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Thread: The existance of Squirrel Kung-Fu?

  1. #706
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    Appreciating A Heads-Up

    240.2 lbs (about two or three days ago)

    The Heads-Up about the links working without an account. As to the

    "Got this picture but have not caught them on video yet:"-YinOrYan

    [...and you never Wi...] (eh, Hemmm). As to the picture or video, I can neither confirm nor deny...

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  2. #707
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    Quote Originally Posted by No_Know View Post
    [...and you never Wi...] (eh, Hemmm). As to the picture or video, I can neither confirm nor deny...
    Someone gave me money to get a security camera system so now I have to get a recording of that secret squirrel kung fu!

    Here's a fuzzy picture I scanned a long time ago of ancient Chinese squirrel style, and I think I've narrowed down what shelf I got it from so I will get a better picture of it:
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  3. #708
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    Fuzzy Picture and A Clear One to Come And Practicing Squirrel 08 Sept. 2021A

    240.8 lbs this morning

    Great find. Looking forward to perhaps a clearer one. This one seems fine.

    I have several things doing , just saying

    Squirrel Peanut Butter--Punch while Block Muay Thai (head)

    Squirrel Peanut Butter--Punch while Block Muay Thai (body)

    Pedaler Squirrel mounted

    Pedlar Squirrel Holding

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  4. #709
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    Squirrel Flow Drilling:Too Much At Once--Getting TightEMJ

    242.8 lbs. (several--4-6 nights ago)

    I advised some tips for a SouthEast Asia guy I thought was working-out to do Muay Thai type ring fighting, so, with gloves. Now I am at the place where I make a packet of essentials that might help. And I blended my interest to have Flow drills.

    From block the head, because they kick to the head. With conditioned legs. Then Squirrel, punch when you block--(Squirrel calls it peanut butter). Punch to the head. Punch to the upper torso-while blocking elbow high, the face-head. Reasoning:Squirrel Muay Thai head block, peanut butter

    Flow Drill: Punch Their Punching Arm

    Punch-Across Passed Your Elbow-Hit Their Arm; Peanut Butter Head And Chest

    Squirrel Peanut Butter Flow Drill:3 count,alternate . One punch or double whap,. Turn your drill count into a beat and make it musical. Watch one's practicing sing .-Ernie Moore Jr.

    I started to feel it after a couple of days, going too long with out doing I feel construction or tightening if I do not do some and to a certain extent. Sounds like addiction and tightening is like withdrawal. To feel less bad I need to have some of the exercise. For another exercise: And Rotator--cardboard on linoliumEMJ I am doing it enough that I am building-up a tollerence--it takes longer to feel as though anything is takes longer to get tired.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    In Squirrel such things are done in small portions...better to do many short sessions because each session I get gain. Gain is not from holding-out to do as much as possible at one go...a thousand times counts as once. One set of ten events done one hundred times counts as leveling-up 100 times.-EMJ

    Do Flow drills at normal to slow breathing. Do many moves in one breath, steady even breathing. If your breathing elevates while or after doing. You are going outside of Gain. Stop drill pass your chest. Still your chest it will not expand. Breathe to your gut. Find a pace to stream your breath down..deep down, seemingly breathing -out as one is breathing-in...stuff like that.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    I No_Know
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  5. #710
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    242.8 lbs. (Like 8 days or so ago)

    The picture of two squirrels on bamboo, I would like to make a technique. Most recent is static with one transition. Then transition both hands keeping guard. The less-tensening of this posture resembles the Body Armor Squirrel of the recentish-Squirrel's Opposim-Armadillo. But similar to the vertical exchange of which was thinking is a horizontal exchange already done in Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu attempt, Squirrel--Squirrel's Two Snakes Intertwine..advance or go-to three minutes in the video containing Squirrel's Two Snakes IntetwineEMJ

    I No_Know
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  6. #711
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    Quote Originally Posted by No_Know View Post
    242.8 lbs. (Like 8 days or so ago)

