I am sick and fukin TIRED of all these god d@mned REMAKES of movies

is there no fuking creativity LEFT in hollywood? Do these dumbfuks have ANY new ideas??? Why on earth would they even WANT to remake the Karate Kid???

Some Hollywood actor with more money than he/she knows what to do with is prolly sitting there thinking "gee uhh you know i think we NEED another "Terms of Endearment" movie. YEAH!! what a great idea, ill remake TERMS OF ENDEARMENT and i will put hot young actors in it and make it even BETTER then the original.

Or HEY because all the black hollywood actors think that Hollywood is more white oriented they will just make a black version of the film.

sorry i am just ****ed right now that the sanctity of an 80's timeless and oscar worthy that it never got movie is now being put in the hands of the fresh prince
