First, my warmup (which is done every day, regardless of coming workout type)

Seisan Stepping, 2 forward steps, 2 back, starting with left leg
As above, starting with right
Seisan Stepping, 5 forward, back, left
As above, with right

Seisan Bunkai
Two-Man Basics - Attacker, Defender

Forward Walking Leg-Swings - Five forward, five back, alternating legs
Side Leg Swings - Five left, right
Glute-Squeezing Reverse Swings - Five each

Small-Circle Arm Rotation - Clockwise, Counter - 10 Swings each
Large-Circle, same as above

Shoulder Shrug with Arms parallel to ground, unbent - 10

Donkey Kicks, both arms supporting, 5 left, 5 right, 15 second hold on last rep
Fire Hydrant - same as above
Donkey Kicks, same as above, 10 reps, 15 second hold every 5 reps
Fire Hydrant - same as above

Upper Body Basics (15 Techniques) - 2 Forward, 2 Back
Lower Body Basics (10 Techniques) - 2 Forward, 2 Back


Chizi kun Bo
Kusanku Sai
Chatan Yara no Sai x 2

Bo/Bo Kumite - 2 Attacker Drills, 2 Defender Drills
Tokumine no Kun x 3


Whole thing takes me about 35 minutes, maintaining good form.



Goblet Squat: 5x5 - 40, 50, 60 [did 8 reps . . . Trivium's "Bullet to the Head of Trepidation" was playing] , 60, 65
Angled GLute-Ham Raise: 5x5 - BW

[triple set]
Chins (Neutral Grip): 10x5
Alternating Overhead Dumbbell Press: 5x5 - 45# each hand, 45, 50, 50, 50
Kneeling Cable Crunch: 5x5 - 160, 170, 180, 170, 170
[/triple set]

{{the above is done as: 1 set, chins, 1 set, press, chins, crunch, chins, press, etc}}

Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 1x8 - 12#, 1x5 - 15, 1x8 - 12, 1x5 - 15



From start of warmup to end of stretching takes me about 93 minutes (next workout, pushing for 91 minutes0.