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Thread: Video: creation of the arts of war

  1. #1

    Video: creation of the arts of war

    an excellent tv series about the creation of Sun Zi Bin Fa.

    Zhou Yu used small amount of force defeated Cao Cao by tactics and strategy or Mou Lue near Ci Bi about 1700 years ago.


    the first documented war was between the yellow emperor/huang di and the wizard of warfare Ci You over 4000 years ago.

    Ci You used fog/mist. the forces of Huang Di were all lost and defeated.

    with the council of Feng Ho, Huang Di used a special cart for direction, and assembled the troops into 8 groups (using different weapons for ID)--

    it was called the 8 zhen formation. They thus fought without losing directions amid the mist/fog. if this legend was true. this would be the first documented event using tactics and strategy in warfare or fighting with a big number of people/army.


    Fu Xi invented the idea of Tai Chi Ying Yang and 8 Gua.


    there were over 15000 wars during 4000 years of human history.


    Zhou Wen Wang was tricked and jailed by Shang Zhou Wang.

    during his 7 years of jail time, Zhou Wen Wang wrote the book of change or Yi Jing.


    Zhou Wu Wang met Jiang Tai Gong while he was fishing near a creek. Jiang became the minister. Jiang was well versed in detecting changes of weather and geography. He adviced Zhou Wu Wang to defeat Shang. It was called Mu Ye war.


    the arts of war , the text on bamboo sticks was uncovered from a grave from Han dynasty in 1972. this proved that the book was written by Sun Wu/Sun Tzu.


    there are 13 chapters. The book was written 2500 years ago. The modern science was not there yet.


    500 years of Shang dynasty was defeated with a war of a single day.

    in its place came the Zhou dynasty.

    Jiang was given a land named Qi Guo. Jiang defeated a minority tribe or Dong Yi and reached the pacific ocean.

    Qi Guo was a home that Sun Wu grew up.


    to be continued.


    Fu Xi meaning taming of the animal.

    Last edited by SPJ; 07-08-2007 at 06:26 PM.

  2. #2

    Jiang turned the barren land of Qi Guo around by letting business men, fisher men and local tribes have more freedom.

    The country was ruled with fewer rules and built into a well defended kingdom.

    Qi was known to be a militarily strong kingdom for over 1000 years.

    the capital Lin Zhi was the longest lasting city and the most bustling city at the time.

    Sun Wu was born into a family of professional soldiers.


    during 300 years of spring/autumn period, there were over 400 wars.

    it was during this time, all the big thinkers came out.

    Ji Xia was a place outside Qi Guo's west wall. there were many and many scholars meeting and debating in the scholar palace at Ji Xia.

    among them, Confuscious, Lao Zi and Sun Zi were most well known.

    Lun Yu, Dao De Jing and Su Zi Bin Fa became the 3 cornerstones of Chinese culture.

    each book is about 5000 characters long.


    after some heated debates and research. according to chronicle of history or Si Ji. Sun Zi was born in Le An of Qi Guo.

    the birthplace was determined to be in now Hui Ming county. it was Le An in Tang dynasty.

    so a temple of Sun Wu was built there.


    an interview with 100th gen grandson of Sun Zi.


    a visit to Sun village. descendents of Sun Bin (grandson of Sun Wu).

    a protrait of Sun Bin from Ming dynasty.


    the famous horse racing story:

    Qi King had the best horses in his stable. Tian Ji only had second class horses and lost every year in the race.

    Sun Bin adviced that using the third grade horse to race with King's first grade horse and lose the first round.

    using the best grade to race King's 2nd grade. using the second grade horse to race King's 3rd grade horse and won 2 rounds.


    Sun Bin's teacher was Gui Gu Zhi. His writing was for diplomacy using words. observations, pros, cons,-- to win or reach the best compromise or common grounds/interests. His writing influencing Chinese diplomatic thinking throuout history.


    Secretary of state Henry Kissinger also studied Gui Gu Zi writing?

    He visited China and watched Beijing opera Sa Jia Bin. He negociated with Zhou En Lai to end Vietnam war.

    President Nixon visited China and gave a speech to start a new relationship with PRC.


    Sun Wu travelled south to Wu Guo when he was about 20 years old.


    to be continued.
    Last edited by SPJ; 07-08-2007 at 06:30 PM.

  3. #3

    Ping Tang is the popular folk songs in Su Zhou area. The people living along the downstream of the longest river is considered southerner at the time.

