I have some ESPY-TV 7 Star Praying Mantis videos and some Wu Tang Kung Fu Productions videos Im trying to get rid of. I accept paypal or money order. I am paypal verified and have been a member over 5 years. I'll list what I have here:

Tape #1 Bung Bo & Ng Long Gwun
Tape #7 Sam Lo Chet Yuen
Tape #9 Tong Long Tsuud Dong

Wu Tang Productions
Tang Lang Hand
Tsai Kway

They Are VHS format. The ESPY TV Vids are $22 ea and theWu Tangs are $15ea

I also have Yang Jwing Ming Longfist Kung Fu vids if interested

Yi Lu & Er Lu Maifu
10 Tan Tui
Xaio Hu Yan
Shi Zi Tang

These are $22 ea

Cheaper than the websites.

If interested call me at 484-266-9614 or email me at tdixon410@peoplepc.com or datoycollectah@hotmail.com

Im located in Phila PA and am paypal verified and can also provide references from other websites where I sell items. Thanks.
