Ok, so here's my problem. I want to a)get bigger/stronger and b)still be able to train kungfu.

The problem with this is the style of exercise at kungfu (very high rep bodyweight exercises) is in complete opposition to what I do when lifting (high intensity, low volume training). So I find that if i train one aspect properly I'm always compromising the other one. ie If I go to the Gym on monday and lift big heavy weights (4-6 rep range) I am much too sore to go to Kungfu the next day and do several sets of high-rep exercises (30-50), or vice versa without wiping myself out for a few days after.

So far I've tried to limit the muscle fatigue/delayed onset muscle soreness by A) using a low volume programme and B) using contrast showers, the latter has been remarkable i must say. However, I'm still not able to train as much as i'd like - ideally twice a week gym, three times a week kungfu.
I've looked into post-workout recovery nutrition to and tried protein shakes etc but that seems to make sod all difference (and the whole "eat within 1 hour or else!!" seems to not have great science behind it anyway), but i'm not sure what else I can do. Obviously I could just Man-up and train through the soreness, but i'm guessing that way leads madness, fatigue and is probably counterproductive to muscle growth.

Any suggestions?