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Thread: Busted Martial Artists

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Austin, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by doug maverick View Post
    what kind of **** is that. she deserves to go to jail. i remember when you couldn;t arrest a martial arts instructor for things like that. actually i remember this one case of a guy killing his student by kicking him in the chest. this wasn;t that long ago like 1999-2000 maybe even 2001. and he got off scott free, parents couldn;t even sue him cause they signed a waiver
    I wonder if it was just a freak accident. Like just one kick during sparring or something.

    A waiver is not blanket protection. The instructors still have to take reasonable steps and use their experience and common sense to keep the students from being injured or they can be held liable.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    More on 200 kicks

    Go to the website, there's a nice video article.

    Karate teacher erred, others say
    A Suffolk instructor has been charged with felony child endangerment for allegedly kicking a student 200 times.
    By ALICIA P.Q. WITTMEYER | 247-4535
    November 29, 2007

    When Scott Hayes first started training in karate in 1982, it wasn't unusual for his instructors to strike or land blows on their students.

    "Things were a lot more rough back then," said Hayes, who now runs Scott Hayes Karate in Newport News. "If you were looking at the clock, instead of paying attention to your teacher, you would have been taken down."

    But karate training has changed a lot since those days, Hayes said.

    And what police say a Suffolk instructor did to one of her students — kicking him more than 200 times, causing him to need medical treatment — is not an accepted teaching technique, he and other local karate instructors say.

    "It's not going to toughen them up, it's not going to improve their physical fitness," Hayes said. "Overall, I think it was bad judgment."

    Susan Bateman, 47, turned herself in to Suffolk police last week after the parents of one of her students filed a complaint. She's been charged with felony child endangerment.

    Police say Bateman challenged her students to see how many kicks in the rib and abdomen area they could receive before stopping. Two took over 200 kicks, and one of them, an 11-year-old boy, told his parents a week after the incident had taken place because he needed medical attention and likely has a broken rib, police said.

    Bateman is an instructor at husband Jeff Bateman's School of Karate, which has studios in Hampton and Suffolk.

    Several local instructors knew Jeff Bateman professionally, and said they were surprised and shocked when they heard the police account of what happened. Susan Bateman is listed in the World Karate Union Hall of Fame as 2001 Associate Instructor of the year.

    The Batemans could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

    People training in karate do learn sometimes how to take a blow, said Steve Pohle, who owns Shotokan Karate in Newport News. But, he said, it's a technique taught to people much older than 11.

    "They don't have the muscle mass or the bone density to handle high impacts," Pohle said. "In my system, we definitely do not have contact with kids like that."

    Since news of Bateman's arrest came out, some instructors say they've had to deal with nervous parents who aren't sure what they're getting their kids into by enrolling them in martial arts classes.

    Clint Green, who runs Green's Martial Arts Center in Hampton, said he had one parent who had read about the case online, and wasn't sure about bringing her son back in.

    "We had to tell her, no, no, no, we do not do things that way," Green said. "It'll probably be something that'll come up a few times in the near future."

    Parents interested in enrolling their children in martial arts classes should be sure to watch a few classes, and talk to other parents who have children enrolled in the schools, to make sure they're being taught by reputable teachers, instructors say. And if parents aren't allowed to watch, that's a bad sign.

    Police say they don't know whether parents were watching on the day the kicks occurred at Bateman's studio.

    "If the instructor says they can't see, run," Pohle said. "Run, don't walk."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pittsburgh PA
    opps, i thought it said 'busty teachers', wrong thread
    Bless you

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "Since news of Bateman's arrest came out, some instructors say they've had to deal with nervous parents who aren't sure what they're getting their kids into by enrolling them in martial arts classes.

    Clint Green, who runs Green's Martial Arts Center in Hampton, said he had one parent who had read about the case online, and wasn't sure about bringing her son back in."

    that's interesting's not like back in the day where kids fought toe to toe in the 50's and you had to take up boxing...columbine shootings etc, why would a parent enroll a child in martial arts when you can just bring them to the firing range and enroll them in meditation and compassion classes so they don't abuse their weaponry...

    it's like i been thinking, is there a proper way to condition your knuckles...i mean banging your knuckles on a hard surface is not normal behaviour according to any species, yet we still do it when god gave us guns so we don't have to...

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Chicago, IL
    Karate should be outlawed.

    There I said it.

    It just looks funny. And they get all those people to run around in Japanese underwear rubbing up against one another.

    It is just wrong, I tell you. Wrong.

    Pre-order Kung! Twisted Barbarian Felony from your favorite comic shop!

