so this keeps popping up, about bruce lee smoking the ganj. heard from some extremely reliable sources that this was one of the vices he enjoyed the most(heard the other was sex but that source wasnlt to reliable but then again what man doesn't love sex) even read an article on hong kong film legend chan wai man where man says thats the only time he saw lee relax when smoke some weed. also i remember reading quite few books that stated this. i'm posting this because i want to know what people think about using marijuana and practices Martial Arts i have two friends who are really(i mean really) good martial artist one in wing chun and the other holds several black belts in defferent systems. and they boths smoke(well the wing chun guy doesn;t really smoke like that, but the other guy ****) me personally i don't smoke because i don't like to be impaired(thats a lie i get drunk out my ass) or rather i just don't like to smoke period. marijuana is actually the only drug that i think should be legal its less dangerous then cigarettes and just as dangerous as alcohol(both weed and liquor effext the kidneys all so important in CMA and TCMA) anyway what are your thoughts people.

didn;t post this in the wing chun section, because although jkd just looks like wing chun with some other stuff added in i don;t think bruce was a wing chun man per say. so i just put it here because hey lets face it the guy was an actor. and he's apart of world pop culture