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Thread: Variation in tabatas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Behind you!

    Variation in tabatas

    I was getting my ass kicked over this on another board so I thought I'd do the time honoured thing of coming over here and asking the same question... well, actually one guy had been disagreeing with me and hasn't got back to me yet - but anyway, here goes!

    Tabatas are about working the same muscle/groups. If I do push-up tabatas and vary, say as follows:

    one leg up

    am I varying the exercise too much for them to be achieving what tabatas set out to do, so making this just a 20-10 interval programme, OR is there not enough variation in the muscles used in push-ups so that these are still proper tabatas?!
    its safe to say that I train some martial arts. Im not that good really, but most people really suck, so I feel ok about that - Sunfist

    Sometime blog on training esp in Japan

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Punch View Post
    Tabatas are about working the same muscle/groups.
    Tabatas are all about cardio for me. I don't treat it as a muscle exercise at all, in fact it sort of hinders my exercise the next day. I do my intervals on a rowing ergometer and used to do sprints in the park. Personally I wouldn't do pushups, but I might do burpees. I also have reduced the intensity of the exercise in favour of pace over the last few years. E.g. I used to have the ergo resistance set to 10 out of 10 and I've steadily dropped it until I'm at 3 now. I find the rate is faster, the load is slower, but I still achieve the same output (i.e. "distance rowed" per interval). This works my cardio system more.
    "If trolling is an art then I am your yoda.if spelling counts, go elsewhere.........." - BL

    "I don't do much cardio." - Ironfist

    "Grip training is everything. I say this with CoC in hand." - abobo

  3. #3
    Tabata intervals are energy system work, providing increase in aerobic and anaerobic fitness. The goal is to get up to 90%MHR for 20 seconds x 8-10 intervals with 10 seconds active rest between intervals. Any exercise or set of exercises which can achieve this heart rate goal can be used. A low level of technical difficulty is ideal in exercise selection, as the high heart rate will tend to cause loss of motor skills- hence sn*tches may not be the best choice.

    As energy systems work, tabata interval protocols will retard strength gains if performed in the 24-36 hrs before strength/power work. They are CNS intensive and will interfere with recovery.


  4. #4
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    agree w/ Toby and Andrew

    Tabata is about energy work, not muscle groups.
    Bless you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    HIIT (high intensity interval training) comes in all shapes and sizes and purposes.
    Tabata is just one of them and even it has variations now.

    Here is an interesting links:
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  6. #6
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    Jul 2007
    It has to do with your health and your reason for doing this.

    It works for many, many, things.

    Regards, Sifu Ron

  7. #7
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    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    I thought tabatas are those split-toed shoe thingys the Ninjas wore.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    one of the most effective and time-efficient workouts in the world

    This Japanese Fitness Regimen is the Fastest Way to Get in Shape For Summer

    Esme Benjamin
    Wellness Editor
    Updated: 19 May 2018

    Developed by a Ph.D. doctor from Tokyo’s National Institute of Fitness and Sports, the Tabata regimen is said to be one of the most effective and time-efficient workouts in the world—perfect if you want to get in shape for summer but haven’t set foot in the gym yet.

    Back in 1996, Dr. Izumi Tabata and his team of researchers set out to examine which style of exercise was the most effective—sustained cardio or short sprints of intense physical effort.

    They divided participants, all of whom were athletic males, into two groups. The first completed 60 minutes on a static bike, working at a moderate intensity of roughly 70% VO2 max (the maximum amount of oxygen an individual utilizes during exercise). The second group focused on interval training. They pedaled at their absolute “maximal effort” (170% of VO2 max) for 20 seconds, then took a breather for 10 seconds, and so on—alternating between all-out work and brief recovery for a total of four minutes.

    After a period of six weeks, during which the participants performed their assigned exercises five days per week, the researchers discovered that the intervals group received the same aerobic benefits from just four minutes as the moderate intensity group did in an hour.

    Tabata can be done anywhere | © Geert Pieters / Unsplash

    A later study found that a typical Tabata routine has the potential to burn approximately 13.5 calories per minute and can double an individual’s metabolic rate for half an hour after the workout has been completed, torching even more calories—an effect known as “afterburn.” In terms of efficiency, the Tabata protocol can’t be beaten.

    It’s easy enough to do a Tabata workout at the gym or at home, provided you’re motivated and able to hold yourself accountable. Stick to moves that will really amp up your heart rate, like mountain climbers and burpees, rather than, say, planks or bicep curls.