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    It is not in M/A alone, it's everywhere. Think this is bad, how about the teachers in regular schools ? Goona quit sending the kids to school ? Nope.

    Got to deal with it, educate the children from an early age. hey parents wake up !

    It is embarrashing to me , as a Sifu, to see this happen among any of us. Still don't give in, help more. Be American and get mad . The biggest problem I have seen with M/A is , it is not regulated by anyone one. How about doing a background check when someone opens a school or applys for a liscense.

    Yeah ! I know, but, we have back yard mechanics right.

    Sound on,

    Sifu Ron

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Rocky Point, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by BruceSteveRoy View Post
    seriously. wtf? 11 years old!! i think they should institute an eye for an eye policy on this woman and have a person kick her in the abdomen 200+ times. but it would have to be comparable to a full grown adult kicking a child. i suggest getting a professional soccer player or NFL kicker to do it.
    couldn't be an NFL kicker, we all know that they're the pu$$ies of the sports world.
    Everyone's favorite wooden dummy

    "All over people thinking martial arts is for making sexy body. That one is a wrong. Martial art is for making sexy mind and sexy spirit"- Master Po

    Don't be a victim. Be the dominant turkey.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Another odd one

    What a tragedy.

    Motive Sought in Stabbing At Martial Arts Academy
    Police Say Man Used a Sword to Kill His Wife

    By Katherine Shaver and Yolanda Woodlee
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Monday, December 3, 2007; Page B04

    Prince George's County police yesterday investigated what led a Temple Hills man to allegedly kill his wife with a sword Saturday before attempting suicide in their martial arts studio in Clinton.

    The couple, identified by family and friends as Chris and Eva Smith, operated C&E Martial Arts Academy in the 7400 block of Old Alexandria Ferry Road. Eva Smith, 34, was stabbed at the academy about 2:30 p.m., police and friends said. The couple's 18-month-old daughter was there but was not injured, police said. No customers were there at the time.

    Chris Smith, 40, was in critical condition yesterday at Southern Maryland Hospital Center, Smith's mother, Essie Stone, said. She said she had been told only that he remained unconscious. Police would not say how he attempted suicide.

    Cpl. Arvel Lewis said police were not releasing the couple's names because the husband had not been charged. Lewis said the husband was the only suspect in the woman's death but could not be legally be arrested while he was unconscious.

    Stone said her son and Eva had been married about two years and lived with their child and Eva's 12-year-old son from a previous marriage. Chris Smith also has four teenage children from a previous marriage, Stone said.

    Jacques Chevalier II of Hyattsville said Smith had operated a martial arts academy in Landover and worked at another in Greenbelt. As a multi-level black belt, he was well known in local martial arts circles as "Master Chris," said Chevalier, who said he and his son took lessons from Smith from 1996 to 2003.

    Chevalier said he had not been to C&E academy but that martial arts students often used blunt swords in class. Academies keep sharper swords as decoration, he added.

    "I know he loved his children and his families, and he's trained so many people over the years," Chevalier said of Smith. "It seems way, way out of character for him."

    Stone said she can't believe her son would have stabbed his wife intentionally.

    "He told me he had found the woman of his life, his love," Stone said. "I thought they had a perfect marriage, but you never know with any couple."

    Eva Smith's parents declined an interview.

    The academy was closed yesterday. Someone had left fading pink roses on a white Toyota Forerunner parked out front, and wildflowers had been placed at the front door.

    No one answered at the couple's small brick ranch house in the 2500 block of Easton Street in the Hillcrest Heights neighborhood.

    Two people who worked with Smith at Life Stride Inc., a District company that provides services for the disabled, said they were surprised to hear of the incident.

    Shirley Johnson said she remembered him as jovial and hard-working when they worked together from 1999 until 2003.

    "He didn't strike me to be that type of person," Johnson said. "He joked with everybody. He got along with everyone."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Yet another odd one

    I confess. I'm really getting into this thread. I get all these newsfeeds and they make an interesting barometer when complied in one place over time. I'm also linking one that I gave its own thread today here for archival purposes since it's quite relevant. Counte Dante

    A Bouncer Tells Jurors Assassins Framed Him
    Published: December 4, 2007

    On trial for three killings connected to a strip parlor in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, a bouncer told jurors yesterday that he was being framed by a squad of police assassins acting on orders from a corrupt detective who was out to shake down the bouncer’s private security business while his martial arts students conducted countersurveillance black ops against the Police Department.

    Stephen Sakai, on trial for three murders in Brooklyn.

    He vowed to prove this just as soon as his mother arrived at the courthouse with a secret notebook of evidence.

