Under Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel I determine. I have determined. It is other than O.K. to hurt for fun. It is acceptable to appreciate the beauty of exercising awareness on a Human with a bad attitude. Hopefully one would do other than deliberately hurt~ another person~.

Someone was interested in my says about Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel. Person would listen to my new ~exercises~ Would ask questions and point things out. This went on for years. Person saw promise in my says. But person was practical minded looking at my says from a how can I use this in a fight perspective. This taking part of my say for purely fighting-ish has been sadening. But it was good for my database. So, (needle and thread) it seems as though it ends with me. But this is allowed for. In Ernie Moore Jr's Kung-Fu Squirrel it states that Enie Moore Jr. will make certain of the possible notices of things to do and will branch off into the discoveries of choice variations. I'm going to do what I find that I like. I can only leave a guide for others to find the Squirrel that's them. -ish

Thankfully Squirrel can't be beaten with Squirrel techniques. And using Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel exercises for purly fighting-ish fighting-ish, one doesn't get any~ of the other benefits-ish of the exercises; and the fighting ability won't develop beyond meager. compared to someone who doesthe exercises for the sake of it or for Fun-ish.