    The key is to make sure you go as hard as you possibly can during each round of work, until you reach the point of absolute breathlessness. It might be the fastest route to summer readiness, but Tabata is by no means a walk in the park.
    Forgive my naivete but I'm unfamiliar with Tabata. I'm delighted to find y'all know what it is as it's mentioned numerous times on this forum.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #9
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Forgive my naivete but I'm unfamiliar with Tabata. I'm delighted to find y'all know what it is as it's mentioned numerous times on this forum.
    Same old bull which leaves the most important information out..
    Both groups did steady state work the tabata interval group as warm up
    They had to use a bike because of the output needed to meet the required heart rate max otherwise injuries happened
    They cut off the intervals when they fell below a threshold otherwise counterproductive
    They basically had to hold a gun to the students heads to make them hit the required targets
    After 6 weeks the interval group plateaued the other group continued to make gains, and at this mark the differences in the gains wasn't that pronounced

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Burning the most calories

    There's no graphics in this article, but there's a little embedded vid plus a lot of the references are hyperlinked.

    Which Exercise Burns the Most Calories? Here's What Science Says
    By MARKHAM HEID September 12, 2018
    TIME Health

    Your time is precious — and limited. So when it comes to working out, it’s not uncommon to wonder: what exercise burns the most calories?

    Exercise scientists have rigorously studied the amount of energy people expend during different types of exercise, and they’ve determined which workouts are best for burning calories. The thing to keep in mind: the more muscles you engage and the harder (and longer) you push those muscles, the more energy your body will churn through, says Dr. Tim Church, an exercise researcher and a professor of preventative medicine at Pennington Biomedical Research Center at Louisiana State University. So in order to maximize the number of calories you’ll burn, “you want an exercise that uses both lower and upper body muscle groups and is performed at a high intensity,” Church says.

    You might therefore expect something along the lines of CrossFit or Tabata-style interval training to burn the most calories. And you may be right.

    A study on one popular CrossFit workout called the “Cindy” — in which a person does a series of pull-ups, push-ups and squats in as many rounds as possible — found that it burned an average of 13 calories per minute. The workout lasts 20 minutes, so exercisers burned an average of 260 calories in total. While perfect apples-to-apples studies aren’t available, some Tabata research has shown that one of these workouts — composed of 4-minute training blocks that mix maximum-intensity bouts of resistance and aerobic training with short periods of rest — burns 14.5 calories per minute, or 280 calories during a 20-minute workout.

    These per-minute calorie averages beat out many traditional forms of exercise. “But there’s such a variety within these classes and the people doing them that scores are all over the map,” says John Porcari, author of the Tabata study and a professor of exercise and sports science at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse. For example, some people in his Tabata study burned up to 360 calories during the 20-minute workout, or 18 calories per minute.

    Yet “per-minute” calorie burn isn’t always the best way to assess a workout’s energy demands, Porcari says. The total time spent training and a person’s willingness to stick with a workout are also important factors. “You can crank like the dickens for 30 seconds and burn a lot of calories,” he says. So if you’re extremely short on time, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is probably your best option. But in the real world, Porcari says, many people won’t be comfortable (or capable of) engaging in regular or extended bouts of high-intensity training.

    He says a “more fair” way to assess an exercise’s true energy demands is to ask people to do it at a pace that is comfortable for them. And when it comes to vigorous, calorie-burning exercises that people are comfortable doing for extended periods of time, running usually comes out on top. “When you look at the literature, running tends to burn more calories than other modalities,” he says.

    According to an online calorie estimator from the American Council on Exercise, a 115-pound person running for 30 minutes at a slow-to-moderate pace (a 10-minute mile) would burn about 260 calories: the same amount people who did CrossFit typically torched in 20 minutes, according to the research. A 175-pound person would burn nearly 400 calories during that same 30-minute run. Pick up the pace, and you can achieve an even greater rate of calorie burn.

    You may be wondering whether more intense forms of exercise lead to a higher rate of calorie expenditure even after training is finished — or a so-called “afterburn effect.” Research from Colorado State University has shown that, yes, intense exercise does keep a person’s metabolism humming longer than mild exercise. But this afterburn effect tends to peter out quickly — within a few hours — and it accounts for a small fraction of the total calories a person expends during and after exercise.

    Also, a workout’s length — not just its intensity — helps to keep a person’s metabolism elevated after training, finds a review from the University of New Mexico. So if your goal is to burn the maximum amount of energy, you’ll want to find an exercise that is vigorous and that you can stick with for a long stretch of time.

    For a lot of people, that mode is running. For others, it may be fast stationary cycling or Tabata or using an elliptical. The research suggests all are more or less comparable if you’re able to put in the time and keep up the intensity.

    The bottom line? The best workout for burning calories is “the one you actually do,” Church says. You can find extreme forms of exercise that maximize per-minute calorie burn. But if you don’t stick with them or do them regularly, they’re not much good to you.
    Variation in tabatas
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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