    Then it turned out his mother was already sitting in the courtroom. She was wearing a floppy brown hat. She did not seem to have a notebook, secret or otherwise.

    “He didn’t recognize the hat,” called out the bouncer’s mother, Carmen Troutman, explaining her son’s oversight and not much else.

    The bouncer, Stephen Sakai, 32, fixed his gaze on the middle distance. If vexed by this turn, he was undeterred.

    The trial will not be Mr. Sakai’s last. He was arrested last year on charges of firing into a crowd of Chelsea nightclub patrons, killing one and injuring three. That case awaits trial.

    In Brooklyn, prosecutors have charged Mr. Sakai with murdering three men associated with the Sweet Cherry, a nightclub where he worked. The victims were a disc jockey, a sometime patron and a security coordinator.

    On the strength of forensic evidence, signed confessions and documents taken from Mr. Sakai’s apartment, prosecutors rested their case yesterday. A defense lawyer, Kleon C. Andreadis, stood and told the judge he had told Mr. Sakai the consequences of opening himself to cross-examination.

    Dressed in a dark suit, his head shaved bald, Mr. Sakai was led to the witness stand.

    In his opening statement last month, Mr. Andreadis admonished the jurors to keep their minds open.

    Mr. Sakai, who was born and raised in Queens as Stephen Sanders before legally changing his name in 1998, spoke in an accent that recalled Mr. Sulu of “Star Trek” and that seemed to come and go as his pace accelerated. He told of studying martial arts overseas and of training one of the victims, Wayne Tyson, 56.

    At Mr. Tyson’s apartment in Brooklyn, he said, they had taken turns pounding buckets of gravel for hours on end to develop calloused knuckles. Those sessions, he said, explained why his blood was later found in the apartment.

    Then his lawyer asked about signed confessions. Mr. Sakai said the detectives had taken his glasses, had obscured the text of the written statements and had threatened his family.

    One of the detectives, Mr. Sakai said, had been following him for weeks before his arrest, seeking work in his private security practice.

    In response to the harassment, Mr. Sakai said, he had sent another victim in the case, Irving Matos, 42, to spy on the police. A third victim, Edwin Mojica, 41, had been a target of extortion by the same officers, Mr. Sakai claimed.

    Anything to add? Mr. Andreadis asked him.

    “These two people died because they supported me in collecting evidence against a dirty cop,” Mr. Sakai said. He told the jury he had taken notes of his meetings with the police, leaving a copy in the open for investigators to find and hiding a second.

    “When they think they have everything,” Mr. Sakai said, “they get ****y.”

    A prosecutor, Timothy G. Gough, regarded Mr. Sakai quizzically. By way of opening, he asked a few questions “just so that we’re all reasonably on the same page here.”

    Asked about his adopted name, Mr. Sakai said he had taken it “as an honor toward my family members.”

    Moving right along, Mr. Gough asked: “You don’t have a passport. How did you go overseas?”

    By private jet, Mr. Sakai said, courtesy of a businessman who trains young fighters. He told of competing in Cambodia and Vietnam, most recently in the five months before his arrest.

    Then Mr. Gough asked about the secret journal.

    “The journal that I have was given to a friend,” Mr. Sakai said, “and it’s on its way here.”

    “Really?” Mr. Gough asked.

    Actually, Mr. Sakai said, his mother was bringing the journal to court.

    “Isn’t she in the courtroom?” Mr. Gough asked.

    Mr. Sakai said she was not. Mr. Gough pointed out Ms. Troutman in the gallery.

    From her position by the center aisle, Ms. Troutman spoke up in a clear, unaccented voice.

    “It’s a new hat,” she said.

    From the witness stand, Mr. Sakai accused his lawyer of taking part in a conspiracy against him. Justice John P. Walsh, who is presiding over the trial in State Supreme Court, called the lawyers out for a private conference. Mr. Sakai gazed off. The jurors stared down at their feet. Several minutes passed.

    Later, Mr. Sakai was asked to explain the martial arts skills listed on his résumé, including ninjitsu.

    Mr. Gough asked whether he meant ninjitsu as in ninja training to become an assassin.