    Su Zhou was very backward 3000 years ago. 2 uncles of Zhou Wen Wang came down here and helped locals to learn how to plant and harvest rice. The 2 were hailed as kings, thus started Wu Guo.

    about 2500 years ago, He Lu assasinated his uncle by a sword hidden in a cooked fish and seized power. a Peking opera about the story.

    there were no city walls and no army.

    about this time, Sun Wu came to Wu Guo. It was he that started the system of the army.


    around the midtime of the spring/autumn period. Wu Guo was well developed and comparable to his counterparts in the north. The technology of making bronze sword was well developed. the story about the sword pond on the tiger hill or Hu Qiu Jiang Ci. He Lu was buried underneath the sword pond by his son Fu Cai.

    Sun Wu first lived in Luo Fu mountain area and met Wu Zhi Xu from Zhu Guo. It was via Wu Zhi Xu that Sun Wu was introduced to the king of Wu.

    Sun Wu offered his book of 13 chapters to the King of Wu (i.e. He Lu).

    Sun Zi Bin Fa on a stone tablet.

    the city map of Su Zhou on a stone tablet or Ping Jiang Tu or calm the river map. there was a single river/sewer across the city.--

    Wu Zhi Xu became the minister of Wu Guo. The first thing he did was to build the city of Su Zhou. or He Lu Da Cheng.

    Construction of the city was well planned, there are 8 main roads and 8 rivers. The whole city was like a chessboard. It was designed to defend enemies from land and sea/river.

    during the spring autumn period, only Wu and Yue Guo had the navy or water army first.


    water city wall on Peng Lai, Shang Dong province. It was built during Ming to defend against foreigners.

    Zhu Yuan Zhang (the first emperor of Ming) was the king that loved to build city walls.

    a good example is the high city walls of Nanjing built 600 years ago.

    a city wall in Si Chuan province, it was famed that the Mongolians met their first defeat even a king died in front of the wall.


    In 1978, 124 musical instruments from the spring autumn periods were uncovered. It was a major event in musical world. b/c we may here music from this period.

    Last edited by SPJ; 07-09-2007 at 07:19 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Vancouver, B.C. Canada


    Nice found but it's bloody long (45 mins)? I thought youtube won't allow more than 10 mins at a time. Talk about not all videos are equal.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPJ View Post

    an excellent tv series about the creation of Sun Zi Bin Fa.

    Zhou Yu used small amount of force defeated Cao Cao by tactics and strategy or Mou Lue near Ci Bi about 1700 years ago.


    the first documented war was between the yellow emperor/huang di and the wizard of warfare Ci You over 4000 years ago.

    Ci You used fog/mist. the forces of Huang Di were all lost and defeated.

    with the council of Feng Ho, Huang Di used a special cart for direction, and assembled the troops into 8 groups (using different weapons for ID)--

    it was called the 8 zhen formation. They thus fought without losing directions amid the mist/fog. if this legend was true. this would be the first documented event using tactics and strategy in warfare or fighting with a big number of people/army.

    Some say that Chi You is not a person rather it's the trible war council. They are all specialize in weapon manufacturing. Although most people believe that he or they used nature phenomenon like fog or mist to cover their attacks. I believe they might actually have uses smoke, fire and/or primitive chemical weapon. Huang Di's troops had chariots or carts that were equipemented with magnetic devices that indicate directions.

    Fu Xi invented the idea of Tai Chi Ying Yang and 8 Gua.
    While Fu Xi is credited as the creater of Yi (system of change), he properly didn't created the idea of Taiji (grand ultimate) though. Scholars tend to believe it's Zhuang Zi who used the term Taiji first. The term/concept of Wuji (ultimate void) was first by Lao Zi. The concept of Yinyang and Wu Xing (five elements) possibly predates Bagua (8 trigrams). Some scholars believe that the solid line and broken line symbols actually came to existence between late Zhou to sometime during the warring states period.

    Zhou Wen Wang was tricked and jailed by Shang Zhou Wang.

    during his 7 years of jail time, Zhou Wen Wang wrote the book of change or Yi Jing.
    It is believe that he "attached" text to define the 64 hexagrams and divided them into 2 chapters which are known as the Shang Xia Jing (upper and lower cannons). His son the Duke of Zhou "attached" text to the lines of the hexagrams. Some believe that Wen Wang didn't write the Zhuan (Commentary), which combined together with the articles from Confucius formed the Shi Yi (10 wings). This is what is known as Zhou Yi (the Zhou dynasty system of Change). Nowadays people called Zhou Yi the Yi Jing.

    There are also evidences that there are more than what is commonly publish version of Yi Jing. But it's another long story. So...

    Just some thoughts.

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