by defeating the person the person could be a sore loser and come back more or beat/hurt/attack family or close ones to you with the frustration from not beating you sufficiently directly. Or they lie or distort or tell partial truths and gain support and attack you if you hurt them~ by attacking. Note: they can always-ish say you hit them -even if it was after they were beating on you...theoretically, there are people who might do this type of thing.

    People could gather support falsely if you don't touch them too but it seems the least provokive. And When younger, that was what Kung-Fu was to me (a general concept of mine~)--Success by not bringing the ripples of attacking (not bringing anyonelse into it) and having the other person (people) less aggressive.~ In Kung-Fu o,e is not allowed to hurt others.~ And one is to be conditioned in body--in Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel the brain and therefore Mind is considered part of the ~body~, and temperament/attitude/perception to be least perhaps some-such some might say.

    Whatch this...if you attempt to provoke me to attack and I do not attack and you wait for me to attack or try to attack giving more vulnerability yet I do not attack we have no fight, you might get bored or tired or cool or calm down. Your reason~for picking a fight might not seem so vital if you have to wait to vent. Anger tends to be immediate-ish. If you do not feed Anger soon enough or often enough it perhaps goes back to resting-ish or the like.

    Then there's the Rightous or mistaknen person who mistakes a situation or occurance (at least) or some-such and believes h er/im self to be correct of action, Justified, appropriate, Valid or~ in the Right. I would perhaps not like-ish to hurt someone who thought that they were acting appropriately.

    I No_Know
    Last edited by No_Know; 05-09-2006 at 11:41 PM.
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  13. #193
    Join Date
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    Reno, Nv, USA
    What about protecting others.

    What is the method to get someone to attack you instead of someone else?


  14. #194
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    One concept: Just because one is getting beaten doesn't mean they are the victim. One does not necessarily know the history of the members of the fight/beat-down. But as to a method of intervening. Go to the so-called victim, help the person up. Escort them away. Chin-Na as required/capable to release the person. Blocking and directing to advance to the person. Once in contact use self-joint manipulation to avoid attacks or to cover the person one is assisting.

    Positionings, layering muscles into Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's, Body Armor. Like paper sheets one upon one to form a stronger one then one upon them to form a stronger one...One might suppose it could be referred to similarly as the One...or as Two.

    Defending as needed, escort the apparent victim while taking hits so as to not jerk the so called victim.

    By the way, it's not about winning per se. It's more about doing as much as you can while being comfortable-ish.

    I No_Know
    Last edited by No_Know; 05-15-2006 at 01:58 AM.
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  15. #195
    Join Date
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    Kansas City, KS
    No_Know, years ago you sent me some advice for a friend who had been in an abusive relationship, self defense stuff and just generally helpful stuff. It occured to me that, typically, I forgot to say thanks, so thanks.

    Incidentally, there is a giant squirrel that lives in a tree in my yard. My wife calls it the silverback squirrel, because its back is silver. Anyway, it is giant, and while its not the fastest or most flexible squirrel, it can carry more nuts.

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