    “Yes and no,” Mr. Sakai said. “Upon the training of the ninja, you have to be more, how can I say, more in tune with yourself. More in tune with yourself.”
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Seattle, WA.
    This is a problem worldwide that has no easy fix. We can screen all we want, but first time offenders will slip by, so thats not a solution. I agree education and awareness are key attributes all people need, let alone children.
    As for killing/castration etc. Tough call. The overwhelming majority of sex offenders had it done to them as children. Technially it is an illness then. Do we want to start killing people with mental issues? Probably not. But this BS of slapping them on the wrist with 3-5 years is insane when we have people doing 20-life for a bag of pot!
    Our priorities in this country are very mixed when it comes to the judicial system. It does seem to be happening more regularily, but it has always happened (let us CMA-ists not forget the Bracy issue's back in the day!). I think there is more media attention, plus we are seeing a surge of "false" claims by girls/parents wanting revenge on certain individuals! Read something the other week that said something like 80% of the reported rape's are bogus! Now I understand that is not just children, but there have been lots of cases similar to this as well.
    So what is the solution? I think we really need to look at the problem, and what I am about to write has not been brought up......

    We are overpopulated on earth. Period. Too many people. Not enough space/resources. This causes angst, mental hysteria, breakdown of society and it's morals! Same thing happens in the animal kingdom, hence why the checks and balances are crucial.
    I used to work for one of the worlds premier Herpetologists, and he told me of a story back in the 50's where at the Philidelphia Zoo they did an experiment where they put 2 mice in a cube (I want to say it was 9 ft cubed but don't hold me to it), and just let them be. Of course they bred like it was going out of style (thats what mice do) and within no time they had a butt load of mice in the cube. For a period they all got along fine. But once the population reached a certain density the scientists observed that the mice started to actually just kill other mice because of the competition for food, sex, etc. How is this different than earth?
    It is time as "superior beings" that humans take a long, cold, hard look at the realities of the situation. We cannot continue to breed like nobody's business! It is crazy up here in Seattle where there is lots of money, women have 3-4 children running all over the place. People are not disciplining there kids. They are not raising them properly, and we are progressivley becoming a more selfish, arrogant society that has no checks on procreation.
    I may be over simplifying things, but I stand firm in my opinion that we need to start checking ourselves when it comes to population. Not only because of the sex offender issues, but alos think of water, food, and health care!

    My 2 cents,
    "Gravity doesn't lie, and the ground never misses."
    Jake Burroughs
    Three Harmonies Chinese Martial Arts Center
    Seattle, WA.

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tampa, FL
    ban guns and bring back the kwan daos...

    Then we could seperate the wheat from the chafe
    Mouth Boxers have not the testicular nor the spinal fortitude to be known.
    Hence they hide rather than be known as adults.

  12. #57
    Join Date
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    Chicago, IL
    Your a Nazi Charlie Brown, er Jake.

    The families around me have several kids each, are devoted to raising good kids and the kids are great little people. Maybe you just live around sh!tty people.

    Pre-order Kung! Twisted Barbarian Felony from your favorite comic shop!

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SIFU RON View Post
    Be American and get mad.
    Thats so quote worthy
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Seattle, WA.
    Easy with the nazi talk brother! Perhaps (don't get me started on the Seattlites ). I make a general statement, but I will be honest....people are not raising their kids like 15-20 years ago when I was a wee one! That is fact. I truly believe that the midwest people are MUCH more laid back and wholesome than other places. People certainly do a better job in the midwest IMO.
    "Gravity doesn't lie, and the ground never misses."
    Jake Burroughs
    Three Harmonies Chinese Martial Arts Center
    Seattle, WA.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    in your mind *****
    We are overpopulated on earth. Period

    Wrong. Just because you say it with the word period in the sentance does not make it ring true.

    Claiming that the world is dangerously overpopulated was false when it was first postulated back in the 19th century and it is still remains a false theory now, despite the fad behind it, a fad btw driven into the mainstream by the Population Bomb, which was published in the 60's and the United Nations Population Fund.

    Too many people. Not enough space/resources. This causes angst, mental hysteria, breakdown of society and it's morals! Same thing happens in the animal kingdom, hence why the checks and balances are crucial

    By checks and balances most people who bring this up either mean eugenics or what is now staged as reproductive rights. Call it what you will but thinking that having too many people in the world is the inevitable cause of our maladies, some of them being starvation and war is just crappy wrapped up Malthusianism, who never understood modern farming methods.
    It is time as "superior beings" that humans take a long, cold, hard look at the realities of the situation. We cannot continue to breed like nobody's business!
    We are superior beings, we need to f@ck our heads off, make more superior beings, and populate the entire unknown universe.

    I may be over simplifying things, but I stand firm in my opinion that we need to start checking ourselves when it comes to population.
    Lets read between the lines, your talking about government coercion, eugenics, forced sterlization, population control, UNFPA Chinese government forced abortion garbage.

    All utter garbage.

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