225lbs x 6
245 x 6
295 x 4
315 x 3
315 x 3
Front squats
(115lbs x 6) x 5
Some breakfalls, shrimping, leg raises, and walking lunges.
225lbs x 6
245 x 6
295 x 4
315 x 3
315 x 3
Front squats
(115lbs x 6) x 5
Some breakfalls, shrimping, leg raises, and walking lunges.
db bench press
70lb db's x 6
75 x 4
75 x 4
75 x 4
75 x 3
dips to knee raises supersets
20 dips
20 kr's
18 dips
20 kr's
20 dipes
20 kr's
one superset ohp to bent over rows
45lb db's
ohp x 5
row x 5
one front raise then one lateral raise
15lb db's x 5 (each)
x 5
Tricep pressdowns, don't know the weight, 3 sets of 10
cable crossovers, 3 sets of 10
Morning workout (plan on going to grapple tonight)
225 x 5
275 x 5
275 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 5
Pull ups, alternating grip one set grip in, one set grip out. Bodyweight + 25lbs
x 4
x 4
x 3
x 4
x 3
db rows
65lb db's x 5
65 x 5
65 x 5
65 x 5
65 x 5
(25lb db's x 6) x 4
Hammerstrenght barbell rows
90lbs x 6
90 x 6
90 x 6
Superset - 4 pull ups, 10 dips
Will update for grappling tonight....
Panther Grappling
Went over basics again:
Standing up to base
basic scissors sweep
If uke comes to one knee while doing the scissors sweep, put your foot under the knee to lift him up.
If you can't get it, you can push your foot directly into the knee
Pin escapes
I had to leave early and didn't get to roll.
Ab stuff and stretching.
I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I really want to be able to train martial arts more than once a week. I don't know what life will be like this semester, so I don't know what I will be able to do. I want to continue to improve martial arts skills, which I don't feel is happening training one time a week. I'm not as young as I once was, so I should be shifting to being a more technical martial artist. I want to do this in both Judo and BJJ.
Oh, and I feel in the gym I can get back to the intensity it was at before the break. I'm going to add a max effort day this week.
Diet notes: I've been eating a little more poorly lately. Last week this was my focus in the grocery store, and it will continue to be my focus. I want most of the carbs I eat to be low gi carbs (whole wheat, etc), I want to eat more veggies and fruits, and I want to consume less refined sugar. Most of the refined sugar I get is in the coffee I drink, so I'm going to drink more tea (although I love coffee more) and drink lattes and such w/ out sugar.
Last edited by Scott Meneely; 01-19-2008 at 10:39 AM.
Got out to the South Hills Judo Club for the first time in a long time, I really missed the club and everyone there!
Warm up
Moving kazushi
moving uchi komi for koshi guruma
throws for koshi guruma
Combination: Koshi Guruma , uke steps out and around, so we follow up with Uchi Mata
I had a difficult time with the transition to uchi mata. (As always) I need to remember to keep my kazushi on the sleeve hand UP, and I also think my angle was a little weird.
Did a few rounds of kumikata (gripfighting). I think I did alright.
vs. Paul, got thrown a couple times, he told me I did really well
vs. Jeff, no throws either way
vs. Rich, got a kouchi gari
I'm thinking I can get to at least 2 practice sessions a week, at least I hope.
edit: I did manage to stay focused on judo throughout the class and didn't get sidetracked by conversation about other things. It is my goal to try to be as focused on martial arts as I can while training, and not get carried away by chatter. I just thought I'd mention this to track the progress.
Last edited by Scott Meneely; 01-22-2008 at 07:58 AM.
That's always super important.
I find my judo class is hard to get sidetracked as we are rolling or randori pretty much the whole time. During technique it helps if they people you train with are focused and into it like you.
Of course last night things got disrupted by several guys talking about BJ Penn licking blood off his gloves Saturday night!
A unique snowflake
Pitt Grappling
Drilled guard vs guardpasser, pin vs escape, and I got beat up on when rolling.
Also worked an open guard pass.
50lb db ohp 5 sets of 6
3 sets of 20 dips (two of those set were supersets with 20 knee raises directly after)
3 supersets, tricep pushdown to pull up
Short on time, I'll edit this later, I just don't want to forget...
Dynamic stretching
225 x 6
275 x 5
275 x 5
275 x 5
275 x 5
clean to front squat
3 sets of 5 @ 95lbs
overhead squats
3 sets of 5 @ 115lbs
Walking lunges and static stretching
Friday will go to seminar on leglocks from a bjj blackbelt!
Looking good
Bout to start my own new blog monday after a pretty long layoff.
Keep up the hard work!!!
-Jack Dempsey ch1 pg1 Championship FightingWhat would happen if a year-old baby fell from a fourth-floor window onto the head of a burly truck driver, standing on the sidewalk?
It's practically certain that the truckman would be knocked unconscious. He might die of brain concussion or a broken neck.
Even an innocent little baby can become a dangerous missile WHEN ITS BODY-WEIGHT IS SET INTO FAST MOTION.
Thanks, but honestly I don't feel my workouts have been as good as they were towards the end of last semester. Still trying to work a schedule that will work.
I'm thinking (tentative)
Mon --- weights AND/OR south hills judo
Tue --- weights
wed --- no time for anything
Thur --- Pitt grappling AND weights after
Fri --- Pitt grappling (gi night)
Sat --- weights
Sun --- no time for anything
I'm not sure if this schedule is realistic for when my school work load increases, but for these first few weeks perhaps......
135lbs x 10
225 x 8
275 x 6
315 x 5
315 x 5
225 x 6
Pitt Grappling
Ippon Seoi Nage
Morote Seoi Nage
Drilled some escapes and such
Rolled with 2 people, got beat up by one, held my own with the other
Push day
dynamic stretching
75lb db's bench press x 4 x 5
db ohp 55lb db's
x 5
x 5
x 5
x 5
x 3
Dips, bodyweight + 25lbs
x 13
x 15
x 16
Tricep pushdown
3 sets of 10
Static stretching
Last edited by Scott Meneely; 02-05-2008 at 05:06 AM.
South Hills Judo
Moving uchi komi for uchi mata, ouchi gari, koshi guruma
Ouchi gari to osoto gari
Uke steps out of the ouchi, change direction into the osoto
Worked on the stepping for the ouchi, taking the first step low, and then bringing the back foot up forcefully.
Important points for ouchigari: Kazushi uke down, not away. Get low. Head on the inside. Reapingt motion, not hooking (I have the hook habit because I've gotten it to work). Step in enough to have room to drive.
Jeff, threw me twice with great throws, I threw him once, kind of, with an ouchi gari
Julian, got me with a couple nice throws, I got him with one, I think he let me get it. I reversed one of his throws also
Phil, threw me all over the place
Last edited by Scott Meneely; 02-05-2008 at 05:14 AM.
Pull day
(225lbs x 5) x 5
Weighted pull ups, body weight + 25lbs, alternating palms in then palms out
x 3
x 4
x 3
x 3
x 3
db rows
65lb db's x 5
65 x 5
65 x 5
70 x 5
70 x 3
25lb db's x 8
(for these next sets, I sat in the incline chair with the db's behind me)
20lbs x 6
20lbs x 6
bodyweight push ups to pull ups
20 push ups, 5 pull ups
20, 5
20, 5
Static stretching
Edit: I'm excited, south hills judo added an instructor profile section to the website!
Here it is!
Last edited by Scott Meneely; 02-07-2008 at 05:36 AM.
Dynamic stretching
ab stuff
resistance band kazushi
static stretching
i thought this said scott mendelson's training log
where's my beer?