    The picture of two squirrels on bamboo, I would like to make a technique. Most recent is static with one transition. Then transition both hands keeping guard. The less-tensening of this posture resembles the Body Armor Squirrel of the recentish-Squirrel's Opposim-Armadillo. But similar to the vertical exchange of which was thinking is a horizontal exchange already done in Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu attempt, Squirrel--Squirrel's Two Snakes Intertwine..advance or go-to three minutes
    There's some double animal kung fu forms. Ark Yuen Wong taught a double snake form. There are not any video's of it on YouTube that I know of, but here's a link to the salutation to give you some Idea of what's its like:

  7. #712
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    Weird Acting Arm and Slowing the Exercise Roll

    247.00 lbs (3 or 4 days ago)

    Error to seeing the Ark Yeung Wong Double Snake form salutation.

    My arm felt strain last night and was there all today. I did an extra long Twister Squirrel Or Pizza box Squirrel and Ironed-out a flow drill incorporating the four blocks of Pedaler Squirrel.

    I think to work it hoping to warm it ti expand passed its shrinking but a wrong way snaps some arm thing--biceps.

    Only thing is it can be fine but take days. If I would like to decide how this means will work-out for my arm is a potentially unpreferential mind-place. The chicken and rice has been nice as were the glazed doughnuts dozen.

    Decided to do the immediate breathing again...Thing is when I do a lot of something if it does not scale-up the very next few times it begins to seem like a worthless act and I become very willing to desist.

    Going to water to reset my skin--soaking lets me scrape off scars an the under skin more seamlessly I can clear the build-up more comfortably and re repair can start sooner--clearing under skin build-up adjusts pressure and I get better comfort and flexibility.

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  8. #713
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    Quote Originally Posted by No_Know View Post
    Error to seeing the Ark Yeung Wong Double Snake form salutation.
    Sorry, was probably taken-down because of the music track. Will send it to the email address you have listed at the bottom of the screen...

  9. #714
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    Good E-mail?

    O. K. Should be fine as long as they have not closed the account. But, yes, That should count as a good to reach me E-mail.

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  10. #715
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    Double Animal Forms A Salutation And Pedaler Squirrel Wrap And CatchEMJ

    244 lbs (4 0r 5 or so nights ago (242.? about 3 days ago)

    YinOrYan, the salute you sent, I see the dual movements the arms together and one right after the other to salute. Or a move by one then that same move but with the other arm respectively. And how they come together and each on each's side do the same technique.

    Translating the Two Squirrel Drawing, I have gone through like four evolutions of interpretation-translation. Tendency: One acts; then they both move in exchanging their form for the other's.

    Pedaler Squirrel wirr stand to the side of the device to get more of an effect of addressing a limb.

    Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu (attempt), Squirrel's Wrap and CatchEMJ

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  11. #716
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    My Arm Went Out A Bit

    246.8 lbs about 4 days ago

    Three days ago my right arm got progressively bad, between my shoulder and my elbow. I use my arm to get up off the floor. I go up stairs inside on my feet and fists. I took a picture of a praying mantis six days ago, I started switching my hands for going up stairs and down to Leopard Paw--middle third of the finger and last half of the thumb.

    Two areas The muscles got tight and would not relax so I could not support my weight because I got to where I could not lock-out my arm. I did some Hands-Over. I tried some massage, I leaked a build-up at my shoulder and scraped open a little along my forearm. Where there's build-up and bumps that are dead-white blood cell area or area broken and builds fluid underneath I think I should leak it earlierand stay on it. But it was better from evening to the next morning--after sleep. Thank goodness. I was concerned only days earlier what If... But not staying there just understand it would be unfortunate to lose that function.

    Also, did same exercises of hitting practice to reheat the sword.

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  12. #717
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    Qi From Hurting?

    246.8 lbs. days ago

    I realized yesterday to soak my hand more than showering each day. Today I soaked for a couple or so minutes in luke-warm water. I did this twice. The first soaking I avoided the next treatment which is salting and rubbing it gently-in. But after second soaking I salted and pressed-rubbed-in. It tingled Fine tingle on only part of my hand and onyl middle finger to thumb from tips to palm heel in the palm side.

    I Do Hands-Over [a Squirrel thing] where I can sense in my hand changes from areas in another person. I presume these changes to be tension and relatively pain or issue-flow congestion of their stuffies. My thought qi (activation-flow-circulation-emission), from hurt? I go to Kung Fu Hustle when he healed by rage punching, and later by getting damaged-could he recover faster. I'm forty years into exposure to the concept of Kung Fu, but not consciously considered nor heard that aspect or concept--qi-flow from pain. But to look at it-stuff hurts but you keep going-it changes-softens-eases-strengthens. But going through stuff...oh my goodness yuck. In Squirrel similar is work with cramps. In Squirrel cramp an area (more-at if you find a small isolated cramp[they can progress then branch-out] then tolerate going through-it no trying-to relieve it. Let it cramp until it cramps itself out-of existence). Stay there it compresses like squeezes to excite to a finer density and can warm but less tensens [yes, less tense-ens--we do other than say relax, in Squirrel]. And I'm thinking it elevates like electrons to the next shell and you cannot cramp that muscle-set anymore at that level of stress.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    The possible qi experience was super lovely Wow-nice-sweet wow, but in putting this it went down to just yowwww. In Squirrel, Pain is revalued to nonacknowledgement and regarded with a Loop--you can observe there is something there but do other than define it. There is no pain-only a shift to breathing and a place of wonderment at the thing you notice yet avoid identifying--gee that's interesting...I wonder what that is, that could be cute-oh there seems to be something there...and a lot of breathing.

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  13. #718
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    Burn Gash Is Mending Itself EMJ

    242.4 lbs. two nights ago

    I got a burn and treated the skin. I use water to remerge skin. I filled the gash with blood and juice and it eventually filled-in stages--letting it get hard enough to build-upon. But Then I treated it with water which washed most of the build and I had concern. I knew to resalt at the end at best, because I consider that it seals the flesh. My back of hand in most and parts of my forearm were if coated--I only understand infection to be like that, but no build-up at the surface--only understanding is disintegration. Bones were still hard when checked and washed the muscles so stuff would not settle-in and circulation might round-up bad stuff. Pushed from outside of soreness towards burn gashes. But I thought I had to orchestrate the rebuild. Yet, periodically looking, it was filling-in. I kept it moist with spit-because they said dogs had bacteria that helped healing (heard decades ago). But I decided it made the areas malleable and was a barrier to bad stuff. And the slobber provides a three dee (3-D) environment. The gash got less. The stuff that covered the side seemed to establish new operation base when it was established enough and got to where the skin is even and hard scab-between flesh-skin being laid and a scab domed over the wound.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    I just squeezed near smaller scab and off-white viscous (thickish?) fluid came up so there is infection near the openings. But it is under the scab and less sore arms says it is near where it can be pressured out and the bad stuff was gathered. Later though. Just lifted the bigger scab from the wound area edge as a lid it came up, when I pressure squeezed there. It is empty inside-ish just scabbed walls they had been naked-white meat-flesh. I might water it now that the scab is hard but moist might be better. It seemed to build itself. I like most the way the new flesh is lining-up with the non-injured skin outside it...continuing the skin lines seemingly, perfectly.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    At any stage I could have messed-up, yet we are working together and course correct in a favorable direction.

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  14. #719
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    Discomfort Area

    243.2 lbs.(up to 8 days ago)

    Repurposing the bottom of an office chair there is another hand warm thing for conditioning-coordinating-circulation.

    Part of my legit high felt isolated. Squirrel has a thing of putting the mind at the area affected...minds sight emu four red balls. They pulsate. The throbbing stays confined. Add squares of red balls to the edges to reduce the aggitation.-EMJ

    The other is mind it purple; send lightening. Severity might matter as to affect. Last is to continue. With little notice of affect it gets disheartening.

    I should persist.

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  15. #720
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    Quote Originally Posted by No_Know View Post
    I should persist.
    This one's nuts about kung fu:
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